http:// Video is from April 15th, 2011. Our problems here are nothing compared to what is happening there- Yes we have problems but how fast would they disappear if rhis happens to us.? or would we still have them? Is the NWO really behind all of this or are we kidding ourselves. The BIBLE says that GOD will provide for HIS own- There is one thing GOD cannot do and that is lie -if HE did HE wouldnt be GOD. So i have to look at it this way- TRUST is a big word. I really wonder if JAPAN will go by the wayside and totally sink out of site- I do know that the fault lines run North and South on this continent - There is one that runs up the center on t he East side of Kansas and almost tuches Lake Michigan and 1 runs on the South side of the St Lawrence River in Canada. and the we have the others we all know. The best place to be is in the center -Like in the Plains of Sask. and Alberta and Manitoba and down into the States -So i really wonder what will happen. We have to be ready- Have a bicycle and if you carry your laptop load iy with survival tips and carry a small solar kit and small inverter for a car battery - have a kit ready and go-Do-not stand and watch the show. If your supposed to go back home you will know- Bikes will get you to where you need to go- Cars wont- Remember -SIMPLICITY---is the main word here- and TRUST -----GOD------Blessings Ed
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