Militia Informants - Charles Dyer / July 4 Patriot Case

                        UNITED STATES MARINE EDOGZ818

Let's see if you feel that the "NETWORK" of Informants that was uncovered operating against Charles Dyer, from the inside, is something that every patriot should know.

Illegal weapons? They were registered to me, check the files & put it into perspective.

Dig deeper into the case if you aren't scared of the truth, but you probably feel it will be easier to just scream about confiscation & arms treaty etc., without addressing the racist nature of the law, but want to PRETEND to champion the right to bear arms.  Can't have it both ways, no matter how much you think so.

Having witnessed as well as experienced the ILLEGAL laws of this ever increasing slave state, I linked up with the Patriot Community to support a positive change. I was born awake, while you, judging by your actions & comments, are still groggy & reaching for the snooze button.  Willing to sleep through the violations against me & probably any Blackman, but want to make an issue if YOU & YOURS are threatened or faced with the same issues.

That is supporting Hypocrisy , not Democracy, but it is also expected of you, so no need to dwell on that.

Animal abuser? You sound like the the lame stream media.

If that were the case, they all wouldn't have been returned, but don't let that stop you from reaching, by all means, in your desperation, you can be expected to grab onto anything, but you already loss.

Still, even if your accusations are true, which they aren't, but what is your point?

Is your post supposed to justify the informants actions against Charles Dyer?

So far, my elderly mother has been harassed & threatened, my wife has been told a lie that I was cheating on her with some one 1,500 miles away , my kids targeted, for what?

Telling Patriots about the NETWORK of informants operating against patriots & militia men like Charles Dyer. Probably the same issue you have with me.

Since this is your so called "MONEY SHOT", why not go get the informants that you support, who are mentioned in the article & tell them to chime in on this attack thread with you cheer leading for them, etc., & to bring their whole squad & lets discuss this matter, but we can't refuse to except the situation that they would rather hide behind a sock puppets skirt.

Care to make a small wager that they won't show up & respond to the allegations like I did?

Arrested? Stopped & frisked? Rights violated? Trumped Up charges? More times than either of us can count. That's a fact of life in my community. Which is why I sympathized with Charles Dyer / July 4 Patriot's plight.

Any time you challenge the domestic or international policies you will be targeted. That's a given.

Illegal weapons? No such thing under the constitution that you pretend to support.

Difference between you & me, is I would have came to you first, PM, etc., like a man, but it seems like your type handles things differently.

That discussion created this open warfare on me. ( Links up Top were added later )


For helping Charles Dyer?

Matthew 7:15 " By their fruits Ye' shall know them"....Jesus

So lets look at their fruits:

Taken on 6/15/2012

The "OFFICIAL" Charles Dyer / July 4 Patriot website, ran by Amelia Foxwell. Last updated on Sept 28, 2011.

9mths ago?

Gonna blame that lapse on me? Amelia FOXWELL has orchestrated several radio shows about me, but can't find the time to update his website for him while he is in jail? That is as basic as it is intentional. She probably never would update it, if I didn't just point it out.

( Consider that tipping my hand )

Amelia Foxwell calling her partner Rick Light an idiot an informant that " at BARE MINIMUM , has been feeding the feds "TONS OF INFORMATION"...bare minimum" at 5mins in video.

You gonna blame me for her saying that?

What about at the 3 MIN mark, when she brings up Jonathan Irish, the OathKeeper who had his baby taken at the hospital for being an Oathkeeper. She brings him up, talks about him behind his back, then scoffs at his offer to help Charles Dyer. Then, she turns around & continues smiling in his face & continues to "PRETEND" to help him, help Charles Dyer. 

Ever hear about Jonathan Irish helping Charles Dyer? Why would Amelia Foxwell smile in his face , while reaching around & stabbing him in the back? Like the failure to update J4P / Charles Dyer's website , that is a direct loss of support, not infighting, like this topic is supposed to make the issue appear to be.

The above video was recorded shortly before Amelia Foxwell , via SECOM ( South East Constitutional Militias ) led a SWAT raid on Charles Dyer / July 4 Patriot's suspected location during the HUNT for July 4 Patriot / Charles Dyer. It was a raid that she led, while leading his official support group "PATRIOTS FOR JUSTICE IN THE CASE OF CHARLES DYER", on face book.  While Amelia Foxwell wrote about the Texas Swat raid for Charles Dyer:

                               Amelia Foxwell

She never wrote about the raid that took place between her two phone calls to the location.

