Introducing microbes in our local drinking water that increase "Natural" environment to lower immune system and dna cells to enter and cause disease and extreem flu seasons!

2011 Will be the year that the sellected upper class involving the most educated Doctors, Lawyers, Professors, and certain levels of the law, thin out the entire lower class population. Introducing microbes in our local drinking water that increase "Natural" environment to lower immune system and dna cells to enter and cause disease and extreem flu seasons! People have already begun to die and i know exactly who and why! Nobody knows what im talking about around here tho, they dont understand the Redox of environment and then i go into the microbiology end of it and then im a nut case!!!! I seen it with my very own eyes, organisms that live in all environments in my microcultures. Im the only one in the state that keeps microcultures, of course im a nut! This is the only stage a person can see it for themself, I watch these dominate and take over new cell structure. I wish there was a way to do something, its almost like saving the world but come on, Now "thats Just Crazy"! So flipping crazy, media calls it a flu, so it "Must" be a flu.  Just so you all know, 2011 is "Not" the year to drink any water! They withstand chlorine and extreme temps. I need to figure out a way to change dna structure with organism who is more sensitive to environment and kill these demons myself!

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Good point! Just got all of it on Paper here, will be a bit slow tho cuz it's from my cell and not sur when be at computer but trust mw I will!! 
Here is the college they are affiliated with, bit this don't fit the Picture till later so don't try to figure out till other links;)
Good point! Just got all of it on Paper here, will be a bit slow tho cuz it's from my cell and not sur when be at computer but trust mw I will!! 
Here is the college they are affiliated with, bit this don't fit the Picture till later so don't try to figure out till other links

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i separated your links, just for convenience's sake--and, for simplicity's sake, i will answer you question by quoting the "core values" portion of 12160 aims & rules:


"The core values and principles which guide this site in achieving its purpose and performing its functions are the promotion of discussion and open communication; promotion of teamwork and appreciation for diversity; developing skills and communication lines to strengthen us."


you might, also, be surprised at how some of us perceive most, if not all, higher learning here--subversion of our (in the U. S. of A.) Organic Intent Self-Governance could *not* have occurred without some vector of proliferating the twisted, heinous, and Traitorous control and brainwashing of the People...lies, deceptions, trickery, and manipulations--these are the tools employed, and the methods by which false knowledge and beliefs are perpetrated...


besides--i am *from* Texas, and know all too well how deeply involved this Republic-cum-STATE has been since Lincoln's dictatorship (supported, then ruled by the Central Bankers) of the 1860s, and the final, full INCORPORATION of the United States of America as the UNITED STATES, with the emplacement of the 14th Amendment as the peg that took all of us from Sovereign Individuals with Rights and Responsibilities to FEDERAL citizens with priviledges and obligations...and that is another, ongoing story--one which is, however, tightly intertwined with the experience your in the midst of, *now*, in your unfortunate mis-adventure...


keep up the great work, Lady--you are appreciated.   : )






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