How are you doing with all of this impeachment/deep state/coup garbage going on? 


I want to make sure you don’t get discouraged because there are so many people fighting so hard against the left’s attempts to impeach President Trump and make it impossible for him to do his job. For example:

  • House Republicans are unanimous in their opposition to Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff’s Stalinist show-trials, and are on fire, getting the truth out every day in any way they can.
  • 50 out of 53 GOP Senators co-sponsored Sen. Graham’s resolution opposing the House.
  • We launched the Trump Defense Team, and have dozens allied groups on board.
  • We filed official ethics complaints against Adam Schiff and now against Nancy Pelosi as well.

But, the Trump Defense Team could do even more and be even more effective with your help. You can help us recruit more members, provide more resources to sup...


As the saying goes, anything worth having is worth fighting for, and America is worth the fight!  So, don’t give up, don’t give in, and if you haven’t yet, join the Trump Defense Team today at:


For liberty and justice,


Jenny Beth Martin


PS: Be sure to tune in to Fox & Friends tomorrow morning, Sunday, November 3rd, to catch me discussing our ethics complaint against Nancy Pelosi. Watch our Twitter account (@TPPatriots) for an update with the exact time I will be on!" alt="Image" title="Image" style="text-decoration: none; border: 0; height: auto; width: 100%; max-width: 180px; display: block;" class="CToWUd" width="180" border="0" align="middle"/>

Tea Party Patriots Action operates as a social welfare organization under section 501(c)(4) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions to Tea Party Patriots Action are not deductible as charitable contributions for income tax purposes.

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Tif Dame you go way back Girl! Yup they kicked me out of the group long long ago for accusing one there head honchos of being a nwo RINO....I never fully trusted them.

but I agree on some important issues....Your right they got bent out of shape on many occasions when I got confrontational, I hated there group. I still get the news letter, right now they are backing Trump, that's a good thing, so we should support that, but I will toss them under the bus and have lol

Keep your enemy's close

I did not post this to raise funds for Tea Party Patriots, I just want people to know they filed official ethics complaints against Adam Schiff and now against Nancy Pelosi as well.

Plus that last link on the bottom of the page has some good info that can be used.

Tea Party Patriots is a lot like Fox News, they can't be fully trusted do not give them money.

Bullshit! Tea Party?!! 

I was a progenitor of the Tea Party! It is now just part of the 'One Party! Yeah, say I am not a patriot!


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