Why didn't she ever address the SWAT raid for Charles Dyer that took place in her own backyard?

There is more, plenty more, but that is enough to establish that Amelia Foxwell will not respond to these allegations, or the members questions, because she does not respect them enough to answer them, and even calls all WRAM members stupid @ 4:17 Mins of the next video, recorded after she led the SWAT raid

Amelia Foxwell ( 4: 17 ) Amelia Foxwell says that WRAM has a small link to support J4P & way at the bottom of the page, and that WRAM members would have to be smart to find it & nobody at WRAM is smart enough to find it”

Amelia Foxwell ( 5: 00 Min ) says for every 1,000 Patriots, you can count on 8

Amelia Foxwell ( 6:30 ) states that Rick Light openly brags that he has a running dialog with the feds.

Amelia Foxwell ( 8 : 00 Min ) States Rick Light is too stupid to be an informant

Amelia Foxwell is made aware of Rick light trying to set up Deb Swan, on weapons charges, like Charles ( July 4 Patriot ) Dyer, and remarks about Rick light “ How Ruby Ridge of Him “, in reference to the informant who set up Randy Weaver with a sawed off shotgun, resulting in the death of Randy and his son, during an FBI raid.

Amelia Foxwell ( 13: 00 ) States that Rick Light’s intentions for showing up to Charles ( July 4 Patriot ) Dyer’s 1st court hearing was to vilify him. Rick Light organized an appearance that resulted in extra security and news coverage. There was also a threat posted on Nancy “MYSTICSTAR” Genevese’s web site American Resistance Movement ( ARM ). Nancy Genevese bragged about this fact, stating that her websites logo was on the news.

Amelia Foxwell ( 13:45 ) states that some one else “BESIDES” Rick Light will be setting Charles Dyer up to be a Martyr.

15:30 Amelia states that Charles is obviously listening to people who don’t have his best interest at heart, which is Rick & Nancy & it is in Rick light’s interest to make Charles Dyer a martyr.

15:48 Amelia Agrees Rick is setting Dyer up & wants to see his set up on the national media.

16:00 Amelia Admits Rick brought her into WRAM

18:50 Amelia admits she is trying to bring Charles in for a “ short fair trial & blah, blah, blah

21:00 Amelia brings up Gary hunt & states that he had power of attorney over David Koresh during waco stand-off & that she is working with gary hunt

21:50 Amelia states that Gary Hunt sent out a press message about J4P to 170 members of the media, meanwhile, Gary Hunt claims he won’t lift a finger to help Charles Dyer/

27:30 Amelia Foxwell ask for a link for “ Dollars For Dyer “ & pretends to support it, only to have her friend & co - informant Nancy shut it down.

28:00 Majority of the Patriot Community is a worthless piece of Shyt if you need anything! ( Amelia

Read how Charles Dyer / July 4 Patriot was targeted by a “NETWORK” of Informants operating in the Patriot Militia Communities. Members of the “NETWORK” include Hal Turner characters like Skari Kari Light , of TRUTH “HIDERS” , Amelia Foxwell of New Colony Media , both who were mentor ed & introduced to the movement by the informant Rick “ Minuteman “ Light , owner of Well Regulated American Militias ( WRAM ) , Nancy “ MYSTICSTAR" Genevese , owner of American Resistance Movement ( ARM ) & “OTHERS”

That Works With The

Speaking of Rick "MinuteMan" Light, lets examine his role in the Charles Dyer manhunt, starting with the letter he sent to the members during the Charles Dyer manhunt.


