Propaganda: Spin Doctors Trying to Make Hillary Look Remorseful and Human

Hillary Clinton talks Benghazi, Gates, 2016

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Monday that the “biggest regret” from her time as the nation’s top diplomat was the 2012 attack on Americans in Benghazi.

During a question-and-answer session at a meeting of the National Automobile Dealers Association, Clinton called the loss of four Americans in the attacks “a terrible tragedy” and a “great personal loss.”

Clinton did not address criticism by former Defense Secretary Robert Gates, who wrote in a new memoir that Clinton opposed the troop surge in Iraq for political reasons. But she did appear to defend President Barack Obama, whose administration Gates paints as micromanaging and overly concerned with domestic politics.

Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton talks about the 2012 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, while speaking Monday in New Orleans, La.

“I think the real takeaway from Bob’s book … is that he ended up admiring both President Bush and President Obama,” she said, saying that both presidents had different styles but admirable conviction in their decision-making.

The possible presidential contender continued to say that she is “not thinking about” her plans for 2016.

“I have to say, I don’t know,” she said when asked about her political future. “Not a very satisfactory answer, I know.”

“I’m not thinking about it,” she said. “I am trying to get other people not to think about it. I will think about it in the future sometime, but right now let’s think about what we have to do to continue building on our success.

One title that she is looking forward to, however, is one far removed from the Oval Office.

“I really can’t wait, to be honest,” she said of the possibility of becoming a grandmother. “But that’s not my decision."

In her remarks to the auto dealers group, Clinton waxed eloquent about her own family's love of cars, but conceded that she hasn't been behind the wheel since she was first lady. 

"The last time I actually drove a car myself was 1996, and I remember it very well," she said. "Unfortunately, so does Secret Service, which is why I haven't driven since then."

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What BS!

Wooing Wall Street, Hillary dares Warren to run in ‘16
The former first lady, senator and secretary of state is making a point of wooing Wall Street donors and telling them how much she loves them, implicitly dissing the senator from Massachusetts, who has based her political career on a crusade against banks’ greed and misbehavior.

At least that’s the impression you get from a Politico report about Clinton’s love fest with titans of finance at a recent Goldman Sachs event, where she told them Wall Street-bashing is foolish.
Clinton is portrayed as throwing a lifeline to these beaten-up Wall Street denizens, offering “a glimpse to a future

They are pining for the return of clinton deregulation like a bunch of school girls.

Right you are Charles.  I don't believe for one minute that bitch Hillary is NOT going to run for President in 2016. She's doing damage control and major "suck-up" to Wall Street - just as you said.  Benghazi is NOT going away.  American citizens will not forget that Hillary and Obama denied help to those who were slaughtered at Benghazi.

Unfortunately, it all won't matter. She's already been "selected" by the elites. The "election" process will be a mere formality.


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