The Nuclear
NUCLEARBIBLE.COM: On February 1, 2011, Julian Assange of Wikileaks revealed to the world via leaked classified diplomatic documents that Al-Qaida was on the brink of using a nuclear bomb and that the West was on the verge of a "Nuclear 9/11".
What the diplomatic documents failed to mention was actual target, date and location of the upcoming nuclear terror attack. Published 4 days prior on January 28, 2011, David Chase Taylor’s free eBook, entitled The Nuclear Bible, specifically named Super Bowl XLV on February 6, 2011, in Dallas, Texas, as the target, date and location of the impending nuclear terror attack.
After publishing The Nuclear Bible, Taylor conducted multiple radio interviews and phoned numerous intelligence and law enforcement agencies throughout America to personally ensure that no acts of terror were conducted on his fellow American citizens. Overwhelming direct and circumstantial evidence (see below) has now surfaced in the aftermath of the failed Super Bowl XLV nuclear terror plot which unequivocally shows that Taylor's actions did indeed stop, or at least postpone, a state-sponsored nuclear terror attack upon America.
Based on the sudden interest in Taylor by U.S. intelligence services, Taylor, anticipating retaliation and fearing for his life, applied for political asylum in Switzerland on March 8, 2011.
The Nuclear Bible
The Nuclear Bible is composed of over 1,000 news articles which ultimately connect the dots of an upcoming false-flag nuclear terror attack.
Due to the 30-60 second nature of a nuclear explosion, it is highly likely that the Super Bowl, World Cup, NBA Finals, World Series or Olympics will be targeted with millions watching on LIVE TV.
Unfortunately, Pakistan has been set up over the last 30 years as the scapegoat of all terror and nuclear proliferation. "Revolutions" in the Middle East are now likely to domino all the way to Pakistan where alleged terrorists will gain access to Pakistan's nuclear arsenal.
Therefore, it is imperative that the information contained within The Nuclear Bible be forwarded to media and governmental agencies worldwide so that we can collectively avoid this impending nuclear holocaust and the World War III scenario.
"The point of predicting a terror event is not to say after the fact, look how smart I am. That is despicable. The point of it is to prevent it from happening. Your goal is to be wrong and make yourself wrong. That's the whole point. To be wrong is to be successful when you've identified something serious." ~Dr. Webster Tarpley
Super Bowl XLV: Facts & Evidence
As with any legal matter, a full, independent and open investigation must be conducted prior to filing any legal charges. However, after reviewing the evidence regarding Super Bowl XLV, it's hard to believe that it’s all just sheer coincidence. Numerous news articles, press releases, mass casualty and terror drills, government exercises, legislation, terror warnings, travel warnings, anomalies, suspicious alibis, mass cancellations, coincidences and events surrounding the game clearly indicate that a nuclear terror plot was indeed subverted at Super Bowl XLV.
There have been 44 prior Super Bowls before Super Bowl XLV and nothing remotely similar has ever occurred at any one of them. Every ingredient needed to conduct a large scale false-flag/state-sponsored nuclear terror attack was present either before, during or after Super Bowl XLV. As Emma Bull once said, “Coincidence is the word we use when we can't see the levers and pulleys.” In this particular case however, we have a pretty good idea
The Nuclear Bible evidence is organized chronologically into three categories:
I. Pre-Super Bowl XLV Evidence
II. Super Bowl XLV Evidence
III. Post-Super Bowl XLV Evidence
I. Pre-Super Bowl XLV Evidence:
1. The 6 Hijacked Nukes (Sep, 2007)
Roughly 3 years prior to Super Bowl XLV on August 29, 2007, an unprecedented event occurred which wasn’t reported until September 23, 2007. Under the Bush and Cheney administration, 6 thermo-nuclear 150 kilo-ton nuclear warheads disappeared. What role these 6 nuclear weapons would have played in the Super Bowl XLV nuclear terror plot on is unknown, but Barksdale Air Force Base, where the nukes were last seen is roughly 100 miles from Dallas, Texas. Although the Air Force has since stated that the nuclear weapons were recovered, the deaths of at least (10) U.S. Air Force servicemen surrounding the incident makes it impossible to confirm that the hijacked nuclear weapons are not in the hands of Zionist terrorists.
