Obama Expands Federal Power Over the States with Executive Order

Kurt Nimmo
January 12, 2010

featured stories Obama Expands Federal Power Over the States with Executive Order
Contrary to his election campaign promises, Obama has issued dozens of signing statements.

Obama has issued another executive order, this time establishing a so-called “Council of Governors.”

The order, signed on January 11, further diminishes the sovereignty of the states and builds on a framework for possible martial law. The executive order was completely ignored by the corporate media.

“By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 1822 of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2008 (Public Law 110-181), and in order to strengthen further the partnership between the Federal Government and State governments to protect our Nation and its people and property,” the order reads.

The Council shall meet at the call of the Secretary of Defense or the Co-Chairs of the Council to exchange views, information, or advice with the Secretary of Defense; the Secretary of Homeland Security; the Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism; the Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement; the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Americas’ Security Affairs; the Commander, United States Northern Command; the Chief, National Guard Bureau; the Commandant of the Coast Guard; and other appropriate officials of the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Defense, and appropriate officials of other executive departments or agencies as may be designated by the Secretary of Defense or the Secretary of Homeland Security.

In other words, the Pentagon and Homeland Security will give hand-picked governors their marching orders under the guise of “synchronization and integration of State and Federal military activities in the United States,” a direct violation of Posse Comitatus.

Read the entire executive order  here (in PDF format).

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God help us!
This is full out tyranny.
The power is really with us.

People are just too apathetic and also very distracted as well as non-believers that there are peaceful alternatives that are effective.

Close your bank account.
Dispose of your credit cards.
Stop buying stuff.
Shut down the system.

The problem is that no one believes those things will work. They will. It takes participation by many but it starts with each one of us. I'm doing it. When will everyone else?
And still no one will so much as lift a finger in defiance of this tyranny!
We are screwed thank you very much Mr "O" ..

UNLESS we become one voice Now...My Simple thought

What will work now is a UNITED ONE VOICE TAXREVOLT for 2010< and if not we all face the possibility of...

So Who is an Igniter ~~~Who can fan it into Flames ~~ and then R. Paul may have some fuel to work with.

If we do it now it all unravels If not It was fun while it lasted...Personally

(I have already done what Jeff suggested below ~ Even went to not eating the meats they are tainted~and sticking with either or own grown or from those we know)everything is drugged everything is messed up

Are you happy with your controllers yet?....well I am not thinking this is the chosen way to global shalom...not until they turn off the war machine. and we the people hold the key..that is when we become one voice.....but then what do I know.....LOL
I think you know a great deal.

I should have added not paying taxes.

I never paid taxes, ever, and the Statute Of Limitations is up.

I claimed "exempt" since the day I began working and no longer work now. Fuck 'em.
Yes Interesting Jeff~ For the last few days I see myself walking into the Social sec....(can't even spell the lie right LOL)...urity building and asking where and what form I use to give them back the unwanted chain of bondage.

Maybe it is a dream or download from the Master to Bail now while the going is good...

Well assuming there is that form<><><><>
amen...kill the beast
Arm up my friends.
It's time to lock and load.
Fill the magazines for the time is upon us.

With this seripiticious action and allowing Interpol immunity, I would say "It's WAR", and they have brought it here.

Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum.
Acta Non Verba!
Dulce et decorun est pro patria mori.
Metal Chemist writes:""It's WAR", and they have brought it here."
G-d I hate that kind of Vulgeeeeeer language...However with all the foolishness going on... I was walking a few minutes ago and just came back with the thought these A**holes could very start WW3 right here and then come back on to see that comment !!!! Go Figure.

...Well I keep thinking Russia and China will come together and kick some Butt.

Sadly we would become victims of anothers Tyranny.
The good thing I can learn these two languages ...soon.
I might squezzzzze by with Russian, a lot of old Yiddish/Hebrew there LOL
Lock and load? Against US weapons. Are you joking?
Does the posse comitatus still apply?
The Executive Order looks impressive and the subject matter is certainly one for concern - however, I question the validity of the Executive Order, as I have never seen one WITHOUT an Executive Order Number - which is missing on this supposed copy. I am trying to verify the validity of this Executive Order and will believe it when I can see it verified.


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