Nancy Pelosi has been in the spotlight of national attention a lot in recent weeks, especially with regard to the scuffle taking place between the Democrat leadership and President Trump over the border wall. The recent partial shutdown of the government came as a result of her insistence that no funding for the southern border wall would be part of the security package the President proposed.

What her posturing has done is put a lot of people in a bad position financially, because even though there were several measures proposed by Republicans to pay certain segments of those affected by the shutdown, Democrats maintained the hard line of refusal, leaving hundreds of thousands in a really difficult position as they tried to rearrange their finances to make do until their paychecks started coming again.

Many of those the front of this group are law enforcement personnel, many thousands of whom continued to work – without pay – until the shutdown ended. The situation has stirred up a “last straw” kind of response from them, and what you see below is a statement and petition drawn up by a member of a group called the Whiskey Patriots, Marjorie Taylor Greene.

This from Law Enforcement Today:

America, we have a problem.

There is someone who needs to be impeached, fired, and removed from office.

There is a very particular leader in our country that is refusing to do the job that she was elected by the American people to do.

Not only is she refusing to do her job, her policies are dangerous for LEO’s and treasonous to America. We can no longer sit idly by and be abused by this woman and her selfish ideas of how she thinks America should be.

Friday President Trump announced that he would be signing a temporary deal that would fund our federal government until February 15, 2019 in order to make sure federal government employees would get paid.

The big surprise was that this temporary deal came without any money funding the border wall, which has been the catalyst in the stand off between Trump and the Nancy Pelosi led Democrats. After President Trump’s announcement came a fury of feelings from both sides of the aisle. What ensued was based off of President Trump declaring that if there is no deal reached by February 15th, he would be declaring a national emergency to fund the wall… and Nancy Pelosi leading a braggadocious celebration that she had defeated Trump.

Social media exploded with reactions to the surprising move.

But many people that were most impacted by this temporary deal were Law Enforcement Officers. The real issue at hand is which side, Trump or Pelosi, really has LEO’s best interest at heart, and American’s best interest at heart? Who was willing to give in on what they were demanding in order to re-open the government so that the 800,000 federal workers who were not getting paid could receive their paychecks?

I’m going to argue in favor of President Trump and explain why Nancy Pelosi is not only a traitor to LEO’s, she is a traitor to the American people.

Let’s look at the numbers.

These are the estimates from the Senate Appropriations Committee on the number of LEO’s that were not getting paid while the government was shut down.

Law enforcement

More than 41,000 federal law enforcement and correctional officers were not getting paid, including:

  • 2,614 Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) agents.
  • 16,742 Bureau of Prisons correctional officers.
  • 13,709 FBI agents.
  • 3,600 Deputy U.S. Marshals.
  • 4,399 Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) agents.
  • Homeland security

Up to 88 percent of Department of Homeland Security employees were not getting paid, including:

  • 53,000 TSA employees.
  • 54,000 Customs and Border Protection agents and customs officers.
  • 42,000 Coast Guard employees.

President Trump’s decision to sign a temporary deal to re-open the government, without the funding for the border wall, shows how much compassion he feels towards these federal employees. Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and the Democrats complete unwillingness to negotiate over the past 35 days shows they don’t care at all about people not getting paid to do their jobs while they work.

After all, Pelosi, Schumer and all of Congress received their paychecks the entire time the government was shut down. Remember President Trump works for free because he donates every one of his Presidential paychecks, so his motivation was not related to money.

Worse than not caring about LEO’s getting paid, Nancy Pelosi also votes and passes laws that are dangerous to our security and dangerous to the lives of LEO’s.

Nancy Pelosi’s Sanctuary Policies that provide aid, comfort, and protection to illegal aliens make it extremely difficult for LEO’s to preform their jobs, which they took an oath and swore to uphold and enforce the laws of this land.

For example, in March, Nancy Pelosi, who accused the Trump administration and ICE agents of carrying out “cowardly attacks” on illegal immigrants, issued the statement after the Justice Department filed a lawsuit against California, claiming three recently passed state laws are deliberately interfering with federal immigration enforcement.