2. The 2009 Super Bowl Joint Threat Assessment (Jan, 2009)
The 2009 Super Bowl XLIII Joint Threat Assessment (JTA) is the only JTA ever issued for a Super Bowl other than the JTA issued for Super Bowl XLV (2011). The 2009 JTA acts as a literal playbook for what eventually transpired in reality in and around Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas.
A. The exact same scenario depicted in the 2009 JTA of terrorists using stolen or counterfeit security credentials to access the game occurred in Dallas, Texas, when 3 NFL laptops and 1 thumb drive with encrypted security information were allegedly stolen in the weeks before the game.
B. The exact same scenario depicted in the 2009 JTA of terrorists attacking the game in the form of suicide bombers was also revealed by Family Security Matters 11 days before the game. The suicide bombers were to be located throughout Cowboys Stadium in seating sections strategically located near stadium exits. After the nuclear terror plot was exposed, the seats were abandoned, roped off, guarded by armed security, and off limits to the Super Bowl XLV crowd. In all 1250 seats were abandoned.
C. As detailed in the 2009 JTA and The Nuclear Bible, Cowboys Stadium was to be attacked with a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (VBIED), namely a Pakistani drone (6 drones have been downed in Pakistan since
9/11). The VBIED attack would come only AFTER the suicide bombers inside the stadium had detonated their explosives,
subsequently causing a mass panic with every TV station in the world to tuning in to see the nuclear detonation.
D. The exact same scenario depicted in the 2009 JTA of domestic terrorists being setup to be scapegoated for a Super Bowl attack was also depicted in The Nuclear Bible. The domestic terrorists were to charged be working with Muslim extremists in the aftermath of the attack.
Title: Super Bowl XLIII: Joint Threat Assessment
Date: January 16, 2009
Abstract: The high-profile nature of the Super Bowl, however, could make it a desirable target for a violent organization or individual seeking to take advantage of the intense media coverage…The presence of many corporate executives, politicians, and VIPs in one location, however, may present a collection opportunity for foreign intelligence services
Access to Super Bowl
Security breaches facilitated by stolen or counterfeit credentials and insider operatives pose additional threats to stadium security…The large number of contractors, media personnel, stadium employees, and vendors who will attend the Super Bowl could help cover efforts by terrorists to gain access inside the stadium. Stolen or counterfeit law enforcement badges and credentials purchased online—often of high quality and hard to differentiate from legitimate credentials—can facilitate unauthorized entry.
Means of Attack
The placement of explosive devices in heavily trafficked areas is assessed as the most likely mode of terrorist attack… Terrorists intent on attacking a stadium most likely would use one or more improvised explosive devices (IEDs) or vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices (VBIEDs). Such an attack during a major event would inflict immediate casualties and destruction as well as create fear and panic among survivors….Any such attacks would attract the extensive media attention most terrorists seek.
Suicide Bombers
A February 2006 posting on a jihadist message board—subsequently reproduced on other websites—provided tactical information for a multiple suicide bomber attack against a sporting event to create a stampede and incite panic. The author of the posting recommended the bombers use handmade explosive belts hidden under their clothing. The posting outlined how a suicide bomber would detonate explosives inside the stadium, after which other operatives would detonate their bombs at the exit gates where they expected panicked spectators to flee. The author believed the combined explosions would create a stampede that would kill more people than the bombings themselves.
Domestic Terrorists
Domestic terrorists have attacked soft targets in the past, however, and probably view major sporting events in large stadiums…to gain media coverage for their cause or issue. The Super Bowl’s stature as a major media event commanding world attention likely increases its attractiveness to domestic terrorists, whether acting alone or as part of a group. A homegrown violent extremist …may try to attack a Super Bowl event venue (DHS, FBI, NCC, NORTHCOM, FFC, 2009).
3. Response to a Nuclear Detonation Memo (Jan, 2009)
Roughly 2 years prior to Super Bowl XLV, a 97 page report entitled “Planning Guidance for Response to a Nuclear Detonation” was issued by the numerous agencies within the U.S. government. Aside from stating that there would be no Federal response to a nuclear disaster for 72 hours, the memo uses a 10 kiloton nuclear weapon as size of the nuclear yield. This was the first of three U.S. government memos preparing American military, police, and first responders for the upcoming nuclear terror attack at Super Bowl XLV.
