Making Work Pay: $79 billion
Education Tax Cuts: $10 billion
First Time Homebuyer: $4.7 billion
Unemployment Exclusion $4.7 billion
Car Sales Tax Deduction $1.7 billion
AMT Patch $69.8 billion
Energy Tax Cuts $20 billion
Business Tax Cuts $6.2 billion
Manufacturing Bonds $1.9 billion
Shovel Ready $19.6 billion
“Stimulus” Subtotal: $217.6 billion
Total “Stimulus” spending: $581 billion
3. Obamacare (H.R. 3590/H.R. 4872)
Exchange Credit: $107 billion
Small Business Credit: $37 billion
Obamacare Subtotal: $144 billion
4. Small Business (H.R. 5297)
Small business expensing: $7.6 billion
Small business tax simplification: $2.4 billion
Other small business tax cuts: $2 billion
Small Business Subtotal: $12 billion
1. S-CHIP (H.R. 2)
Tobacco tax hike: $65.5 billion
S-CHIP Tax Hike Subtotal: $65.5 billion
2. “Stimulus” (H.R. 1)
No tax hikes
“Stimulus” Tax Hike Subtotal: $0
3. Obamacare (H.R. 3590/H.R. 4872)
Individual/Employer Mandate: $65 billion
Cadillac Plan Excise Tax: $32 billion
Interactive Effects: $46 billion
HSA/FSA Taxes: $19.4 billion
Reinsurance/Risk Adj: $106 billion
Small Biz Paperwork Tax: $17.1 billion
Medical Itemized Ded. Tax: $15.2 billion
Medicare/Investment Tax: $210.2 billion
Tanning Salon Tax: $2.7 billion
Excise Taxes and Fees: $112.6 billion
Economic Substance/Misc. $26 billion
Obamacare Tax Hike Subtotal: $652.2 billion
4. Small Business (H.R. 5297)
Homeowner Paperwork Tax: $2.5 billion
“Tax Gap”: $5.5 billion
*N.B. some other “tax hikes” were accidental effects of long-term tax relief and not scored
Small Business Tax Hike Subtotal: $8 billion
Total Gross Tax Cuts: $373.6 billion
(only $107.6 of this amount is permanent)
Total Gross Tax Hikes: $725.7 billion
(the full amount — $725.7 billion, is permanent)
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