Whatever your opinions and beliefs are about the war against Gaddafi, if you believe that popular consent, the social contract, and checks and balances in government are good ideas that should not be erased from history then you can not be a supporter of President Obama, other Western leaders, NATO, and the United Nations because they exercised arbitrary power and manipulated global public sympathy to advance their agenda in Libya.
There is no question that Gaddafi had to be overthrown, but it is not right for international coalitions to do the job of the Libyan people. The West would have reacted with indignation and scorn if the Libyan people had reached out to Russia or China or Iran to liberate them from their tyrant. It doesn't make it right just because the West is doing the overthrowing.
If Obama, Sarkozy, Harper, and Cameron were Putin, Ahmadinejad, Jintao, and Chavez you wouldn't hear so-called humanitarians like Samantha Power preaching about human rights and genocide in Libya. Instead, there would be talk of Chinese imperialism, Islamic fascism, Russian aggression, and a Communist coup.
If NATO's cause was as noble and pure as they like the Western public to believe then they would have crafted words to address our logical and rational side instead of using emotion-based propaganda to get us to support their mission to oust another dictator in the world. So-called international humanitarians and UN liberators who want to get rid of every tyrant they hate are the biggest tyrants in the world.
What the war in Libya shows is that the U.S. constitution is treated like a piece of paper by the White House, CIA, Pentagon, and Congress. The American people have no voice in their government. Neither do the Canadian people, the British people, and the people of every other nation whose troops are currently fighting in Libya, Afghanistan, and other "humanitarian" wars which are unjust and criminal.
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