Charle’s aint doing to bad,,,,, they had him basicly pinned down not once but twice and still slipped their noose!! Even the FBI is impressed!! I just hope he see’s this thread and calls me if he is ready to give up!! All he has to do is call me and i can go get him and no LEOs or Fed’s will interfere!! That isnt from the OK headquarters either,, this deal was done with the Texas division and the agent had to go through a lot with me today but did not let me down when the Texas state patrol tried to hyjack me from meeting with them The FBI,, i was not going to help them anymore on this case because of a drop in communication between the Feds and LEO’s costing me some precious time looking for Charles,, being pulled over and run through the micro scope dont really hurt ya but sure takes up some time to get everything ironed out!!!!You can also tell that they are having the juristdiction arguement’s going on as well! The Texas State Police Officer, in the pull over today on I 10 in San Antonio was polite put did illegaly search my vehicle today with no warrant or probable cause,, he could see just fine through the windows to see that nothing was illegal in my vehicle but told me because i was involved with those militia group’s well i was most likely carring a weapon of some kind even after i told him i was clean and the vehicle was as well!! Their frisk on me reveled nothing illegal either so no probable cause should apply in this case and yes i informed him that i will be filing a complaint based on that charge and i beleive that the militia statement is call profiling as well if not mistaking!!At first they were going to load me up and take me to the FBI headquarter’s till i reminded them that i have been honest with them all along and have done all i can to help and this is how i am to be treated and that humans all have patients that bend or run out and i was on my last straw!! I informed the FBI agent on the scene on I 10 that i wanted those effin handcuffs off and i will drive on my own to headquaters or get the warrant for my arrest,, in which the FBI agent asked me to hold on ,, got on the phone real quick then looked at the trooper and told him to get the cuffs off of me and yes mr Light you can drive on your own,, we will escort you through the traffic just stay between us!! So Away we went,, straight to headquarters and that is where i met the new contact with the FBI!! This Agent went way out of his way to bring me back in this manhunt to help!! He says he wants what i do,, to keep Charles and all LEOs alive!! I hope i can trust this one!! It is their last chance with me on this!! I think they know that!! Im tired of being bullchitted around!!Yep,,, i had a wonderful 3 days!!! AT LEAST MY BOOTS ARE ON THE GROUND! I am home at this time but ready to move if and when charles is sited again!! Just a little taste of what is really going on sparing any added drama to the mix!! Straight up and right at ya,, the truth in the raw! When i can i will drop this whole story on everyone here,, i just cant right now for security reasons!! Please everyone put out there my number with a message to Charles that WHEN he is ready to give up to call me and we do it our way not theirs!! Solid arrangement this time, made the deal with a different crew!!             830-591-3177       or Email me at they will let me come and get him and he can ride with me to where he has to go,, we will be under escort but at least 2 brothers can share some quality time just him and me all the way to San Antonio!! I have been working my ass off to keep Charles alive!! You all tell him i have not backed off one little bit since he took off! “If ever time should come, when vain and aspiring men shall possess the highest seats in Government, our country will stand in need of its experienced patriots to prevent its ruin.” Samuel Adams

Questions Rick Light's letter raised:

1) How does Rick Light feel about New Colony Media / SECOM Commander Amelia Foxwell calling him an informant that “at BARE MINIMUM gave the FBI “TONS OF INFORMATION” , then having him appear on the radio with him , on the eve of Charles Dyer’s trial , deny Charles Dyer made any claims of a government conspiracy when Sheriff McKinney , was quoted stating Charles Dyer’s claims of a government conspiracy was a “side-show”?


1A) Why was he looking for Charles Dyer with the FBI when Charles ( July 4 Patriot ) Dyer did not want to be found?


2) “Charle’s aint doing to bad,,,,, they had him basicly pinned down not once but twice and still slipped their noose!!”


2A)  Why would the FBI share operational and tactical information about an ongoing , 12 state manhunt with the targets “CLOSE FRIEND” ( * According To FBI AGENT KEN WESTERN 8 Min Mark of Video ) Rick Light unless they weren’t worried that he would try to help his ” *CLOSE FRIEND ” , Charles Dyer elude the FBI Manhunt?


3) ”Even the FBI is impressed!!”


3A) Why would the FBI tell Rick Light they were impressed , or even thing at all about an ongoing tactical situation involving operations against his so-called ” Close Friend ” Charles Dyer?


4) “ I just hope he see’s this thread and calls me if he is ready to give up!! All he has to do is call me and i can go get him and no LEOs or Fed’s will interfere!!”


4A) As the over all commander of the Militia’s “Under Ground” rail road , Why is Rick Light’s and Amelia Foxwell’s and Darren Wilburn’s ( SECOM ) only efforts are directed at getting Charles Dyer into custody , when obviously , Charles Dyer didn’t want to be in custody?


4B ) How does Rick Light have the authority to have the FEDS and Local Law Enforcement to stand down , during the largest manhunt of the year if he is not working with and for them?


5 ) “That isnt from the OK headquarters either,, this deal was done with the Texas division and the agent had to go through a lot with me today but did not let me down when the Texas state patrol tried to hyjack me from meeting with them The FBI,,…”


5A ) Who has the authority to operate OK to Texas?


