More and more I see why they leave Alex Jones alone and why they killed William Cooper...

Alex it seems is just filibustering now for 4 hours each day now that he has the top spot in the alternative news. He's got the captains seat now and can just sit there really not exposing anything new ... His new up and coming movie JFK, do we care, am I going to learn something I give a shit about? His new Chemtrails Doc. might wake some up to the fact that the government lies... Obama Deception 2, !? Will I be shocked? will there be new information EXPOSED that wasn't already talked about? Most likely NO.

Do we need to be told each day that the cops are beating and killing people, that theres a police state being setup, that we're being tracked and traced more and more? Do I need to be reminded that the elite are bad people? For the new people right? ... how about we use the millions of people we already have and direct our energy correctly. Lets grow in our understanding together and come up with a real battle plan. Lets go deeper than "that man bad, this man good" lets open the book all the way and put everything out on the table, we're smart very smart people and most of us have pain stakenly clawed for the exact truth. Used far more time than anyone should researching evil people and past mystery religions because no one exists out there right now that WILL go through ALL of it and cover it ...... as William Cooper did.

It feels as if Alex is now on an information loop that will only touch the same info repeatedly until the MSM picks it up and even then he continues with it. The MIAC the DHS reports... were any of us shocked that those documents got "exposed" or shocked as to what was in them? We ARE aware about what the soviets in the DHS thought about us already "and if it where not for Alex Jones" do you think those documents wouldn't have come out? They wanted them out or they wouldn't have written them and distributed them to the lower levels. Covering the latest new for an hour is needed but more than that unless its brand new material or life threatening is not accomplishing anything but to waste time. Let the other news guys in our movement get it let Burmas do the news hes not great at wowing me with his knowledge.

Alex so bad wants to be main stream media he's no longer the cutting edge and since he hasn't got the mental memo yet he will never be the MSM until we win. He's now just another Alternative media commentator chronicling the New World Orders Progression.

MILKTOAST at best right now, Lieing by omission at this point. Peter Joseph needs to be challenged he is not in our movement he is a theosophist and of the same ideology as the Illuminati his movie is Illuminati propaganda so Alex's BS "i won't police the movement" or whatever idiocy he blabs on about during his daily filibuster is just because he doesn't want to lose listeners. Go after him and others who are seriously stifling our progress.

Alex is desensitizing his listeners to the NWO while at the same time announcing for the NWO their goals and happenings, i'll bet some tune in just to keep up with their own nonsense. He's wasting time giving them time, acting inadvertently as a pressure valve. Playing into the Cop v.s. the public, and acting like a tool sometimes in front of the world making us look like nuts.

Alex is not working for the NWO nor wanting to help them but if he keeps this crap up we're going to be in a hell of a lot of hurt here in the next few years. He wanted the top spot and he got it and its on his shoulders how this goes on from here in the infowar. His solution of passing out DVD's until the troops arrive to shoot me isn't funny or cute its suicide really. Why doesn't he promote the militia more? Why does he cringe and go silent when Bob Chapman or Mark Koernke (why hasn't mark been on the show lately? Alex will BS you when asked "he didn't have me on his show") brings up the notion that we are most likely going to get into a shooting war with them? I hope that its just he doesn't get it and not that he's so obsessed with listeners and public relations (the same PR that he has failed at for years now because of who he is) that he won't say what NEEDS to be said. Cooper was very pro militia and with Alex we're lucky he doesn't call them terrorists at this point.

I hope im not the only one who sees that we have a de-facto leader thats derelict of his duty to prepare the infowarriors for a possible real war and derelict in exposing the enemy who has come into our movement and is utterly sabotaging and burning entire pockets of resistance and good peoples beliefs. I fully realize that if we are forced to fight we have lost a significant portion of the war but I fear that has already happened years ago. They win a large battle if we end up fighting our own brainwashed countrymen. Personally i don't see a happy ending to the NWO crashing and burning they are notorious 2yr olds "If i can't have it nobody can...KaBoom!"

I can guess his response to this ... "no matter what i do your not going to be happy" or I'm bad I'm bad i know" or a 10 min diatribe telling me how he doesn't have the time because hes busy filibustering for 4 hours a day or the staff because he's small or how i need to be the next William Cooper. Theres no point in Alex doing 4 hours of radio anymore if things are so hectic drop it down to 2 hours and get it in gear. Lets talk real issues and actually go deeper than the surface its all bad moniker. If all Alex wants to do all day is wake people up nothing more he needs to step out of the captains chair and as he says he NOT the best person to be presenting all this information. Do what your best at Alex analyze the enemy and expose the entirety of it piece by piece. Make some adjustments and challenge Zietcrap we're getting our ass kicked in a lot of areas right now and our victory's are not even close to war changing at this point. If all we have are shear numbers whom are not educated to the full totality of the enemy we will only have won a meaningless temporary war.