Title: Planning Guidance For Response To A Nuclear Detonation
Date: January 16, 2009
Source: Nuclear Detonation Response Communications Working Group
Abstract: One of the most catastrophic incidents that could befall the United States (US), causing enormous loss of life and property and severely damaging economic viability is a nuclear detonation in a US city. The purpose of this guidance is to provide emergency planners with nuclear detonation-specific response recommendations to maximize the preservation of life in the event of an urban nuclear detonation. This guidance addresses the unique effects and impacts of a nuclear detonation such as scale of destruction, shelter and evacuation strategies, unparalleled medical demands, management of nuclear casualties, and radiation dose management concepts. The guidance is aimed at response activities in an environment with a severely compromised infrastructure for the first few days (e.g., 24-72 hours) when it is likely that many Federal resources will still be en route to the incident (Nuclear Detonation Response Communications Working Group, 2009).
4. Nuclear, Terror, & Mass Casualty Drills (2009-2011)
In the 20 months leading up to Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas, unprecedented mass casualty, nuclear, disaster and terror drills occurred all over the state of Texas involving local, state, and federal agencies. These drills were executed in order to prepare authorities and first responders for the nuclear terror attack as well as psychologically prepare both the government officials and the public for a major terror event.
Title: National Level Exercise 2009
Date: July 27-31, 2009
Source: FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
Abstract: "NLE 09 will be the first major exercise conducted by the United States government that will focus exclusively on terrorism prevention and protection...NLE 09 is a White House directed, Congressionally- mandated exercise that includes the participation of all appropriate federal department and agency senior officials, their deputies, staff and key operational elements. NLE 09 will focus on intelligence and information sharing among intelligence and law enforcement communities, and between international, federal, regional, state, tribal, local and private sector participants. The NLE 09 scenario will begin in the aftermath of a national terrorist event..." (FEMA, 2009).
Title: Rapid Response Task Force To Conduct Drill In Beaumont
Date: June 8, 2010
Source: Beaumont Enterprise
Abstract: "Hundreds of people from several agencies throughout the state of Texas converged on Ford Park to perform a four- hour Rapid Response Task Force Operations Drill...A massive convoy of state and military vehicles, communications equipment and emergency management personnel arrived to prepare for the drill. The Rapid Response Task Force is the mobilization of many state agencies in the event of a disaster. The task force was created for the rapid deployment of State resources and manpower to an area immediately following a disaster" (The Examiner, 2010). See: (Beaumont Enterprise, 2010).
Title: DPS Participates In Live-Action Hurricane Drill
Date: June 9, 2010
Source: NBC News
Abstract: "The Texas Department of Public Safety and numerous other agencies in the DFW (Dallas-Fort Worth) area are participating in a live-action hurricane drill June 9 through June 11. This exercise is intended to test emergency mobilization, response and preparedness in the event of a real natural disaster" (NBC News, 2010).
Title: Half-Full School Bus, Car, And 18-Wheeler With 'Radioactive Material'
Date: June 10, 2010
Source: KLTV News
Abstract: "Smith County emergency management geared up for a full-scale disaster Wednesday in Lindale. The emergency drill involved a half-full school bus, a car and an 18-wheeler carrying radioactive material..."We set up a unified command," said Tyler Fire Department Captain Jeff Aiken. "We worked together on this drill...we've taken care of the problems as a collective team and that's what it's all about." To give an idea of the importance of a radioactive waste drill, officials say more than 1,100 shipments of radioactive waste have been shipped through East Texas since 1999..."(KLTV News,2010).
5. The Era of Nuclear Terrorism Has Arrived (Feb, 2010)
On February 6, 2010, exactly 1 year to the day before Super Bowl XLV, British conservative politician Liam Fox, a member of British parliament for North Somerset and then current Secretary of State for Defence, stated that “"The era of nuclear terrorism has arrived". Fox made the comment in regards to Iran despite the fact that Iran has not offensively attacked another nation in over 400 years.
Title: Tories Would Back War with Iran
Date: February 6, 2010
Source: Telegraph
Abstract: Liam Fox described the threat posed by Iran as the "single most important issue facing the West"…He said that under Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's regime, the "export of terrorism and instability" was part of the country's foreign policy and warned "the era of nuclear terrorism has arrived" (Telegraph, 2010).