5B)  ”this deal was done with the Texas Division ”  This Deal?  How many “OTHER” deals were made?


5C ) What agent had to go through a lot with him that day? And Why would the agent  go through it? What did the agent have to gain by helping Rick Light participate, if according to Rick Light, the agents were intending to kill Charles ( JULY 4 PATRIOT ) Dyer , hence the supposed need for Rick Light’s supposedly heroic intervention, which is the basis of Rick Light , as he puts it “HELPING WITH THIS MANHUNT.”


5D ) “but did not let me down when the Texas state patrol tried to hyjack me from meeting with them The FBI,,…” Why would Rick Light feel let down if the Texas state patrol prevented him from meeting with FBI agents to help ” with this manhunt”?*


5E) Was the Texas State Patrol’s attempted hijacking of Rick Light the result of them wanting to use Rick Light’s assistance to capture Charles Dyer , and get the credit for arresting the subject of a 12 state manhunt?


6) “i was not going to help them anymore on this case because of a drop in communication between the Feds and LEO’s costing me some precious time looking for Charles,”


6A) “i was not going to help them anymore on this case”

Exactly how much did Rick Light “HELP” the FBI on the Charles Dyer Case ?


6B ) Exactly how many cases has Rick Light helped the FBI on?


6C) “because of a drop in communication between the Feds and LEO’s”

Why are the Feds and LEO’s ( Law Enforcement Officer ) talking to Rick Light about communication issues between the two departments?


6D) “costing me some precious time looking for Charles,”

Why was Rick Light and SECOM looking for Charles Dyer so frantically , when Charles Dyer didn’t want to be found?


6E) Why is Rick Light and SECOM helping the same feds Charles Dyer was running from , hunt him down?


6F) Why were the feds even involved at all , in any state cases against Charles Dyer?


7) “being pulled over and run through the micro scope dont really hurt ya but sure takes up some time to get everything ironed out!!!!” –

What exactly is “everything”?


8A) How was “everything ironed out?


9) “You can also tell that they are having the juristdiction arguement’s going on as well!”

How can Rick Light tell that they are arguing over jurisdiction?


10) “ The Texas State Police Officer, in the pull over today on I 10 in San Antonio was polite put did illegaly search my vehicle today with no warrant or probable cause,, he could see just fine through the windows to see that nothing was illegal in my vehicle but told me because i was involved with those militia group’s well i was most likely carring a weapon of some kind even after i told him i was clean and the vehicle was as well!! Their frisk on me reveled nothing illegal either so no probable cause should apply in this case and yes i informed him that i will be filing a complaint based on that charge and i beleive that the militia statement is call profiling as well if not mistaking!!”


10A ) Is it true that Rick Light’s pullover and voluntary meeting with the FBI on I 10 San Antonio was 3hrs away , via 1 10 etc.? from where Charles Dyer was caught?


10B ) Is is true that Rick Light’s pullover on I 10 San Antonio was 3hrs before Charles Dyer’s capture?


10C ) What were the exact dates and times of Charles Dyer’s capture , and Rick Light’s meeting with the FBI that he was so desperately trying to attend?


10D ) What is the complaint number that Rick Light said he was going to file for being profiled for being in the Militia?


10E ) Why is Rick Light being profiled by theTexas state patrol for being part of the militia , when FBI Agent Ken Western has nothing but great things to say about Rick Light? ( 8 Minute Mark of Video )




11) “At first they were going to load me up and take me to the FBI headquarter’s till i reminded them that i have been honest with them all along and have done all i can to help and this is how i am to be treated and that humans all have patients that bend or run out and i was on my last straw!!”


11A) ”At first they were going to load me up and take me to the FBI headquarter’s till i reminded them that i have been honest with them all along and have done all i can to help ”

What all has Rick Light done to help?


11B) Who was Rick Light helping?


12C) How does tracking down Charles Dyer for the FBI , when he is on the run from the FBI , help Charles Dyer?


12D ) Why did they change their mind about taking Rick Light to FBI Headquarters when he reminds them of how honest he’s been with them and all he has done to help?


13) “ I informed the FBI agent on the scene on I 10 that i wanted those effin handcuffs off and i will drive on my own to headquaters or get the warrant for my arrest,, in which the FBI agent asked me to hold on ,, got on the phone real quick then looked at the trooper and told him to get the cuffs off of me and yes mr Light you can drive on your own,, we will escort you through the traffic just stay between us!!


