MARTIAL LAW DRILL PANAMAX Pandemic Outbreak Exercise - US and 20 countries participating

PANAMAX 2009 Tests Pandemic Outbreak in Exercise
Story Number: NNS090918-14
Release Date: 9/18/2009 2:40:00 PM

By Mass Communication Specialist David P. Coleman, FA PANAMAX 2009 Public Affairs

PANAMA CITY, Panama (NNS) -- Representatives from 10 U.S. government agencies are holding a two-day table-top exercise in cooperation with the government of Panama to assist in responding to any future influenza pandemic Sept. 16.

The agency representatives are in Panama in conjunction with Fuerzas Aliadas PANAMAX 2009, a 12-day military security training exercise involving 20 countries.

The representatives discussed how the United States and the Panamanian government can manage an influenza outbreak by utilizing their agencies' assets to combat a pandemic.

"Our goal is to work as close as possible with the Panamanians in case there is a real threat, such as a pandemic influenza," said U.S. Navy Capt. Miguel A. Cubano, a medical doctor and command surgeon for the U.S. Southern Command. "We want to help them set up a plan so a pandemic outbreak does not have a great impact on their economy, stop people from going to work and school and stop the operations of the Panama Canal."

The agencies present included the Department of State, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Agriculture, Department of Commerce, Federal Aviation Administration, U.S. Agency for International Development, Department of Health and Human Services, U.S. Army, U.S. Coast Guard and U.S. Navy.

Since the severity of flu outbreaks is difficult to predict, the U.S. agencies are sharing tools and information to help Panama combat any level of influenza outbreak.

Influenza usually starts suddenly, with symptoms that include fever, headache, tiredness, coughing, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, diarrhea and vomiting. Many different illnesses, including the common cold, can have similar symptoms, so diagnosis and communication are key to anticipating an unusually severe flu outbreak.

The U.S. Navy is working with the Panamanian government and other U.S. agencies to build a preventive plan to fight all diseases, not just the flu.

According to U.S. Coast Guard Cmdr. Joselito S. Ignacio, head of the Coast Guard's Environment Health Division, Navy and Coast Guard vessels could play an important role in combating future epidemics.

"The Coast Guard will work diligently to provide maritime support in our role to help the people of Panama defeat a pandemic outbreak," Ignacio said.

The pandemic exercise is not directly part of the FA PANAMAX 2009 maritime exercise, but is occurring concurrently.

FA PANAMAX 2009 is one of the largest multinational training exercises in the world, and is taking place in the waters off the coasts of Panama from Sept. 11-22 with the participation of civil and military forces.

More than 20 vessels and a dozen aircraft are involved in the exercises. Participants are focusing on a variety of responses to any request from the Government of Panama to protect and guarantee safe passage of traffic through the Panama Canal, ensure its neutrality, and respect national sovereignty. Simulated ground forces are also participating at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, Texas.

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If they plan hard enough for a Pandemic they are bound to create one.
The Revolution will start at my front door....and I don't even care if I am abandoned like William Cooper ( WHERE is the Militia UNTIL now on that one? ). Bring it children....lot of birds JUST ITCHING to feed on military and globalist luciferian leaders and all their bobbleheads!

SpankyMarine....looks like you won't have much time to chat and instigate in your future. You and the NSA boys will be delivering yourselves like pizza to a glutton just now.
Well if R.Paul has the Guts to take on the fed Maybe it is time for us to either become one voice SHOUTING and if that does not work,... well, I perceive a war on two fronts is in the near future... East to West ??? Hmmmmmm Maybe we will win this one HeeHee..
But then that is why the propaganda Re H1N1 is it not to control the Herd oppps I mean Sheep...opppps darn it People..Yes to us we are still part of the human them i am not sure what they think OK Enough fun

Was it not noted by our founding patriots 'We either hang together,... or we will surly hang seperately'...As another noted Too many times we the sheeple have stood by silently while the Elites do as they please after they Villinize who-ever they care to Person or Nation...

In any case, get ready if at all possible, but alone against a standing army, I am reminded of R.Ridge...Waco....LDS in TX, and so much more as I am sure you do..Kent State still rings in my ears...
Every year in America, regular Flu, kills about 30,000, mostly the old and infirm or the young and weak. Beware of media scare tactics, they might report a thousand deaths, claiming that was high. In reality that would be a very mild Flu epidemic. Big Pharma are itching to profit by these scare tactics. Remember they contribute huge amounts to the media coffers, in advertising revenue. The media will be sympathetic to their bogus cause!
I am prepared on Two Domestic Fronts:

#1: I am resolved to carry a pencil at all times I believe I may encounter a doctor or doctors helper holding a syringe, purposed for me or for another near me. I am resolved to forcibly insert this pencil deeply into the eye socket of the syringe holding offender.

#2: I am resolved that when or if I encounter a federal agent of any stripe or design at my front door, if they demand to see my guns, I will show them flying bullets instead. I may not be able to kill them all, but I can kill at least one of them, and with and by God's Help, I will and I shall.

Be it Resolved that each other Patriot will in like manner, stand together with me.

The media may report you or I as "one lone gunman who went beserk today," but trust me, If I hear of it, I will laugh triumphantly, as I will know, I will understand, that a fellow Patriot stod with me, as I remain ready to do likewsie.

This is how we stand together.

If not now, when?

If not now, how later?

This is it, this is the tripwire, that no Tyrant or his ill fated stooges dares to cross, and survive.

From coast to coast and border to border .... SEND THEM OFF TO HELLFIRE, BOYS AND GIRLS!


Love, & Peace Out, Ken -- The ONE!

There's no hiding from the maniacs.
They're out to kill us.


"Destroying the New World Order"



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