Chilean scientists have developed a new vaccine against alcoholism that gives the sensation of a terrible hangover after just a few drinks.
The new alcoholism vaccine, which works like patches used for kicking smoking, is believed to be more efficient as it specifically targets liver cells.
It works by neutralizing aldehyde dehydrogenase, a group of enzymes that metabolizes alcohol and are therefore responsible for alcohol tolerance, said the lead Chilean researcher Juan Asenjo.
Apart from contributing to a general feeling of ''unease,'' the vaccine would increase nausea, heartbeat and sweating following drinking alcohol.
"The therapy has been tested in rats that are genetically alcoholics, and has worked successfully to decrease the addiction by 50 percent," researchers said, hoping that the vaccine may reduce the alcohol consumption by 90-95 percent.
Researchers said further animal tests would be conducted this year before the human trials are launched in 2012.
"In one to two years we will start testing patients. If the result in humans is similar to the results we saw in animals, one shot a month would be sufficient at the beginning to … help alleviate the addiction," Asenjo said.
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