6. 2010 Nuclear Security Summit (April, 2010)
Roughly 10 months prior to Super Bowl XLV, U.S. President Barack Obama spoke at the Nuclear Security Summit in Washington D.C. where he stated that nuclear terrorism was 'The Single Biggest Threat' to the United States. Obama's speech essentially warned the world that nuclear terror was on the horizon and that his administration would have no compunction in using nuclear weapons against the American people.
Title: Obama: Nuclear Terrorism Is 'The Single Biggest Threat' To U.S.
Date: April 11, 2010
Source: USA Today
Abstract: "The single biggest threat to U.S. security, both short-term, medium-term and long-term, would be the possibility of a terrorist organization obtaining a nuclear weapon…We know that organizations like al-Qaeda are in the process of trying to secure nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction, and would have no compunction at using them" (USA Today, 2011).
7. The Canceled Nuclear Attack Test (April, 2010)
Roughly 8 months prior to Super Bowl XLV, the U.S. military canceled a nuclear attack exercise in Las Vegas, Nevada, when Sin City allegedly pulled out of the exercise citing business concerns. The nuclear attack exercise cancellation gave the U.S. government the well needed plausible deniability and legal cover post nuclear attack in that they attempted to execute military exercises to stop a nuclear terror scenario, but the gaming community refused to comply
Title: Military Cancels Nuclear Attack Test
Date: April 26, 2010
Source: Washington Times
Abstract: The U.S. military has canceled a major field exercise that tests its response to a nuclear attack...The exercise was canceled recently after the planned site for a post-nuclear-attack response — Las Vegas — pulled out in November, fearing a negative impact on its struggling business environment. The NLE, which is supposed to be a series of hands-on exercises to test the system in the event terrorists use a nuclear device, has become instead a "tabletop exercise at best," the official said. The field exercise in Las Vegas was to simulate terrorists detonating an improvised nuclear device assembled with smuggled weapons-grade uranium (Washington Times, 2010).
8. Response to a Nuclear Detonation Memo (June, 2010)
Roughly 8 months prior to Super Bowl XLV, a 135 page report entitled “Planning Guidance for Response to a Nuclear Detonation” was issued by the numerous agencies within the U.S. government. The second edition was in part to “provide planners the opportunity to think beyond the 10 KT nuclear yield, insinuating that the nuclear blast planned for Super XLV would far exceed a dirty bomb. This was the second of three U.S. government memos preparing American military, police, and first responders for the upcoming nuclear terror attack at Super Bowl XLV.
Title: Planning Guidance For Response To A Nuclear Detonation
Date: June 2010
Source: Nuclear Detonation Response Communications Working Group
Abstract: One of the most catastrophic incidents that could befall the United States (US), causing enormous loss of life and property and severely damaging economic viability is a nuclear detonation in a US city. The purpose of this guidance is to provide emergency planners with nuclear detonation-specific response recommendations to maximize the preservation of life in the event of an urban nuclear detonation. This guidance addresses the unique effects and impacts of a nuclear detonation such as scale of destruction, shelter and evacuation strategies, unparalleled medical demands, management of nuclear casualties, and radiation dose management concepts. The guidance is aimed at response activities in an environment with a severely compromised infrastructure for the first few days (e.g., 24-72 hours) when it is likely that many Federal resources will still be en route to the incident (Nuclear Detonation Response Communications Working Group, 2010).
9. International Nuclear Smuggling Conference (June, 2010)
Roughly 7 months prior to Super Bowl XLV, individuals from atomic energy, law enforcement and policy experts from almost 30 countries met in Sofia, Bulgaria from June 17-19, 2010, under the auspices of the Nuclear Smuggling International Technical Working Group (ITWG). In all likelihood, this was a meeting to review strategy prior to the nuclear detonation in Dallas, Texas on February 6, 2011.
Title: Nuclear Forensics Experts Plan Path Forward
Date: February 1, 2011
Source: Telegraph
Abstract: Atomic energy, law enforcement and policy experts from nearly 30 countries met in Sofia, Bulgaria June 17-19 under the auspices of the Nuclear Smuggling International Technical Working Group (ITWG) to share experience on nuclear forensics and illicit trafficking issues. The ITWG will conduct an analytic exercise this fall involving nuclear material, agreed on elements of a 3-year plan for further forensic exercises, and is preparing a guideline for crime scene analysis involving nuclear or radiological materials (Telegraph, 2011).
