By Gordon Duff STAFF WRITER/Senior Editor
July 4th, Independence Day to Americans is coming up, our 234th. This is one of a series of patriotic holidays that, though we don’t
admit it, are slowly slipping away, Veterans Day also called
Remembrance Day or Armistice Day and Memorial Day among them. We have
others but they have long since faded into long weekends for government
employees. The story is the same, parades to remember the dead, the
disabled and the veterans, now almost all seen as damaged goods, a
burden on society, same story war after war. Wars have never been what
we say they are. As time goes on we learn that more and more. Even
the cleanest war of all, World War II is falling apart, our propaganda
slowly being exposed and, despite continued endless drumming about the
holocaust, now little more than durable cover for mass murder in Gaza.
The lines between friend and enemy have blurred. Today, many historians believe Germany should have won World War I, backed by the
US. History has made that one easy, no Hiter, no holocaust, no
communism, no Cold War, no Korea, no Vietnam. Helping “the Allies” win
the war cost a billion people decades of brutal slavery leading to, not
just one more war, but every war we have fought since and have yet to
fight. Without Britain and France trying to rule the world, using
America as the surrogate for their bastard policies, none of today’s
problems would exist. Whether we are talking Lord Balfour and the
Rothschilds or the division of India or Africa or the Balkans, we
really screwed up that time.
Three of the only governments the American people can trust, not the American government, as even our own people don’t trust our government,
are Russia, China and Vietnam. How many of the rest were bought by
“banksters?” Certainly the US, Britain, Germany, France, Italy and
Israel, in fact it seems they may be the “banksters.” Can a government
be a government when every tax is meant to help the banksters, every
weapon meant to enrich their “war profiteer” clients, every treaty,
every war, every threat, every new law has to pass the “bankster” seal
of approval.
What if every political race was only one group of thieves trying to crawl closer to the money tree, scrabbling over the others with their
attack ads, all paid for, both sides, by banksters, the same
banksters. The accusations are a joke. Which candidate sexually
molests younger children or steals more than the other? Who carries a
bigger bible or who loves Satan more? The real game is war. There is a
delightful efficiency to war. War is paid for by borrowed money that
is paid for by taxes on the people whose children fight the war. One
corporation over all has profited from America’s ten years of war,
Exxon. Yet Exxon doesn’t pay a single cent of income tax in the United
States on billions and billions of income, money made from oil secured
by thousands of American war dead and fleets of ships protecting their
interests, theirs, not ours.
Look at any of our world conflicts. The CIA claims they haven’t heard from Osama bin Laden for nearly a decade and that Al Qaeda could
fit in a school bus. With the Taliban only fighting the US because
they hate Karzai, they seem flexible about letting the US stay in
Afghanistan, they don’t seem to mind us that much, could there be
something behind the war we aren’t seeing? Could be be in another
Iraq, a war we got suckered into, twice, frankly.
Oh, you didn’t know. It seems that there were some nasty financial dealings between Kuwait, the slave state, and Iraq, that might well
have given Iraq very good reason to invade back in 1990. That story
was buried behind the newspaper lies about babies being taken out of
incubators and poor decent Kuwait citizens being executed in the
streets. Saddam had been Americas best friend for a long time.
Who set the whole thing up, suckered Kuwait into kicking Saddam one time too many, suckered Saddam into invading, suckered America into
going to war where we, frankly, shouldn’t have cared less? The special
country that did that was Israel. If Saddam was around, running
Kuwait, do you know what kind of danger America would be in? We would
have a powerful ally sitting next to Iran instead of a weak and divided
country that Iran manipulates at will, giving them virtual control of
nearly a fifth the world’s oil supply. We got suckered. That’s what
surrogate warfare is all about, we carried the baby and someone else
got to eat it.
Saddam simply couldn’t believe the United States was so stupid. He kept extremists at bay, kept terrorists out of Iraq, produced oil for
the United States and kept it flowing as expected, bought everything we
had to sell and paid his bills on time. Can we believe all the
terrible things he did? Yes, some of them. Inside his own country,
the sheiks with the real power were getting sick of him.
Saddam was sounding more and more like, well, Dick Cheney, a liability even in a dictatorship. In the end, however, whatever bad
Saddam had done, paled in comparison with the damage America did,
bringing in mobster-bankster rule, starting a civil war, loading Iraq
withterrorists, and leaving the country in ruins with well over one
million dead and millions more in poverty.
We destroyed an ally, yes a dictatorship much like the one we are building in America today, destroyed its people, and why? It was money. Follow the money.
With troops arriving in Afghanistan every day and our military and that of Pakistan, fighting a largely unreported war, one nobody knows
about or cares about, it is time we refocused on some hard questions.
Who we are really fighting and, especially, why? Once we began the
farce of the “imbedded journalist” we have little left but professional
storytellers, propagandists and puppets to honor real men fighting a
war. No insult could be greater. Whether these “paycheck chasers” are
willing to sell their souls for “access” or simply close their eyes out
of fear of murder at the hands of the drug gangs that make up the
government of Afghanistan and too many of the foreign forces that
support them or are simply unskilled, clueless and blind, it isn’t
A few voices out there begin to get it, but no one puts it all together, the fact that Afghanistan is little more than an sideshow of
the 62 year old conflict between India and Pakistan, a long running
conflict, hot war and terrorism, that has gone global. With Pakistan
the surrogate of China and India the surrogate of Israel and America
mindless and confused, being pimped by druglords here, oil companies
there, and, of course, our masters in Tel Aviv, how could anyone keep
There would be no reason to draw the United States into Afghanistan, certainly 9/11 had nothing to do with it, there were no terrorists in
Afghanistan at that time, unless something else was going on. What was
going on that needed the US to be pushed into an area so remote that
resupplying troops is almost impossible, an area where running
terrorist operations from is equally insane.