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Alex Jones does a great job and with my post I expressed my frustrations. When we boil it down for me to vent on Alex isn't the best idea, but what I said I feel and it seems hes doing a better job now and again at some of the issues mentioned. Bill Cooper had a lot of issues but his fight was strong and un-matched even today.

I hope with the 300K he just got in the moneybomb he can get more people to help him out so he can properly fill the four hours and cover more subjects and vital news faster. I really would like him to give a better education to the listeners though, the surface isn't good enough most don't do research and are missing entire chunks of info today.

About preparedness and working with your neighbors for the worst if it happens ... You ether do it or you don't I've said my bit. I still deeply wish Alex would spend more time on preparedness because I've learned in my life if there's something you didn't expect to happen its more likely than not that you will face the unexpected.
Cool, I have read and own behold a pale horse. Do you suggest any one that is alive as a commentary? Are you familiar with an older book by James W. Wardner called the planned destruction of america, and what do you think of Zecharia Sitchin?
Nice piece. Very well put. The way I see it, Alex jones has become another part of the controlled opposition. His early work (especially Wake up or Waco) was inspiring stuff which made people want to get out and actively do something. His new films are, as you say, the same old scare mongering about police brutality and how powerful 'They' are. Allowing the Zeitgeisters airtime is baffling. Its as if he actually wants to tar the image of those who oppose the global plantation with the Communitarian lunatics.

On the plus side, he has brought a network of people together who can see through the lies of the establishment. Maybe his procrastination and tedious repetition of events even the mainstream media are happy to cover is his way of getting 'infowarriors' to fly the coop and stop being AJ-devoted sheeple?
hi everybody i really dont want to say this but here it goes

I have had frustrations about alex over the years. Censorship seems to come into play more and more as his audience gets bigger. he says he cant control his moderators. i dont buy it. Everybody including myself overlooks reports that patriots are being ignored and censored that is until it happens to one personally. This is the case with me . I always have "overlooked" actions like this saying to myself that it is possible i dont know the whole story or see the big picture. When censorship did happen to me personally it makes me think about all the times i "overlooked" it when it happened to others and it brings it all back into question.

How many times has he cut someone off on his show before they were "allowed" to make their point ? Im not talking about the annoying defect of just cutting off guests or talking over people which annoys me. We know alex is knowledgeable but he doesnt have to butt in all the time to prove that to us so . Just let people talk and shut up . Even when he says he is going to be quiet he just cant help himself from butting in. That is just a character flaw which i have come to accept thats just alex's personality.

What i cant accept or understand is when he shuts down a caller with an opposing view and then spins it for five minutes. Thats unacceptable especially coming from someone who claims to be a defender of free speech. Alex is very talented at hiding this type of suppresion unlike Bermas who hangs up on people before they really say anything just because he suspects that he wont like their opinion. What can i say alex is a seasoned vet. Like i said when this stuff happens and you have firsthand personal knowledge that it is wrong many many other incidents come back up into question. I will use a couple of examples

Its is true alex has been inconsistant over the years. On one hand he says go out and fight the infowar and use the infowars name if you wish. When some does just that they come under attack by his "corporation" one example is infowars TV. I know what i heard he gave the guy his blessings and later on his wife "violet" went after the guy. That disturbed me.

In 2005 Ward Churchill was going to partcipate in an open public forum to debate about 9/11 at Hamilton College right here near my home town in new york. A group of us from people for a better future (now defunct) were planning to go and join the debate and hopefully help shed some light and learn something in the process.
Needless to say the debate never happened.

Bill o'reily started a national campaign demonizing ward churchill for some comments he made shortly after 9/11.
Even though his statements were not the best choice of words he still should have the freedom to make them. As a native american churchill's perpective was that the WTC the capitol of the finacial system and that people working in the buildings were unknowingly acting like little "ikemans" . sure this would be offensive to some people but he still had the right under the first amendment to say that. his statements were completely blown out of proportion by o'reilly and his attack dogs. O'reilly continued his tirade untill the debate was cancelled and churchill was fired. O'reily contends that nobody can say anything about 9/11 without hurting the victims families . an example of this was the jeremy click interview.

Anyhow the cia operative bill o'reilly was not really concerened about what churchill said 4 years prior but what he was going to say at that debate.

Alex joined o'reilly's campaign and used the same talking points bill was using to demonize churchill and supress his freedom of speech. It was totally a first amendment issue. When a woman called into the alex jones show to point this out to alex he immediately hung up on her saying listen here lady i know what i read in the paper.

