During these dire times, the awakening has washed over the world like a mental mouth wash tsunami, cleansing the mind of all the lies we have submerged ourselves through popular media. Once cleansed, you become angered then panicked. There is an asian adage " Control your emotions or they will control you." The emotion or emotion's will pass. Now you ask yourself, "What can I do?" Well, what you can do is what your doing now. Get informed, be aware, and prepare. Talk to the "Awakened Ones" and stay the course. If other's don't want to listen, don't waste your time. They will come around once the SHTF.
Take care and God speed, stay the course and watch your six.

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Your funny man you forgot one defeatist point though "the militias are all infiltrated" lol

The British army was THE best fighting force on earth at the time and we lost many battles but refined guerrilla warfare tactics today will make it even easier to win v.s. the old stand and shoot our forefathers did.

You know I'll start with my semi auto in the morning of the first day of conflict and by lunch I'll have the best top of the line rock and roll weapon fielded by the enemy. By the end of the week i'll have their M2 50cals and H&K 40mm autos and a bunch of slightly used body armor with maybe a hole or two missing.

Ask your self why there hasn't been another Ruby Ridge or Waco? You know why because the militia sent a letter to all FBI field offices stating the response to what another event they create will be. "There will be no more Waco's" that is the pledge they all took at the time.

"overthrowing the US government" No ones talking of doing that at all except guys like you who don't have your ear to the ground. Heres militia radio in the morning its live now ... they exist and are everywhere. http://www.themicroeffect.com/

If I where to go by your thinking I would have to throw in the towel and join the ADL.
Interesting. I added the web site to my FastDial and will listen ardently.

If there's a civil war I'll come over with Ann and we'll cook while you shoot.

Don't join the ADL. They're prejudiced. You won't like it.

LOL thats fine man as long as you do something thats all thats asked of anyone.

Jeff said:
Interesting. I added the web site to my FastDial and will listen ardently.

If there's a civil war I'll come over with Ann and we'll cook while you shoot.

Don't join the ADL. They're prejudiced. You won't like it.

I read Bob Chapman too. I have his Intelligence Forecaster in my RSS feed so I get every one of his posts as they appear. The one thing I do like about his posts is that he presents a highly detailed analysis of the economic picture using a wide variety of current statistics. He discusses Inflows, Emerging Markets, Dividend Paying Stocks, CPI, GDP, Housing, Unemployment and whole myriad of statistics to support his conclusions. His weekly posts are complicated to decipher but I find they present a very accurate synopsis of the US and global economic picture.

Now, the word "collapse" means many different things to many people. I will agree that a collapse will occur but at the same time my definition of collapse may be quite different from that of others.

What does a collapse mean to me? Well, although I don't expect it for several years it means an extended period of unusual inflation in a stagnant economy which has recently been defined as stagflation. High unemployment, reduced output and high inflation will cause the dollar to tank.

What will that look like? Will it change anything on the ground in middle America. I doubt it. There MIGHT be an issuance of a new dollar, there may not be. Will there be any changes in the way we live? No. Will there be dissent, civil disobedience, riots in the streets? Not likely. Life will go on as it always has.
There already have been very drastic changes to the way millions live due to loss of jobs and homes, and the stupidity of playing with credit cards. Jobs are not coming back on shore. Obama promised the cart before the horse - credit but no jobs - how long does it take to figure out that we are in deep doowah!!! Things HAVE AND WILL continue to change drastically and dramatically but not the way most mindless people voted for with B.O.! They didn't pay attention. They wanted something for nothing - FREE - there's no free lunch.

One of the most timely old -1998 - movies I recently watched is "The Postman"!

It's 2013 after the collapse of America. Psychotic, narcisistic, tyrannical murderers and marauders taking over. And then those who are trying to live safely, behind fortified gates and walls, but live in fear at the hands of the vicious, tyranical murderer....until.... well you'll just have to see for yourselves!! Very timely as they try to restore sanity to America. But it did not come without bloodshed and most people today are too lazy and spoiled (spelled "no backbone")_ to get out of their comfort zone and off the couch and let go of their beer!!!

We are in for some very bad times...real soon. We have no idea how bad things will soon get and very quickly. We ain't seen nothin' yet. The bible tells it all. And we won't and can't be prepared enough for what is coming. Prayer works and despite all the preps, prayer and faith is really all we've got.
Just on the horizon! U.S. soon to be a third world nation if China, Saudi Arabia, Russia and others have their say. They are our creditors - keeping us afloat However, not for long as we have screwed them over and betrayed them.

Jeff said:
I read Bob Chapman too. I have his Intelligence Forecaster in my RSS feed so I get every one of his posts as they appear. The one thing I do like about his posts is that he presents a highly detailed analysis of the economic picture using a wide variety of current statistics. He discusses Inflows, Emerging Markets, Dividend Paying Stocks, CPI, GDP, Housing, Unemployment and whole myriad of statistics to support his conclusions. His weekly posts are complicated to decipher but I find they present a very accurate synopsis of the US and global economic picture.

