by Brandon Smith
Media, from film, to television, to newsprint, has from its inception been used as a tool for manipulating public opinion and influencing mass psychology; this we are all aware of. However, every once in a while, an honest writer, an honest filmmaker, an uncontrolled media company, slips through the establishment filter and makes something quite spectacular: a story that tells the truth. This is, frankly, something we should expect. Something we should be used to seeing. Unfortunately, with only a few major global conglomerates dominating the content of nearly every TV station and film distributor in this country, a truthful film or weekly show seeing the light of day is akin to a small miracle.
The fog of lies seeping from the corrosive tar pits of Washington D.C. is getting thicker by the day, our social environment has become a vortex of confusing mismatched messages and conflicting data, and getting a straight answer from any mainstream outlet has become a fools errand. For those of us who are awake and aware, it seems as though our senses are under attack every minute of everyday. We are overwhelmed with illusions, delusions, mirages, and unsupported opinions masquerading as cold hard fact.
Sometimes, we need media that inspires us and teaches us, rather than attacking us with amoralist rhetoric and rewriting our history in real time. Sometimes, we need to know we are not alone in our daily fight against disinformation. We need to know that there are, and always have been, others out there who see the truths that we see. Sometimes, we just need a break from the propaganda machine.
In the hopes of providing for you as many moments of rest as possible, I have listed below some of the films and other media which have, at the very least, messages that support the vestiges of liberty and free thought. Some people may disagree with certain choices, and certainly, not all of the films below are examples of “artistic auteurism”, but at least they don’t spew up the bile of globalism and collectivism all over your living room when you watch them, which is always a nice change of pace. Onward with the show…
"Destroying the New World Order"
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