10. Foreign Troops in Texas (August, 2010)
On August 6, 2010, exactly 6 months prior to Super Bowl XLV, a mass-casualty drill entitled Operation Lone Star concluded about 400 miles south of Dallas, Texas.
Interestingly, the drill included both Czech and Chilean troops whose flags are almost identical to that of Texas. In the aftermath of a nuclear terror attack, pandemonium, chaos and fear would likely make it impossible for the public tell the difference between the flags.
Title: Texas Guard, Czech Army Trains For Disaster In Operation Lonestar
Date: August 6, 2010
Source: National Guard
Abstract: "What we do and what we're training for is a mass casualty," said Texas State Guard Capt. James R. Owens..."This year, these state assets used the annual humanitarian event Operation Lone Star to conduct a complete exercise simulating a mass casualty incident. "At one level, we provide free care," said Dr. Brian R. Smith…"At the same time, it provides a preparedness exercise for those of us in public health and the Texas Military forces to work together and to practice together in a major event". Spanning six counties in Texas, Operation Lone Star functions as an ideal execution of a real-time public health crisis, uniting disparate agencies for a common and worthy goal...Further bridging the spirit of cooperation, even service members from the Czech Republic and Chilean armies supported OLS this year." (National Guard, 2011).
11. The Nuclear Detonation Preparedness Memo (Sep, 2010)
Roughly 5 months prior to Super Bowl XLV, a 46 page report entitled “Nuclear Detonation Preparedness Communicating In The Immediate Aftermath” was issued by the numerous agencies within the U.S. government. This was the third of three U.S. government memos preparing American military, police, and first responders for the upcoming nuclear terror attack at Super Bowl XLV.
Title: Nuclear Detonation Preparedness Communicating In The Immediate Aftermath
Date: September 2010
Source: Nuclear Detonation Response Communications Working Group
Abstract: A nuclear detonation in the United States is one of the most devastatingly catastrophic incidents imaginable. While the United States Government is working with its international partners to ensure this nightmare scenario never becomes reality, failing to plan for managing the consequences would be irresponsible. This document was developed as a resource for emergency responders and federal, state, and local officials communicating with the public and media during the immediate aftermath following a nuclear detonation in the United States. While we hope there is never a need for these messages, we have a responsibility to the American people to be prepared to respond and communicate effectively in the event of any type of national emergency, including a nuclear detonation (Nuclear Detonation Response Communications Working Group, 2010).
12. U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates Warns of "Nuclear Proliferation" and a "Different World" (Dec, 2010)
Roughly 2 months prior to Super Bowl XLV, U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates stated that, "Without progress in the next few months, we risk nuclear proliferation in the Middle East". Gates then added that the US and its allies would face "a different world" in four to five years.
Title: Nuclear Aspects Of Wikileaks
Date: December 3, 2010
Source: CSIS
Abstract: Secretary Gates: “Without progress in the next few months, we risk nuclear proliferation in the Middle East, war prompted by an Israeli strike, or both…SecDef predicted ‘a different world’"(CSIS, 2010).
13. The 2011 NFL, NBA, & MLB Lockout (2011)
Just in time for the planned February 6, 2011 nuclear terror attack at Super Bowl XLV, the 3 major sports leagues of the America, the National Football League (NFL), the National Basketball Association (NBA), and Major League Baseball (MLB), all had simultaneous labor lockouts. Whether or not NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell, NBA Commissioner David Stern and MLB Commissioner Bud Selig, had foreknowledge regarding an impending nuclear attack is unknown, but their imposed lockouts make complete from a financial standpoint.
Post nuclear attack, fans would likely steer clear of sporting events and stadiums, costing the leagues millions if not billions in lost revenue. The lost revenue would then be compounded by the hundreds of millions of dollars the owners would have to keep paying to their players. In all likelihood, the NBA, NFL, and MLB would have had to file for bankruptcy in the aftermath of a nuclear terror attack on a stadium, unless of course they had inside information and planned their collective bargaining agreements accordingly.
Title: The NFL, NBA & MLB Lockouts of 2011
Date: January 28, 2011
Source: The Nuclear Bible A. NFL CBA: Collective Bargaining Agreement expired on March 4, 2011 (ESPN, 2011).
