I got booted from Huffington Post, but not before I let the forum Nazis know...

This was an email I sent to the stasi Nazi mods on Huffy Po before they booted me...
Please tell me why this comment was removed:
In other news, Obama wipes fake tears for mass murder victims but not for the 200 children he killed with drone strikes in Pakistan.

Department of Education policy is:
Lock down the school
Lock the little ones in the classroom
Curl up into a ball
Get executed

Meanwhile police hide behind their cars outside. Brilliant isn't it?

How about basic military 101. Escape and evade the threat. How about, step one, identify the threat. Step two, identify means of escaping hostile area. Step three, develop plan to escape hostile area as surreptitiously as possible, bringing with you as many CHILDREN as you can possibly save. Step four, evade threat, and escape school grounds. Step five, post shooting, arm the teachers or get guards like Obama's children have. And every other filthy rich scumbag that has kids protected in private schools that want to disarm you.

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HP denies around 99% of my comments.

In fact the only comment HP ever approved was one about how everyone should blow Obama because he's got such a gorgeous cock.

I tried to really push it without getting booted or censored. I would say, they prob deleted about 1/5 of what I posted.

  Despair not. Huffington Post, like the name sounds, was created to satisfy the stunted sensibilities and defective logic of the most effete of the effetes. I mean, look. Buffy writes in some less than witty misquote with little correct syntax or information and Huffington Post, to avoid being shunned at the next Vanderbilt tea, goes OH MY GOD!!! and says "13,758 followers". They recently hired an authentic, reasonable news editor to avoid the indisputable fact that as a thinker's reference, only the sound of crickets can be heard at Huffington Post. They will probably have a flaming back yard sacrifice, robes and all, for this recent news editor once they get a readership level over 20. Shitcan your CFRtv in all its shapes and forms. 12160 has Jeff Prager and his 911 reports, FOR OPENERS. You should not be in that Huffyton neighborhood without a net.

Lol. Is it mentally ill that I really can't wait to go back?

2 thumbs up.

Some people just don't want to hear.

Yep. They're called narcissistic libby brats.

Spank you very much

I don't know how them city folk do there thang, but here in the stick its pretty simple. Dodge the bullets long enough to wield your weapon then eliminate the threat. I guess if they don't have weapons, its evade, run, cry, evade more, run more, cry more.. but the world isn't flat so you can't run for ever.. stupid city people.

In the city, we defend ourselves with scissors, thank-you very much...


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