Must See This: Border Patrol Received This Memo re: Widespread Disease "Prevention"

Border Patrol Received This Memo on Disease Prevention at the US/Mexico Border

Jul 4, 2014

Border Patrol MEMO

Due to the pending arrival of UAC’s (unaccompanied children) from RGV, The National Border Patrol Council Local 1613 is suggesting the following protocols for the safety of our agents as well as the detainees.

1. All Agents should bring a second set of clothes (Including socks and shoes) to the station. Change clothes prior to going home so that you can minimize the chances of infecting any of your or friends.

a. We will be looking into getting coveralls or some other form of outer clothing for agents.
b. We will also be looking for a way to launder your clothing so that you don’t have to take it home.
c. Place your clothing in a plastic and take directly from the bag to the washing machine.
d. If possible we recommend you showering at the station after each shift before going home.

2. All agents should get tested for TB in order to ensure you have a baseline.
a. We will be working with the agency to get occupational health out to provide testing.
b. In the meantime go to your personal health care provider and get TB test done.

3. Agents should refrain from touching their nose, mouth or eyes when processing.

4. All bedding and clothing should be handled with protective equipment (gloves) and placed in specifically designed (i.e. plastic bag) and laundered ASAP.

5. Gloves should be worn at all times and changed frequently and should be used between changing gloves.

6. Educational material will be distributed in order to assist agents with the identification of communicable diseases.

7. Cells should be disinfected regularly.

8. All detainees who are suspected or report having communicable disease will be documented and reported to a supervisor as soon as possible.

9. All detainees should be given vaccinations before being released into the communities.

10. If there are any supplies you believe you need and the service has not provided contact the local union health and safety officer and we will look into purchasing those items directly.

11. If you have any concerns please contact your local health and safety officer and we will the issue and get back to you ASAP.


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Hmmm, if it is this bad, shouldn't NBP be suiting up in MOPP/CBRN/NBC gear. 

The only way to stop this influx woud be to lay AP mines along the entire border - making it very clear to everyone, everywhere - from an international media announcement to large and VERY lurid pictographic warning signs on the border itself, showing what AP mines actually do, that can be seen clearly from Mexico.

@DTOM - am in total agreement with you - we need to landmine the entire border ASAP!

I found another report stating that "Obastard" working in concert with LaRaza brought in 260,000 illegals and gone so far as to "deliver" them in Fed cars to their other illegal family members residences in the US in the last 8 months.  I will go back and get the article and post it.  Obastard just brought in his Democrat slave voter base.

landmines....great deterrent ;) once a couple of the walking diseased dead blow up, the rest will NOT follow...just put up warning ENGLISH ONLY ;)

"All detainees should be given vaccinations before being released into the communities."

I guess we know who wrote that one?


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