13A) What did the person on the phone with the FBI agent say to make him look at the trooper quick and order Rick Light’s handcuffs to be removed?


14) “So Away we went,, straight to headquarters and that is where i met the new contact with the FBI!!”


14A) Who was Rick Light’s ”NEW CONTACT” with the FBI that he met?


14B) Who was Rick Light’s “OLD CONTACT” with the FBI?


15) “This Agent went way out of his way to bring me back in this manhunt to help!!”


15A) If Rick Light’s involvement was to help Charles Dyer , as a rescue mission , to prevent the FBI from killing Charles Dyer in stand-off , why does Rick Light refer to it as a Manhunt?


15B ) Why would the agent go out of his way to bring Rick Light back into ” this ” MANHUNT to help if the intent was to kill Charles ( July 4 Patriot ) Dyer as Rick Light claimed as the basis for his direct involvement?

16) “He says he wants what i do,, to keep Charles and all LEOs alive!! I hope i can trust this one!! It is their last chance with me on this!! I think they know that!! Im tired of being bullchitted around!!”


16A ) ”He says he wants what i do,, to keep Charles and all LEOs alive!!”

Why does Rick Light only refer to it as a manhunt as opposed to a “RESCUE MISSION”?


16B ) “I hope i can trust this one!!” –

Which FBI agent was it that Rick Light couldn’t trust?


16C) “I hope i can trust this one!!”

How many were there before this one?


17) “Yep,,, i had a wonderful 3 days!!! AT LEAST MY BOOTS ARE ON THE GROUND! I am home at this time but ready to move if and when charles is sited again!!”


17B) Why is Rick Light ready to move in on Charles Dyer to ” Help with this manhunt” , as Rick light put it , if and when Charles is sighted again??


18) ”Just a little taste of what is really going on sparing any added drama to the mix!! Straight up and right at ya,, the truth in the raw! When i can i will drop this whole story on everyone here,, i just cant right now for security reasons!!”


18A) Since Charles Dyer has been caught after the manhunt Rick Light helped the FEDS with , and convicted , has Rick Light finally “dropped this whole story on everyone here” yet?


19) “Please everyone put out there my number with a message to Charles that WHEN he is ready to give up to call me and we do it our way not theirs!! ”


19A ) Why hasn’t Rick Light ever mentioned trying anything to help Charles Dyer besides get him into custody , which Charles ( JULY 4 Patriot ) Dyer obviously didn’t want to be?


20) “Solid arrangement this time, made the deal with a different crew!!             830-591-3177       or Email me at they will let me come and get him and he can ride with me to where he has to go,, we will be under escort but at least 2 brothers can share some quality time just him and me all the way to San Antonio!!


20A) “Solid arrangement this time” –

What wasn’t solid about the last “ARRANGEMENT”?


20B) ” Made the deal with a different crew”?

Which crew did Rick Light make a deal with this time?


20C) Which crew did Rick Light make a deal with last time?


20D) Why would FEDS let Rick Light go get Charles ( JULY 4 PATRIOT ) Dyer , on his terms , if he wasn’t working with them?


20E) Why wasn’t the FBI worried that Rick Light would go get Charles ( JULY 4 PATRIOT ) Dyer , and then help him continue to elude capture?


20F) Why would they be heading back to San Antonio , as opposed to taking Charles Dyer back to Oklahoma where he was wanted?


20G ) What is the connection between San Antonio , Rick Light and the FBI?


21 ) “ I have been working my ass off to keep Charles alive!! You all tell him i have not backed off one little bit since he took off!”


21A ) Why would Rick Light expect everyone else in his group to be capable of getting his message to Charles ( JULY 4 PATRIOT ) Dyer , when he couldn’t , even though he was actively hunting Charles ( JULY 4 PATRIOT Dyer with the SECOM , AMELIA FOXWELL , DARREN WILBURN and the FBI , and couldn’t locate Charles Dyer?


Rick "Minuteman" Light

4x Convicted Felon Allowed To Possess Firearms?

They take them from NON Felons ( SEE My Case ) so why don't the feds bust Rick Light, the big Militia Leader, like Schaffer Cox? They got him dead to Rights on a Federal weapons charge, which carries a mandatory minimum. They obviously don't want him, whereas the cops take every opportunity to bust me or damn near everyone else, for any little thing.

