Between the FEMA Camps and the coffins and the thousands of gillotines our Government
has been working on over the years you know what's coming. They know it's easier to kill
off the population then it is to feed them. Hitler would be so proud that they studied his methods and vastly improved upon them. All I can hope for is people wake the hell up and realize what is awaiting them. Most of my friends and family are in total denial about what is happening with our Economy and want to pretend that Obama will wave his magic wand and everything will return to normal. Between Wall Street and the Government cooking the books for decades, we are never coming back from what they did. I have a feeling that they will unleash some type of biological warfare disguised as the "Flu Virus" that will take down 10 of millions of people. It will be interesting times we will be living in.
Together, robots & humans can take the whole system down. THE ELECTRIC STATE starring Millie Bobby Brown, Chris Pratt and directed by the Russo Brothers, onl...
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This is my analysis and my thoughts on Michael Aquino's "MindWar". This document is a must-read if you are looking to understand the psyop tactics and cognit...
Wounder how many people know what they do to baby chicks? Wounder if they know what the are doing to Salmon? What about the lettuce and tomatoes? This will n...
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