B. NBA CBA: "This Agreement shall be effective from July 29, 2005 and, unless extended or terminated pursuant to the provisions of this Article XXXIX, shall continue in full force and effect through June 30, 2011" (NBA, 2011).
C. MLB CBA: "The current CBA expires on December 11, 2011: 2007-2011 BASIC AGREEMENT: This Agreement, effective December 20, 2006, is between the 30 Major League Clubs and the Major League Baseball Players Association" (MLB, 2011).
14. The Nuclear Terrorism Detection Plan (Jan, 2011)
Roughly 6 weeks prior to Super Bowl XLV, U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano submitted a nuclear detection plan to the U.S. Congress essentially stating that the Obama administration had done all that it could do to prevent a nuclear terror attack upon the United States.
Title: Homeland Security Delivers Nuclear Detection Plan To Capitol Hill
Date: January 5, 2011
Source: Nuclear Threat Initiative
Abstract: "The Domestic Nuclear Detection Office delivered its long-awaited "strategic plan" for the global nuclear detection architecture to Capitol Hill on Dec. 20, according to DNDO chief Warren Stern. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano signed off on the plan that same day...In addition, the interdepartmental road map outlines the roles of a number of federal branches in preventing terrorists from detonating a nuclear or radiological device inside the United States...Participating entities include the Defense, Energy, Justice and State departments, the U.S. national intelligence director and the Nuclear Regulatory Commission...The detection office was established by presidential directive in 2005 to coordinate federal efforts to protect the United States against nuclear terrorism. It was also designated to be the lead agency in domestic nuclear detection" (NTI, 2011).
15. The Joint Special Event Threat Assessment (Jan, 2011)
Roughly 3 weeks prior to Super Bowl XLV, a Joint Threat Assessment (JTA) was issued by numerous U.S. governmental agencies in an attempt to gain plausible deniability in the aftermath of the nuclear terror attack. This was only the second time that a Super Bowl warranted a JTA, the other being Super Bowl XLIII in 2009.
A. The exact same scenario depicted in the 2009 and the 2011 JTA of terrorists using stolen or counterfeit security credentials to access the game occurred in and around Super Bowl XLV in Dallas, Texas.
B. The exact same scenario depicted in the 2009 and the 2011 JTA of terrorists attacking the game in the form of suicide bombers was revealed by Family Security Matters 11 days before the game. The suicide bombers were to be located throughout Cowboys Stadium in seating sections strategically located near stadium exits. After the nuclear terror plot was exposed, the seats were abandoned, roped off, guarded by armed security, and off limits to the Super Bowl XLV crowd. In all 1250 seats were abandoned.
C. As detailed in the 2009 JTA, the 2011 JTA and The Nuclear Bible, Cowboys Stadium was to be attacked with a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (VBIED), namely a Pakistani drone (6 drones have been downed in Pakistan since 9/11). The VBIED attack would come only AFTER the suicide bombers inside the stadium had detonated their explosives, subsequently causing a mass panic with every TV station in the world to tuning in to see the nuclear detonation.
D. The exact same scenario depicted in the 2009 and 2011 JTA of domestic terrorists being setup to be scapegoated for a Super Bowl attack was also depicted in The Nuclear Bible. The domestic terrorists were to be charged be working with Muslim extremists in the aftermath of the attack.
Title: Super Bowl XLV: Joint Special Event Threat Assessment
Date: January 11, 2011
Source: U.S. Department of Homeland Security, FBI, the Dallas Police Department, the Arlington Police Department, the United States Northern Command, the National Counterterrorism Center and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
Abstract: We have no information indicating a specific foreign intelligence threat related to Super Bowl XLV; however, the presence of many corporate executives, politicians, and VIPs in one location presents collection opportunities for foreign intelligence services.
Access to Super Bowl
Terrorists or criminals might try to gain access to restricted areas by impersonating government or military officials or emergency personnel. Detecting and detaining such individuals would pose a key security challenge prior to and during the Super Bowl.
Means of Attack
We assess placement of one or more improvised explosive devices (IEDs) or vehicle-borne improvised explosive devices (VBIEDs) in or near the stadium would be the preferred method of attack by terrorists. Such an attack during the game would inflict immediate casualties and destruction and create fear and panic among spectators. Terrorists also could use IEDs or VBIEDs against crowded, unsecured targets nearby, such as local businesses and public parking lots, as diversions or to stage secondary attacks against first responders.