Rick Light says it's because his local Sheriff likes him, that may be true, but California legalized Marijuana & the feds still bust the growers & dispensers. If the feds don't care about the Governor's or Voters' wishes, why would they care about the Sheriff's? 

Rick Light has plenty of friends & contacts in Law Enforcement that he brags about, including the main ones involved in the Charles Dyer case Sheriff Wayne Mckinney and FBI Agent Ken Western. That friendship even disgusts Charles Dyer's elderly mother. I have no friends in Law Enforcement. 

8:00 Mins in FBI Agent Ken Western praises Rick Light

Arrest Records?

Lets see if John Lee Pettimore has to say about Darren Wilburn slipping up & reffering to the FBI as " WE "

Post Darren Wilburns arrest record:

Thank you for the opportunity. This is in response to THIS:

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Hey Dog!! Ok, before we get started, I need to know what the hell that big bear-rat looking thing is....And I sure as hell need to make sure I dont live where they are!

Ok, down to bidness:  Dog, you know me, I call bullshit when I see it.  The chic on the phone with the FBI dude...nuh-uh.  I dont believe for one minute he is FBI. Not buying that a bit.  The chic, is it Deborah?  I dont believe she's for real either.  I think at the least she has the hots for Charles (and who wouldnt?), she wants a hot radio show over at blogcrap, or she just likes the circus feel of this shit and getting off on the attention.

I am actually beginning to believe Charles might not be who he says he is.  Not sure bout that one.  The others, I know a rat when I smell one.

I am always ready to back a patriot, no hesitation.  But somethings not right here, Dog.

Irish didnt lose his kid because he was an Oathkeeper, his own dad trumped up some shit on him because they have bad blood.  Our radio network were instrumental in getting the kid back.  He had also refused vaccinations for the baby (dont blame him for that)  and was leaving the hospital with her AMA.  I think Irish raised a fair amount of hell while he was at the hospital also.

I believe half these folks are making coin off all this money raising.  Hell Dog, they've been collecting for years now!  I've sent quite a bit my own self.  Also, it was said a couple years ago that Charles mother, Jan, put her house up for hock to make his bail.  He ran, didnt go to court and she stood to lose the house.  That didnt happen, she still has her house.  Unless she had a bail bondsman that said he would forgive the bail.  I dont think that happened.  If it did, I need that bondsman's name.  Would come in handy in case I want to raise a little more hell than I already do!

Straight up brother, I am doubting all of their asses.  Maybe we've all been fooled.  Wouldnt be the first damn time.

What you think?

I know you call BS Tina, chet, I'll even admit your first to call it before me, but the call is an accurate depiction. That is FBI Agent Ken Western. 

Rick Light once asked me how to spot a true Black Leader. I replied : " He is either dead or in jail!"

Anybody can get a radio show, just have to pay, but dig, skepticism is expected & take nothing for granted, don't even believe me, in fact, attack what I am saying, dig into it with the intention of proving it is false.


I want to be wrong! If proven so, I will eat my humble pie & make double the effort to get the truth out. You have my word on that, but in reality, I doubt you even need it.  Like I told Margret & you have a special place in this too, you have seen the exact same "PRETENDERS" of the Constitution in action, surpressing your right to free speech & me the "BAD GUY", stepping in on your behalf....on @ least , er, um, LOL, 5 seperate occasions?

You and Margret both, so what I said to her, could have just as easily, infact, I will say it to you:


What can he say about me, that nullifies the stand ( well, technically stances that I took for you, when you were %100 in the right, and spreading the truth, & they attacked you?

Who stood for you, against all of them? And you won right? Every time?

Who always stood for the members when they were well within their rights & the bad guys weren't?

So why should it surprise you that I would take Charles Dyer / July 4 Patriots side after finding out that they are informants operating against him, from WRAM, & have the documentation to support it."

This covers the time that I returned from my BS ban, during the Charles Dyer manhunt. The ban was BS & Rick called me to return a few months later, explaining that it was rouge admins who had banned me, unjustly , again. It covers my return, my awakening & trying like a lunatic to help Charles Dyer / July 4 Patriot, and documenting how they had to try harder than a lunatic to stop me.

My introduction to Deb Swan.

This is how & why I became a Bad Guy, screen shotted, overlapping, with address bar included for independent verification.

