This is Suspect AF!The Police Chief John Pelletier Got a 23% + Pay Raise After 6 Weeks of Employment — Weeks later, his Personal Secretary, Terry Jones Dies JOHN PELLITEIRS PAY RAISE: Pelletier was offered the Police Chief job over four other Qualified Lahaina residents & was paid $158,851 salary. John started his job on December 15, 2021. After six weeks on the job, he told the The Maui County Police Commission that he wanted a raise. The Police Commission not only granted his request of $195,000, but above & beyond by approving a $205,800 salary. Which equates to a $46,949 pay raise!Reportedly, there was a great deal of tension in the department around this time & the Lahaina community because they felt like John Pelletier didn’t deserve it or prove himself to earn such a pay raise. Why was the MPD so adamant on hiring an outsider over four qualified internal Lahaina residents? Why did the Police Commission unanimously grant his request & pay him more? TERRY JONES DEATH Weeks after all of this, Terry Jones, longtime MPD employee (32 years), died….. chasing a “purse snatcher” and crashed into a tree. Terry was the first person John Pelletier hired and she worked as his private secretary. Is this somehow connected? For clarity, they said they caught the “purse snatcher” Robert Nelson.…They said he confessed to his involvement with breaking into Terry Jones' vehicle and the theft of her purse. “He provided investigators with verifiable details of the break-in” How very convenient, if you ask me… How often does a criminal of petty offenses confess to things that would land him in prison much longer? Is it just me, or does death seem to follow John Pelletier? John Pelletier Raise Video…Terry Jones Video…
DW Description: Chris Langan is known to have the highest IQ in the world, somewhere between 195 and 210. To give you an idea of what this means, the average...