Now, the word "collapse" means many different things to many people. I will agree that a collapse will occur but at the same time my definition of collapse may be quite different from that of others.

What does a collapse mean to me? Well, although I don't expect it for several years it means an extended period of unusual inflation in a stagnant economy which has recently been defined as stagflation. High unemployment, reduced output and high inflation will cause the dollar to tank.

What will that look like? Will it change anything on the ground in middle America. I doubt it. There MIGHT be an issuance of a new dollar, there may not be. Will there be any changes in the way we live? No. Will there be dissent, civil disobedience, riots in the streets? Not likely. Life will go on as it always has.
"The bible tells it all."

The bible is the last book I'd use to predict the future. It's fairy tales.

Nothing will change dramatically, any more than it already has. The dollar is the only available reserve currency. It will remain as the reserve currency. It may devalue but it will remain the global reserve currency.

The NWO likes scared people. Scared people don't think clearly and they justify everything with prayer. The NWO likes that because they use religion to divide the masses.
End Of Timers are the most dangerous people on the planet.

"So if i understand you correctly, patriots are dumb hillybilly's or something?"

Where did I use the word patriots? I didn't. I also didn't use the word hillbilly. I post as much anti-NWO material on this site as anyone else.

My posts are based on politics, social issues and economics. NEVER do I bring up religion but when someone else does, and the discussion is then based on opinion and speculation, my opinions and speculations are as valuable as your own. Religion and Patriotism are two separate and distinct discussions and neither has anything at all to do with the other. I can be as patriotic as you and religion doesn't have to play a part in my patriotism. Religion is opinion and speculation. Politics, social issues and economics are based on facts.

Those of you that bring religion into the fold have played into the hands of the NWO because they are using religion to divide us, and it works, as your comments prove.

"biblical prophecy doesn't cease because one doesn't believe."

Biblical prophecy is a fantasy. Those of you that believe in biblical prophecy are doomed to live within that paradigm and it hurts the rest of us that live within reality. There's no place for religion in this fight and until you realize that we'll remain divided. You, you who spout religion are no more patriotic than Americans that don't believe in religion. Your religion is no more valid than Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Tao or the Catholic faith. Religion is opinion. The NWO is fact.

Patriot Horse said:
Dandy- we prepare as much as we can. We inform our friends, loved ones to the best of our ability. Gathering local patriots in your area:(families, men meeting and brainstorming for times of emergency) is good and what we're doing. There is no panic because I also agree with diggin'up the dessert.... biblical prophecy doesn't cease because one doesn't believe. At the end of time, we will see who is left standing.
Hi Jeff, I respect your views and postings at this site. You have a unique ability to stay on topic without letting standard divisions getting in the way. This position on discussion is the best way to acheive solidarity. Cudos' my friend.
I have no doubt that during these dire times, the awakening is swarming. The greatest fear the NWO has is that the gathering has begun. Seems like we are winning an info war battle. This is when it becomes the most dangerous due to complacency. We should keep pressing the bombay doors open of the B-52 bomber flying over uninformed masses, carpet bombing information, payload after payload. Remember, no matter where you are from, what color you are, or what religious preference, we are all here towards one goal, "Our freedom, our rights, and the pursuit of happiness."
All ways keep in check that we have been divided and controlled via race, religion, and sexual indoctrination. It must be our human condition of duality. It's either one extreme or the other. Let's all be different and meet in the middle. From what i can see, they don't want us in the middle. Stay the course, God speed, and watch you're six.
Meeting in the middle is fine.

Here's my middle.

Americans will not be rounded up and imprisoned in FEMA camps.
Martial Law will not be declared.
The poor will get much poorer.
The rich will get much richer.
Life goes on.

The American people are asleep at the wheel and to believe that masses of Americans would support a revolution of ANY kind is just foolishness. No shit is going to hit any fans, at least not for the next 50 years or more and by then it'll be too late, the NWO will be well entrenched. They win, we lose. You can't fight political machines, armies and corporate grifters with wishes and hope, nor prayer.
The American people are asleep at the wheel and to believe that masses of Americans would support a revolution of ANY kind is just foolishness. No shit is going to hit any fans, at least not for the next 50 years or more and by then it'll be too late, the NWO will be well entrenched. They win, we lose. You can't fight political machines, armies and corporate grifters with wishes and hope, nor prayer.

Clam said:
enjoy your slumber m8

Jeff said:
Meeting in the middle is fine.

Here's my middle.

Americans will not be rounded up and imprisoned in FEMA camps.
Martial Law will not be declared.
The poor will get much poorer.
The rich will get much richer.
Life goes on.

The American people are asleep at the wheel and to believe that masses of Americans would support a revolution of ANY kind is just foolishness. No shit is going to hit any fans, at least not for the next 50 years or more and by then it'll be too late, the NWO will be well entrenched. They win, we lose. You can't fight political machines, armies and corporate grifters with wishes and hope, nor prayer.


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