Magpul Industries starts"Boulder Airlift" Campaign to help Colorado Citizens Get Shotguns

Magpul Launches New Ad Campaign to Protest Colorado Gun Control Bills


Gun magazine manufacturer launches

March 4, 2013
by Jen Raiffie


An advertisement from Erie-based Magpul Industries posted on the company’s Facebook page promotes its “Boulder Airlift” campaign to sell high-capacity ammunition magazines to Colorado residents in advance of a potential ban.

Magpul Industries recently unveiled a new ad campaign in light of some state legislators’ attack on the Second Amendment in Colorado.  Dubbed the “Boulder Airlift” after the Berlin Airlift of the late 1940′s, the ad targets Colorado lawmakers just as the original ad targeted the Soviets during the Cold War.

According to the ad:

“Now, with the ability of Coloradans to purchase new standard capacity magazines in jeopardy, Magpul Industries is working to supply as many as possible to the good people of Colorado! Similar to the Berlin Airlift, the Boulder Airlift will bring much-needed supplies to freedom-loving residents trapped inside occupied territory.”

The brilliant ad takes a nostalgic look back in history to the Berlin Airlift. During the beginning of the Cold War, the Soviet Union blocked access to Berlin. The Western Allies responded with over 275,000 flights in fifteen months in which they dropped over 2.2 million tons of supplies to West Berlin.

On its Facebook page, Magpul explains that the campaign is in response to proposed limits on magazine size in Colorado:

“Magpul Industries Corp. Magpul is proud to announce the “Boulder Airlift”, our program to make sure that responsible Colorado citizens have the opportunity to own standard capacity PMAGs prior to the potential implementation of pending legislation that would infringe on their Second Amendment Rights. The program will be open to all responsible CO residents, (with both billing and shipping addresses inside CO) and provide access to a limited quantity of PMAGs.”

Magpul Industries  started in an ex-Marine’s basement in 1999, manufactures these “high-capacity” magazines and employs some 200 people directly and supports about 400 jobs through subcontractors. The company is expected to contribute nearly $85 million to Colorado’s economy this year per according to the Denver Post. Magpul has threatened to leave Colorado if the state legislature passes a law that would make it illegal for individuals in the state to own magazines that hold more than 15 rounds of ammunition.

Rep. Claire Levy (D-Boulder) voted in favor of HB13-1224 which prohibits the large-capacity ammunition magazines produced by Magpul. She said she has seen some of the “Boulder Airlift” ads and is confused about exactly what message Magpul is trying to send with the campaign. Magpul’s message that such measures erode freedom  is obvious, and clearly Representative Levy and her colleagues need more than one lesson in history if they don’t get it. To them I offer Commanding Heights, a free online documentary that revisits the annals of history across the world and explores the battle between government and  the marketplace.

Those interested in buying Magpul’s magazines through the program are asked to register at the company’s online store at and create an account. The customer’s billing and shipping address must be in Colorado.

Magpul has also promised to create similar programs for other states considering similar legislation.

The gun debate in Colorado continued Monday at 10:30 a.m. in two separate Colorado Senate hearings where the four gun control bills that just passed the House and three new gun control bills were heard.

Categories: Politics, Regulation
Tags: Berlin Airlift, Boulder Airlift, Capitalism, Colorado, Commanding Heights, high capacity magazines, Magpul Industries, Rep. Claire Levy, Second Amendment, standard capacity magazines

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