.oO(if someone offends my conscience, and i am a consciencious objector, can i still beat the fuck out of him?)

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No. You may only object!
Only if you think like I do !

i think i need a little bit more detail to really answer that.


Surely this is a parady. But just in case it's not, here's a thought -- Why don't you let your conscience objectively disagree in a peaceful manner. If that don't work, beat the hell outta yourself because you probably deserve it for not having any self control.

i conscienciously object going to war to fight because my country lied.  therefore, by definition, i am a consciencious objector to the wars the United States is now involved in.  And politicians are really doing things i find objectional to my conscience.  And peaceful disagreement has been ineffective so far.  and i HAVE BEEN practicing self control...i haven't even walked around with my knife (katana) yet.


btw, it WAS just a thought...as the guy in Iowa said the other day "you all need to get a sense of humor"

The cynical edge was clear but your original statement was absent of any overt humor. Tough to convey emotion on the internet, even tougher through so few words. Oh and there was the f-bomb factor. Easy to misconstrue was it not? 


And the guy in Iowa the other day was mac daddy Herman Cain, former CEO of Godfather Pizza, and former Chairmen of the Kansas Federal Reserve as I recall....



the mere obsurdity of the 'thought' should have conveyed the 'humor'...alas, as you say, hard to convey sarcasm in text.
Right, and this is the internet, the intellectual enclave of ones and zeros where for the first time in human history the most brilliant minds among us gather with all the madmen in an effort to coexist. Suffice to say it is NOT easy!
i'm not MAD...just a little tiffed  muahahahaha
Lol....HA, perhaps you are right. We are a serious bunch.
Nope just you Vince :)


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