Domestic Terrorists
Lone offenders pose a threat to any large event like the Super Bowl. They are often difficult to detect because they have no visible links to known terrorist groups or networks, and they conduct their typically limited planning and preoperational activities in isolation.
Suicide Bombers
Suicide bombing is a widely used terrorist tactic overseas against eventsa nd locations where large numbers of people are present. Such attacks could also target crowded, unsecured targets nearby. (FBI & DHS, 2011).
16. U.S. Nuclear Detectors Not Properly Tested (Jan, 2011)
Roughly 3 weeks prior to Super Bowl XLV, the National Academy of Science released a report stating that nuclear detection devices in the U.S. had failed to work properly and that data gained from these detectors were unreliable. This report essentially gave the Obama administration plausible deniability and relieved them of any legal responsibility in the aftermath of the nuclear terror attack.
Title: Report: Port Devices Not Duly Tested
Date: January 14, 2011
Source: Washington Post
Abstract: "Homeland security officials responsible for defending against radiological and nuclear terror attacks did not properly test high-tech radiation detectors for use at the nation's ports of entry...The Domestic Nuclear Detection Office, or DNDO, at the Department of Homeland Security conducted poorly designed performance tests that undermined officials' ability to draw reliable conclusions...DNDO officials also presented the test results "in ways that are incorrect and potentially misleading" (Washington Post, 2011).
17. The NFL Laptop & Information Thefts (Jan, 2011)
In the weeks leading up to Super Bowl XLV, the exact same scenario depicted in the both the Super Bowl XLIII: Joint Threat Assessment (2009) and the Super Bowl XLV: Joint Threat Assessment (2011), of stolen, fraudulent or counterfeit security credentials being used to access the game began to transpire in reality. In total, 3 NFL laptops, several thumb drives, and an iPod with security credentials and encrypted software were allegedly stolen in the Dallas, Texas, area just prior to Super Bowl XLV.
Title: Laptop With Artwork For Super Bowl Credentials Is Stolen
Date: January 15, 2011
Source: Star-Telegram
Abstract: A laptop computer containing NFL and Super Bowl XLV artwork that was to be used on credentials was stolen (Star-Telegram, 2011).
Title: NFL Laptops With Encryption Software Stolen
Date: January 30, 2011
Source: Alertsec Express
Abstract: Two more National Football League (NFL) employee’s laptops have been stolen at the Dallas Convention Center on Sunday. The stolen laptops belonged to a private investigator and a security consultant based in California…These laptops not only stored sensitive information but also not protected with encryption software...A similar incident happened earlier this month...According to Arlington police, several thumb drives and security credential artwork were also stolen with the laptop (Alertsec Xpress, 2011).
18. The Global Ambassadors Summit in Washington D.C. (Jan, 2011)
Only 6 days prior to Super Bowl XLV, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called an historic first of its kind ambassadors meeting in Washington D.C., which lasted from January 31, 2011, until February 4, 2011. The meeting was so important to matters of state that ambassadors from almost all 260 U.S. embassies, consulates and other posts in more than 180 countries were present. This meeting was likely used by the Obama administration to prep U.S. ambassadors on the policies and procedures they needed to adhere to in the aftermath of the first nuclear terror attack upon the United States.
Title: Hillary Clinton Calls Historic Meeting Of Ambassadors
Date: January 31, 2011
Source: Politico
Abstract: "Ambassadors from almost all 260 U.S. embassies, consulates and other posts in more than 180 countries are expected to convene at the State Department for what's being billed as the first meeting of its kind...One of the officials questioned why every ambassador in the world was required to come back to the States for a group of lectures when this could have been done virtually" (Politico, 2011).
9/11 Deja Vu: Global Terror Workshop in Abu Dhabi
Roughly 10 weeks prior to 9/11, a first of its kind summit took place in Abu Dhabi also involving the U.S. Department of State. The secret terror meetings were likely used by the Bush administration to prep various governmental and security organizations on the policies and procedures they needed to adhere to in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks.
