Piers Morgan vs Larry Pratt 01/09/2013 Larry Pratt takes Piers Morgan to the mat in tonight's debate.



Piers Morgan vs Larry Pratt 01/09/2013



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I just watched Alex Jones tear him a new one!

It was GREAT!

I totally agree!  Who the hell is he to think his opinion matters anyway when his own countrymen just put out a video and an article,  "America, do NOT give up your guns!"

Russia just said the same thing!  ALL eyes of the world are on us right now to see JUST HOW STRONG AMERICANS ARE....and many countries are rooting for us!

Please take this pompous twit back to England, take the village idiot we have in our what house two, the Queen could use a H N

Piece of dung Morgan is getting too much publicly .. I never even heard of him till he had Jessie Ventura as a guest, Mr. Pratt gave him a good lesson in American rights and why we fought the English to begin with, It was a good interview I liked

His arrogance was and will be his downfall.  For some reason, he thinks he is above everyone.  Got news for that man....I'll say it again....his OWN arrogance wll be his downfall.

Get ready, they're going to ban high capacity mags and military style firearms. Say it aint so...

Morgan is just milking the subject to gain ratings... He is a Media whore..His show was tanking so he is pressing this crisis to keep his time slot and his job..Otherwise he will have to go back to Europe and be indited in the hacking scandal

Piers is such a piece of satanic garbage... like most liberals... who fail to comply with law, and truth.   Avoid that... and what does that make you?  Of your father whom you follow... and you willfully avoid truth and law.  Is that sane?????

I recall the sandy hook sheriff reporting they found the AR15 at the moms home, it was never used during the MK ultra controlled shootings

Larry Pratt has been a regular guest on my show at http://freeamerican.com. He put on a much better performance that Alex Jones on the same show who came off in the eyes of uninformed Americans as a raving pompous ass who refuses to discuss or inform the Americans of the foreign intrigue George Washington, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson warned us about. That is typified in the money and control a foreign government (Israel) has over Americans. Most of the gun-related psyops massacres that have ties to the dual citizen Jews here. Sandy Hook being the latest. Sandy Hook is primarily a Jewish neighborhood and information contained in videos I posted in www.facebook/freeamerican shows that the websites and condolences for the "massacre"  which we have never been allowed to see evidence of was posted on the internet BEFORE the alleged shootings. Remember the Mossad Motto: Warfare by Deception. I would be happy to debate Alex Jones, who supports Jewish dual citizens...like his wife and children.


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