The Taliban had ended narcotics production. Without the drugs, the governments of the Caspian oil and gas nations wouldn’t become the narco-states now destroying Russia.
With Afghanistan, you also get Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan and the golden goose of all time, Kazakhstan, ancestral
homeland of the Khazars. When these nations are added to Georgia,
Azerbejan and Armenia, it begins to make sense.
You now control, not only 40% of the natural gas in the world but much of the planets untapped oil reserves along with many of the worlds
oil pipelines, new and proposed, all making up the future of the
hydrocarbon driven world economy if left on its current destructive
Were one to check the military expenditures of these nations, where their security forces are trained, their technology originates and
their weapons, always unaffordable, building an addiction to foreign
control, come from, it will be no surprise.
If you ever wonder why America is being demanded daily, every newspaper, every television network, nearly 90% of our congress, and
dozens of “think tanks” all demanding war against a country that has
never threated the United States and was proven by the CIA only last
year to have no nuclear weapons program, to invade Iran, simply look at
the map.
With the alliance between Israel and India and the primary war partners being the United States and Paksitan with Afghanistan more a
passive victim, 88% of the population part of an insurrection against
the Karzai Brothers of Kabul and their drug cartels and army of petty
thugs, the situation is schizophrenic at best. Considering the
official enemy, the Taliban, operates entirely on American financing,
we can take it beyond normal schizophrenia.
America is fighting a war with Paksitan providing massive support against the Taliban, fielding even more troops and suffering more
casualties than the US. At the same time, however, the US has allowed
India and Israel to openly operate in Afghanistan, intelligence and
terrorism support activities against, initially Pakistan but arming and
training terrorists who have, on more than a few occasions, attacked
the US as well.
Imagine what it would take for America to allow something like this, what “unbreakable bond” would be required to allow Americans to be
killed, just like with the USS Liberty, by our own allies? This is
some of the danger of surrogate warfare. There are no allies, only
masters who don’t pay the bill but reap the benefits of the chaos they
cause. Thus, China fights India through Pakistan while Israel fights
Pakistan through the United States, the Nation of Karzai and India.
The proven method, the same one that destroyed Iraq and underwrote the
deconstruction of representative government in the United States,
replaced by a thinly veiled police state ruled by a foreign controlled
oligarchy, is also destroying Russia and ready to pounce on Iran.
The art of staging, application of game theory by what author Jeff Gates and, coincidentally, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates call “the
people in between,” the creators of myth, the manipulators of the
bizarre religious fables regarding Jewish supremacy and its role in
global apocalypse, leave any trace of national will, patriotism, or
even self interest secondary to surrogacy and enslavement.
Thus, the great Christian colossus, America, and its global military hegemony becomes a helpless dupe, stuck in war after war making even
the hypocrisy of Vietnam seem like a holy crusade in comparison, each
war more vile, more venal, more cruel than the last. Tens of thousands
of troops, spending years away from home, drugged on anti-psychotics,
almost afraid to return to the United States to suffer at the hands of
our military, courts, the VA, troops who fear ending up in a prison
cell as did so many Vietnam vets.
With no jobs, no assurance of anything for many, even families have disintegrated during the senseless ten year conflict, agreeing to spend
a lifetime in the military is the only chance for survival for most.
What was meant to be a professional army is now a force of highly
trained economic hostages. If the Nation of Karzai is a
narco-dictatorship, and it is, ruling the city of Kabul with an iron
checkbook, a medieval duchy in the midst of a permanent national
uprising, can Americans even be called mercenaries anymore?
Are we any better than the street corner thugs seen in so many of America’s cities, peddling the agricultural produce, the poisons brought in by our Mexican and Afghani-NATO cartels?
What has ten years of surrogate war brought us? Americans don’t want to hear about the war anymore, though the economic collapse it has
brought provides an endless stream of desperate unemployed to fill the
armed forces, that or starve. Every day, fathers, some in their 40′s,
try to leave their tearful familes, offering themselves to fight
permanent war just to guarantee minimal healthcare for their kids and a
poverty level life, an alternative to starvation. Each day, mothers
prepare for deployment, leaving children with friends, relatives and
even strangers.
Our huge success recently? We killed 500 mid level Taliban leaders who, if we simply discarded the Karzai cartel, would have been fighting alongside us instead of against us.
Eventually, it will all end, simple entropy will wear down everyone involved. The government that could have been put in place 20 years
ago or ten years ago, were the United States not led around by the
nose, will take over. We can call it anything we want but Karzai will
be gone. What will the big win be? At best, we can have what we could
have negotiated the day the Soviets pulled out in 1989. However,
America was leaderless then, secretly preparing for the run-up to Gulf
War I, you know, the war before Gulf War II. We were too busy
preparing for Saddam’s surprise invasion of Kuwait.
Long ago, AIPAC proved it could hoodwink backwoods Christians into siding against American interests. Every member of congress that
couldn’t be bought outright could now be threatened with removal.
America as we knew it fell. 9/11 brought us Homeland Security, FISA
and an end to everything our constitution meant to us, setting the
stage for America to morph from free nation to international war
pirate, a giant Somalia with nuclear missiles and aircraft carriers.
This is the nation we see today, preparing for a surrogate war against
Iran or is is Venezuela or Turkey or Pakistan? Why should we care, it
isn’t our country anymore anyway, we just go where we are told.
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