Study them & get up to date:

John Irish : Not sure about his specifics, but was only illustrating how Amelia Foxwell brought John Irish's name up, had to explain who he was & then started slandering him & his offer to help Charles Dyer to Deb Swan, then turned around and continued to "PRETEND" to work with him , as part of Charles Dyer's OFFICIAL support group, that she was running, & produced ZERO public support from John Irish.

" I think Irish raised a fair amount of hell while he was at the hospital also." ...SweetTina


That's my point & not so much as a peep from him on the Charles Dyer case? Not 1 post? Video for Chip In?

That seems odd,  especially when he could have stepped to you for help & others, to raise awarness about the Charles Dyer case, even weirder, since Amelia Foxwell founded New Colony Media during the second trial...., so her 1st year in the movement she is running intel & media wing, an her defense in the Dyer call, was that she was just a lying fake, looking for Dyer, when he didn't wanna be found.


So at best, we have a lying fake, running the comms & intel of the the very best.


On Making coin:  Rick light brought a $11K Jeep Liberty , during the Dyer case, cash. Put a WRAM 1 plate on it. Dyer case Bond?


Simple explanation, Dyer was caught in Texas, but never was charged with leaving the state, even though he was caught out of state. Why?


It was a lawfull flight to avoid persecution.  He was being set up, just didn't have as many details as I do.


I think we have all been fooled, but not by Charles Dyer. 


Check the screen shots, they are revealing.





If , for arguments sake, there is a **"NETWORK"** of informants in the patriot community, who would the people running it prefer to have in it?

Grass root members , or leadership?

Best way to crash a car, is to grab the wheel.  This page has been removed, but I read the other with the screen shots.  Very telling.  I'm understanding more about it all.

I believe those jerks are just getting off on power plays, banning ppl gets their rocks off.  They get off feeling superior with their 'boots on the ground' bs.  And the dude thanking them for letting them come back....sheesh.  Some warrior. And MM claiming he "kept Charles alive"....pure BS.  He has built himself a little kingdom and thinks he is the king.  WRAM doesnt deal in facts, when I told it I was banned, and you were the one that went to bat for me.  I will never forget that.  If I failed to tell you what that meant to me, let me do that now.

This I know about you, you have always been a man of honor and truth.  You fought for my right to tell the truth, I believe you are doing the same thing with J4P.  A better friend cant be found.  As I have heard, "One man with courage is a majority".  I hope to always endure that effort with men of your caliber.

You didnt have to fight for me, but you did.  Thank you my brother, it meant the world to me.  I left WRAM after the 2nd or 3rd banning...I smile with pleasure that I was banned from ppl like RL.  He thought I would be another of his adoring fans. Wrong.  I stand for truth, if it cant be told, I am not welcome there.  I believe your intentions are entirely honorable.  God bless you brother.

IDK SweetTina...on this, 1st time ever, you seem kinda slow.I'm ask...

That $$$ goes to his mother, like the Chip in, but that is for his use.  There was never any donation controversy, outside what of Rick & Nancy created.

Either way, you can contact the host & verify, contact Mrs Dyer...

It's to help Charles Dyer / July 4 Patriot in prison, it's not like I am asking anyone to feed a starving kid in Africa.

>>>Side Note : If that doesn't get me at least an official caution....I'd have to make this my home site : )

What's up with a Radio Show? Live call in, Charles Dyer / July 4 Patriot?



Cover show cost, put some change on J4P's debit, so he can buy protection if need be, and some of the finer things in prison life, like a pillow, extra blanket for cold winter nights, a beach towel, slippers, salt & pepper, toothpaste.

These informants took him from us, your show can give him back...weekly.

Thanks, I hadnt seen this before,  maybe shouldve been paying more attention.  Maybe it was NG and her endeavors that made me start doubting some things.  When she told me you were fed I tore her up!  I dont regret sending what I did, and when in better shape will happily send more.  Maybe I should have asked more questions earlier on.  I was friends with Jan Dyer on the Patriots Protecting Patriots site, but NG created it, upon her attacking you I deleted my page there.  I wish now that I had contacted Jan for myself.

That pic above really set me off buddy, just the type of thing I abhor in this world.  Innocence lost.  He couldnt take out the evil that sent him, so he takes the life of the future of this world. Our children.  Oh for the day things are set right.

How many years did Charles Dyer get?


Crying shame.  I want to look more into the charges.  I thought they had closed the molestation charges.  Without a doubt I believe he was railroaded to make a statement to the patriot community.

Eye opener.


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