WHAT ? How come the mainstream press is only credible when alex chooses it to be ? I still wonder what that 9/11 debate would have revealed publically. We will never know and alex certainly did not defend churchills right to free speech. Ever since then (2005) ive always been suspicious when he hangs up on callers and then spins the topic. Since this was a local story which i was following closely i knew alex was wrong and that the lady was right. unfortunately most of his listeners didnt get the full story on that issue. not very consistant for a guy that claims to defend everybodies right to speak freely. i know i know alex isnt perfect god know none of us are but how many times are we going to use this as an excuse for this kind of behavior ? ego comes into play here i believe.

This kind of censorship has been escalating the past couple years. The bigger alex gets the bigger the censorship gets.

Speaking of bigger there is no way we have the numbers needed to deafeat the NWO right now. Think about this. During Ron Pauls first moneybomb (the big one) 30,000 people contributed. Even though his movement has been growing can we be safely assume that that number would be 50,000 nowadays ? Take into account that not all supporters gave money the number may reach 100,000 supporters.

Putting alexs' movies aside a common prison planet tv video gets 3 or 4 thousand hits out the gate. Unfortunatley them numbers still are not enough to defeat the enemy. Which means we still have a long way to go in the infowar. The countries population is 300 million which means there are still too many sheeple in the US alone. Remember the sheep have been trained to resist us. So when i hear people say " we have the numbers lets march" im afraid that if we did we would be marching into our own slaughter.

I agree that alex has a good sized growing base of listeners and this can be used effectively . The problem is we have not seen that factor used in an effective way. Poster campaigns promoting infowars ? im sorry but the tshirts and posters are not going to make that big of a difference and many sheep will reject the actions as vandalism and profiterism. Some will awaken yes but isnt there something better that can be done besides a poster campaign? Come on alex if your going to flex your muscle lets hit a worthy target.

i could go on and on but i wont. I love humanity and have kept quiet many many times over the years for the sake of unification. i certainly dont want to play the role of being a divider but i also think we cant put ANYBODY on a pedastal no matter how big they are. Especially the bigger players like alex.

As far as alex getting assasinated well i believe it would not help the NWO at all to make a martyr out of him but i do fear that if we do start reaching the numbers needed to defeat them that it wont be off the table. I pray and if you do please pray that this doesnt happen because it certainly would be a heavy blow to the movement. i dont believe alex being alive discredits him in anyway.

Bottom line is i used to wholeheartily vouch for alexs' sincerity but in recent years that has come into question as far as im concerened. Not the information but its the motive that has been weighing heavily on my mind. I know im not the only one. i fear if this trend continues many long time infowarriors will continue to lose faith in the movement and abandon us. Yes its good to have numbers but experience is valuble too.

i know many will disagree , be angry with me, some will hate me for what ive just said. Thats too bad im not here to be popular im here to fight evil for the sake of people who are helpless and those not born yet. i know i cant turn a blind eye to this evil put forth by the lucifarians ( believe me ive tried) anyone with any moral fiber will be motivated to fight back. My point is always question reality no matter what figurehead the movement has in place. Where the movement is, the establishment will be there also. Just be aware.

I hope this post doesnt promote disunity but that it does inspire people to question that things are not always as they appear to be and always follow the money.

peace to all my fellow freedom lovers,
harry thomas
You say, "i see why they leave Alex Jones alone and why they killed William Cooper..."

That is trash talk. It comes across (to me) as low life and scummy. You can deny this as much as you wish, but your entire premise is that Alex is not good until the Luciferians murder him.

You say, "Alex is desensitizing his listeners to the NWO while at the same time announcing for the NWO"

Do YOU work for the Luciferians?
Does your criticism work best for our cause or not?

Do you own thing, and you too will be too busy to worry about Alex, what he does, what he does not. Sincerely! Alex is no more or less powerful than anyone of us. He is ONE person! So are each one of us!

Everybody has critics. Nobody but Jesus Successfully walked on water without going down.

Alex is alive for ONE reason and for ONE reason only: "God's hand of protection is upon him." I suppose those who do not believe in God may have difficulty in accepting that, but it is a fact.

It isn't because, as you have stated, "Alex is desensitizing his listeners to the NWO while at the same time announcing for the NWO .... "

Is ego involved? Of course it is. Yours is too. God created us with an "Ego."
Ego becomes harmful when that is all we do express. It expresses itself as false pride. Ego is also good, especially when it comes to seeking self preservaqtion.

Alex really does receive death threats -- (not all of them are against him) -- against his entire Family. You can not get that many threats without all of them not being real. It only takes "one real one," right?

I myself am the survivor of a very violent attempted murder, which did land me in the hospital. February, 1983. Kalamazoo, Michigan. A bitterly cold Sunday night, shortly after returning home.