Nancy Pelosi’s disdain for ICE is obvious from her statement.

“The people of California will not be bowed by the Trump administration’s brazen aggression and intimidation tactics,” the California Democrat said. “Californians will continue to proudly keep our doors open to the immigrants who make America more American. We will fight this sham lawsuit and will fight all cowardly attacks on our immigrant communities.”

Nancy Pelosi clearly chooses illegals over ICE agents. Her support of sanctuary and protection for illegal criminals is truly unreal for an elected representative of the American people, and treasonous behavior puts ICE agents in danger and makes their ability to do their jobs extremely difficult.

Perhaps one of the most infuriating recent examples of how Nancy Pelosi and her sanctuary policies hurt LEO’s is the murder of Corporal Singh.

Singh was a legalized immigrant to the US and was living his American dream of being a police officer in the state of California. Corporal Singh was murdered by illegal alien, Gustavo Perez Arraiga, who was a dangerous gang member.

California’s sanctuary law includes more than 800 exceptions for violent crimes and felonies and bars police from asking people about their citizenship status. These are laws that Nancy Pelosi supports because she cares more about illegal aliens than she cares about legal citizens and LEO’s being able to perform their jobs safely.

Do you know what Nancy Pelosi’s response to the murder of Corporal Singh was?

Nothing. Not a peep. No response to the murder of a legal immigrant who was serving the people of California as a police officer. Zero.

However, Nancy Pelosi did issue comments that day. She decried the deaths of two illegal immigrant children that died the same day, bashed the government shut down, and on New Year’s Eve she promoted her upcoming MSNBC special.

Corporal Singh worked for Newman Police Department which was not far from her district in San Francisco. President Trump called the family of Corporal Singh expressing his condolences and again cried out for the need for a border wall and the dangers of illegals.

At this point, can we just say that Nancy Pelosi seems to care less about LEO’s lives? To her Blue Lives don’t matter. Only Illegal Lives do… or should we say illegal votes.

I will go further. Nancy Pelosi needs to be arrested for treason!

This House Majority Leader, Nancy Pelosi, was first elected to the House of Representatives in 1987, some 32 years ago, and is now 78-years-old. The average age of retirement in the US is 62-years-old. Americans can start collecting Social Security at age 62. Yet Nancy Pelosi refuses to retire and pry her fingers off of her powerful seat, California’s 12th Congressional District. At this point, it would be easy for me to make a case for term limits for all elected Congressional Representatives. However in this case, I’m actually going to argue for a case of treason.

First and foremost, our elected Representatives take an oath to office swearing to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

5 U.S. Code § 3331 – Oath of office states:

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

According to Article 1, Section. 6 of the United States Constitution states this about why Senators and Representatives can be arrested:

The Senators and Representatives shall receive a Compensation for their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasury of the United States. They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony and Breach of the Peace, be privileged from Arrest during their Attendance at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and returning from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in either House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place.

According to 18 U.S. Code § 2381 – Treason is defined as follows:

Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

Our U.S. Constitution and U.S. Code of Law tells us that treason is a serious crime, even punishable by death.

There are only three crimes that United States elected Representatives of the House or the Senate can be arrested for: treason, felony, and breach of peace.

Given that Nancy Pelosi, upon taking her oath of office, swore to support and defend the U.S. against all enemies, why has she engaged in passing laws that provide Sanctuary to illegals, continue to oppose funding to a border wall to protect our national security, and obstruct any negotiations to fund the border wall ending the government shut down?

Let’s break this down.

Nancy Pelosi is worth hundreds of millions of dollars and is elected to SERVE America and Americans, yet every decision she makes using American’s tax dollars, is about making sure our southern border is open to drug cartels, human trafficking, and a full on illegal invasion.

In the state of California, she is a major ring leader of the political organized crime ring that is destroying the beautiful state of California with their traitorous Sanctuary policies. These anti-American policies are designed to destroy the state and our country financially, guarantee illegal Democrat votes, and ruin beyond repair the sovereignty of the United States of America!