Title: Anti-Terrorism Meet In Abu Dhabi
Date: July 1, 2001
Source: The Gulf News
Abstract: "More than 200 people from various strategic organisations are taking part in an eight-day anti-terrorist workshop in the capital. The workshop, which got underway yesterday, is designed to train people in how to recognise and deal with a terrorist attack using nuclear, chemical or biological weapons. It is the first time training of this kind...The workshop has been organised by the General Directorate of Abu Dhabi Police in co-operation with the United States Department of State, Anti-terrorism Assistance Programme (The Gulf News, 2001).
19. Sleeper Cells, Suicide Bombers & Nuclear Bombs (Feb, 2011)
Just 11 days prior to Super Bowl XLV, Family Security Matters, a front for the Zionist Center for Security Policy, broke the story that there were terrorist sleeper cells located within the United States and that there is a “high probability” that suicide bombers will strike in “relatively short time”. Coincidentally, the information depicted in the article in respect to suicide bombers reflects the information contained within the both the Super Bowl XLIII: Joint Threat Assessment (2009) and the Super Bowl XLV: Joint Threat Assessment" (2011).
Title: Sleeper Cells In The USA
Date: January 26, 2011
Source: Family Security Matters
Abstract: There is every reason to suspect that [America] will endure suicide missions by Islamist sleeper cells. They are already in place. They are waiting for the right time…An attack and the potential for a suicide bomber using a dirty radiological bomb from these facilities was and is a high probability… Terrorist sleeper cells are located primarily in Virginia, New York, North Carolina, Michigan, Florida, California, and Canada…The "sleepers" are prepared to conduct terrorist attacks within the U.S., and nuclear material is available to them. "Prepared" in this instance indicates they have the necessary tools to carry out their attacks and are prepared to die…Non profit organizations such as CAIR, ISNA, MANA, MSA, and several other Islamic based groups are in actuality simply fronts for Al Qaeda and Hamas. The leadership within these groups receives funds and training from the Saudi government. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) allows these groups to operate freely throughout the U.S. and at American’s taxpayer’s expense. Essentially the IRS grants the groups immunity and the authority to train, organize, and prepare for attacks against our country… U.S. citizens need to understand there are people trained and prepared to carry our suicide missions in the U.S. and nothing are off limits. Churches, malls, and even the schools our children attend are not off limits to suicide bombers. It is only a relatively short time before the U.S. will begin seeing suicide terrorist missions…Nuclear reactors are located on a large number of major university campuses in the U.S. There locations are not classified and are described on the internet (Family Security Matter, 2011).
20. The Worldwide Terror Alerts (Feb, 2011)
In the week prior to Super Bowl XLV, the U.S. Department of State, the UK, and Russia issued multiple terror warnings in regards to 1) attacks on U.S. citizens, 2) bombings, 3) attacks at high-profile sporting events, 4) nuclear weapons, and 5) Pakistan. The terror warnings were issued to 1) give the Obama administration plausible deniability in the aftermath of the nuclear terror attack, 2) to train the American public to treat all post-nuclear attack terror warnings with the utmost caution, and 3) to develop and international narrative the nuclear terror threat was real.
Title: Worldwide Caution
Date: January 31, 2011
Source: U.S. Department of State
Abstract: "The Department of State remains concerned about the continued threat of terrorist attacks, demonstrations, and other violent actions against U.S…Demonstrations and rioting can occur with little or no warning. Current information suggests that Al-Qaida and affiliated organizations continue to plan terrorist attacks against U.S. interests...These attacks may employ a wide variety of tactics including suicide operations, assassinations, kidnappings, hijackings, and bombings. Extremists may elect to use conventional or non-conventional weapons, and target both official and private interests. Examples of such targets include high-profile sporting events" (U.S. State Department, 2011).
Title: US Issues Global Terror Alert Including India And Pakistan
Date: February 2, 2011
Source: National Terror Alert (DHS)
Abstract: "Threat of terrorist attacks, demonstrations and other violent actions against US citizens"(DHS, 2011).
Title: UK And US Warn About The Nuclear Threat
Date: February 1, 2011
Source: Voice of Russia
Abstract: "The growing threat of uncontrollable development of nuclear weapons in Iran and Pakistan...The most recent American intelligence reports concluded that Pakistan had seriously expanded its nuclear arsenal since the beginning of Barack Obama’s presidency" (The Voice of Russia, 2011).
Part 1 of 2
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