Obamacare Preview? Euthanasia for children nears approval by Belgian Parliament


A proposed law on the verge of approval by the Belgium parliament would allow children to decide for themselves whether they should be euthanized ("killed") by medical personnel. Currently, Belgian law limits euthanasia to persons 18 and older, but with the rise of autistic children thanks to biopesticides, GMOs and vaccines, nations are increasingly trying to figure out what to do with all these children who have been permanently damaged by the medical and biotech industries.


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jah wie get it from zie Germans

OMG...This is INSANE!! ...you cant ask lttle children if they want to die because they are autistic...or have a disability or illness..........Welcome to Nazi Occupied Germany.......Swing Heil

What's next, Soylent Green?

In 2022, Earth is overpopulated and totally polluted; the natural resources have been exhausted and the nourishment of the population is provided by Soylent Industries, a company that makes a food consisting of plankton from the oceans. In New York, when Soylent's member of the board William R. Simonson is murdered apparently by a burglar at the Chelsea Towers West - Detective Thorn is assigned to investigate the case, and the detective concludes that the executive was not a victim of burglary, but executed. Further, he finds that Governor Santini and other powerful men, want to disrupt and end Thorn's investigation - Thorn continues his work, and discovers that the oceans have been exhausted, and the bizarre and disturbing secret, of the ingredient used to manufacture Soylent....

i hear that bill gates is all so in to this big time,for all who are sick,if they are young or old

this is very bad to know our country is coming down to this,but here is one more bad thing i have came a cross too;you can go to joemiller.us and tape in Chapel hill at his site and this is very,very,bad ppl! here it is[lawsuit ''EPA''--conducted Gas chamber-like experiments on the elderly,at the university of ''CHAPEL HILL, NC] OMG THIS IS BAD !!! and enhuman the only way we in nc knows about it now is the lawsuit has been filed after a freedom of information act !

euthanize Monsanto, its peers and its political puppets

Sebelius is licking her chops right about now.

C'mon, People, this cr*p is getting out-of-hand.  On the one hand, we're arguing that we NEED 10+ million Mexican illegals here to fill all the unfilled grunt-jobs, and on the other hand, we're needing to kill off millions so we can survive as a country.

Will you spinners-of-conspiracies PLEASE have a secret get-together and settle WHAT we're supposed to believe in??  I can't keep up.... (www.internet-grocer.com)

Good lord, insanity....


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