Not only that, but Nancy Pelosi voted “Nay” on HR 3004 Kate’s Law, which was a bill that increases criminal penalties of undocumented immigrants reentering the United States after being deported once already. Kate Steinle, an American citizen, was murdered in San Francisco in Nancy Pelosi’s very own district, by an illegal alien who was a seven time felon and deported five times. Again Nancy Pelosi voted NO to Kate’s Law! Voted NO to protecting her own citizens! Voted NO against Americans over illegals! This clearly provides aid and and comfort to enemies to Americans.

Nancy Pelosi is a criminal, guilty of treason by refusing to lead her political party to fund the wall and border security measures that would protect our national security.

Nancy Pelosi is a criminal guilty of treason by being a key member of a tyrannical government that has enslaved the American people into $21 trillion dollars in debt, which China owns most of our debt.

Nancy Pelosi is a traitor to the American people who pay her paycheck and expenses for her service, security, staff, and travel, while she takes our hard earned tax dollars to send billions of our hard earned tax dollars to foreign governments, yet refuses to fund our border wall of $5.7 billion for our national security. Particularly she wants to send $10 billion to Mexico this year, yet refuses to meet with our president for lunch to work out a deal for our safety and government budget.

Nancy Pelosi is a traitor to America because while she refuses to fund our border wall for our national security, she uses our hard earned tax dollars to pay her travel expenses to fly to Hawaii and vacation, then turning right around to fly and party in Puerto Rico with lobbyist, PACS, and celebrities, while simultaneously forcing a government shut down causing 800,000 federal workers to not get paid.

Thanks to President Trump, they will get paid at least until Feb 15th. Nancy Pelosi is a traitor to the American people because she refuses to meet with Angel families yet boast continually about her Christianity and uses pious words to talk down anyone who stands in her path. Never forget she voted NO against Kate’s Law!

The bottom line is America has a crisis. It is real.

Walls work. Nancy Pelosi knows walls work and that is why she and other Democrats voted yes to fund $500 million of U.S. tax payer’s dollars in 2018 to fund a 287 mile border wall in Jordan to protect it against terrorist along it’s border with Syria and Iraq.

We have drugs, human trafficking, and terrorist coming across our border daily and Nancy Pelosi refuses to fund OUR border wall. Nancy Pelosi refuses to protect America from enemies attacking us through our unprotected wide open border.

Nancy Pelosi is breaking her oath of office to protect and defend the U.S. against enemies.

Nancy Pelosi is giving aid and comfort to the millions of illegals who invade the U.S. by providing them with sanctuary and by refusing to fund the wall to protect our southern border from enemies who invade our lands.

Nancy Pelosi will again refuse to fund the wall when February 15th arrives to shut down the government again. Nancy Pelosi will continue in her obstinance in order to continue her war with Trump. Nancy Pelosi is proving over and over she could care less about our nation’s laws, those who enforce our laws, and our national security.

Nancy Pelosi is guilty of treason. Nancy Pelosi must be impeached, fired, and removed from office, for committing treason.

Once upon a time in this country, The People gave a damn.
Once upon a time The People stood for something.
Once upon a time The People would stand up against wrongs and would take action to right them.

Do something.

Sign the petition to Impeach Nancy Pelosi. We need 100,000 signatures in 30 days in order for this petition to get a response from the White House. We need The People to take a stand and send a message that we will not tolerate this type of political corruption any longer. With everyone’s support, we can then move to the next level. It’s time.

Sign, verify, and make a difference by clicking here.

Source: Law Enforcement Today


I’m shocked. You mean to tell me 28 out of every 100 people view Nancy Pelosi favorably? That seems awfully high to me. She did have a 34% approval rating before the shutdown. By the same token, President Trump has a 43% favorability rating, and that is the same as before the shutdown, however, those who strongly approve of Trump has gone up from 27% to 29% during the shutdown. A full 40% blame the Democrats for the shut down of the government. This does not bode well for the extremist policies that Democrats want to put into place.

From The Daily Caller

A new poll by NBC News/Wall Street Journal shows a plummeting approval rate for Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Pelosi’s approval rate dropped by six points during the 35-day government shutdown, as 47 percent of Americans surveyed rated Pelosi as “very negative,” while only 28 percent rated her favorably.