On three occassions I have told Alex he needs to do what Bill Cooper can only wish he had done. That is to prepare a video for release ONLY after he is killed. So that he CAN and WILL get the last word. And to have Masters of it distributed around the nation, to insure it DOES get released. I stopped doing that as he would become depressed on his Show the day after, and would "obsess" speaking about those threats and his own death.

This nation probably, has less than 60 days remaining, my friend. You CAN talk Alex down, and you ARE doing that, but your focus while doing so is not on the Luciferians, it is on one of us. Alex, with all his warts, is one of us!

If ever, (or when), Alex becomes a martyr, how will you feel about it?
Like a fool, or vindicated? I pray this does NOT happen, and I am sincere about this!

WHY do you INSIST that those on the frontline's MUST be assassinated to be credible? Your premise is in your headline, and it is, more than anything else, a self - (or movement) - defeating premise. Get busy and place yourself on the frontlines. There is pletny of room!

If you are praying for the safety of Alex, by all means, also pray this, "THANK YOU LORD JESUS for ANSWERING my prayers. THANK YOU he is yet, still alive."

What you are pointing out has to do with style, and not a nafarious plot participant, or someone deliberately attempting to keep the movement in it's infancy.

More and more ARE waking up, and we are NOW as a percentage much higher then the percentage of Americans who supported the Revolutionary War of 1776, when it began.

Check out , and his other related sites, at . SEE if AJ is not expressing a "majoritty" viewpoint.

It has become that. It certainly did not begin as such.

I do agree with something unspoken by you, yet implied. And it is a very good point.

That is that one day -- beginning very soon, we will be engaging this enemy in a real, SHOOTING WAR.


The other side has literally fired all the first shots. Consider WACO, consider OKC. And more than a few dozen other Patriots since 1960.

Alex says "NO" to shooting, or shooting back, as the case may be.

My argument is that George Washington was NOT an "agent provocateur."

AFTER General Washington led the troops to cross the Delaware River into the Battle of Trenton, the Americans he led, killed the British Troops while they slept, giving the Revolutionary War it's FIRST important and major Victory. And THAT was the "Battle" of Trenton!

Need I say more?

Ken I don't think you have a clue about what I was talking about in the article. Read it again i nowhere in there said he should be dead or that i want him dead or anything like that. Your basing this response off of other peoples post in other forums that moan that he couldn't be alive if he was the real deal. I dont know if you copied and pasted this from another response you wrote in the past or you just don't understand at all what i was saying.

TheLasersShadow ... Figure out who I am do a search read what I have to say, not the guy your use to fighting in other forums who attack AJ. I'm a supporter and even have a subscription to

I do have an opinion of him and I will make it known and the psyop AJ just ran with the charlie sheen 20 min with the president was not a good idea as its was too obvious and now makes him fit the mold that the enemy is trying to fit him with. I would say more but i don't need to we'll see how it plays out this week. I don't know why you wasted time writing a response here that was even to long for me to care to read, go out and do something productive.
Edit to last comment: seems alex says it was an error not to have put the disclaimer on the article saying it was fiction.
Hello lazer shadow,

Alex is not derelict of his duty.
He is a reporting Journalist.
He continually asked us to get out and DO SOMETHING to expose this NWO and turn the world around.
He has been so over worked including his small staff.
You can forgive them if they stay on a topic for more than twenty seconds, because that is how we learn.
Not all the listeners are veteran at it. Many have just linked up this week.
It is good that you have passion and want things to progress.
But some folk are not leaders per-say but are better at doing exactly what they ARE doing.
Some get thrown into leadership simply because nobody else stepped up to the plate or that the person chosen was already the busiest one around.
Go ahead and have your own movement to help.
Not all things need to be the same.
Some have abilities and passions for only certain things and areas.
If you see a better way or something else that bothers you, then start up something else that will dovetail together with the movement.
Alex always tells us to do something on our own.
"Don't expect me top do it all" he says."I am just one guy".

Work for the cause with the rest or start another exposure that you think he overlooked.
He won't be hurt by you branching out if that is your route.
You have to remember many people don't know what is going on in the World whatsoever-
at least we learnt the information from an expert analyzer of news and hidden stories- the stuff not on the television.

I've research a lot over the years, and learnt a lot of what Alex knows over the last few years. Alex is a good resource for knowledge, for people who don't know the hidden news reports...
There isn't much of the news in the U.K. on our television- you have to really look around the British newspapers to get a bit of news that the corporations and elite don't want people to know. People in America are lucky to have a researcher like Alex on the job,

I've done my bit with the internet forums and creating web channels with reports from across the World on a lot of the issues Alex explains. For people who don't learn enough from television news, the internet and radio shows are a better source of information than t.v.
Conciseness reached .... We need a leader of the movement, Alex Jones is Alex Jones.

Comments Closed as this is now a distraction and people are not reading the previous comments before posting.


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