President Donald Trump’s ratings remain relatively unchanged, with 43 percent of Americans approving of his job performance and 54 percent disapproving. Trump’s rating is down only 3 percent since November, according to the Wall Street Journal. His 43 percent approval rating is the same as it was in December, 10 days before the start of the government shutdown. (RELATED: Trump’s Approval Rating Inches Up In Latest Poll)

The number of those who “strongly approve” of the job Trump is doing increased to 29 percent, up two percent from December. Trump’s overall disapproval rating was recorded at 54 percent. The four-day long poll ended on Jan. 23.

It sounds like we still have some work to do… 28 people out of 100 still thinking these Democrats have our best interests in mind is 28 too many.

Now all of a sudden:


I can only speak for myself, but I was secretly hoping that Nancy Pelosi would remain stiff-necked about preventing President Trump from delivering the traditional State Of The Union Address in the House of Representatives.

Based on their past conduct, I believe the hardcore Leftists would be happy if they never heard another word from President Trump and would have rejoiced over Pelosi’s flexing her muscle over him to attempt to show her superiority, but this is enough to make me wonder if she’s beginning to hear the shouts of the American people who DO want to hear what he has to say, because she just re-invited him to deliver the SOTU Address on February 5, 2019.

This from AMN:

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has invited President Donald Trump to give his State of the Union address in the House Chambers on Feb. 5.

This development follows Pelosi’s call for Trump to delay his address earlier this month, originally slated for Jan. 29.

In a letter to Trump today, Pelosi says they had a conversation and “agreed on February 5th,” ABC News reported.

ABC News

BREAKING: Speaker Nancy Pelosi invites Pres. Trump to give State of the Union address on February 5. The originally-scheduled address had been delayed due to the government shutdown. 

235 people are talking about this

But last week, just hours after President Trump said he would give his State of the Union address on Tuesday as planned, and not delay it, Pelosi refused to allow Trump to give the address. She said in a letter to the President that the House will not pass a resolution allowing him to give his speech in the House until the government fully reopens.

In her letter on Wednesday, Pelosi said, “The House of Representatives will not consider a concurrent resolution authorizing the president’s State of the Union address in the House chamber until government has opened.”

The government has since reopened, after Trump signed a resolution to fund the government – without funding for a southern border wall – for three weeks, until Feb. 15.

The back and forth between Trump and Pelosi has been heightened and ongoing since the government partially shut down this past December. While it has since reopened, Trump and Congressional Democrats cannot come to an agreement over funding for a southern border wall – the reason for the partial shutdown in the first place.

Trump had previously sent a letter to Pelosi saying he would hold his State of the Union address next week as planned, despite Pelosi’s request to delay it amid the partial government shutdown.

Trump acknowledged a letter Pelosi sent him on Jan. 3, in which she invited him to hold the State of the Union in the House chambers on Jan. 29.

However, she sent a second letter on Jan. 16, citing security concerns and requesting the President delay the speech.

“Even prior to asking, I was contacted by the Department of Homeland Security and the United States Secret Service to explain that there would be absolutely no problem regarding security with respect to the event. They have since confirmed this publicly,” Trump wrote in his letter to Pelosi.

The letters were the latest spat between Trump and Pelosi. Trump had also delayed Pelosi’s seven-day overseas trip due to the government shutdown by barring her from flying on a government plane.

“Obviously, if you would like to make your journey by flying commercial, that would be your prerogative,” Trump said in his Jan. 17 letter to Pelosi. That letter came just one day after Pelosi’s letter citing security concerns for delaying the State of the Union address.

Trump had also tweeted directly about Pelosi’s trip, saying, “Why would Nancy Pelosi leave the Country with other Democrats on a seven day excursion when 800,000 great people are not getting paid. Also, could somebody please explain to Nancy & her “big donors” in wine country that people working on farms (grapes) will have easy access in!”

Source: American Military News

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Gee Nancy, you sure taught Trump a lesson didn't you. POS


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