Residents Skeptical of ‘Mini-Quakes’ Explanation For Clintonville Booms

USGS says 1.5 earthquake hit town on Tuesday, but reports of booms came in over 24 hours beforehand

Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, March 23, 2012

City officials claim the mystery of the Clintonville booms is solved with the US Geological Survey’s announcement that the town experienced a series of mini-earthquakes, but residents remain skeptical and probably with good reason – the 1.5 magnitude earthquake occurred over 24 hours after reports of the booms first started to flood in, noises which were also heard in a town 80 miles away.

The saga which has captured national attention began on Sunday night, when police received a deluge of reports about strange booming noises that were described as sounding like underground fireworks, thunder, or someone slamming a heavy door.

For the subsequent four nights the booms continued to be reported, albeit to a lesser extent, prompting a town hall meeting and a promise by local officials to find the cause of the strange noises.

The USGS subsequently announced that Clintonville had been hit by a 1.5 magnitude mini-earthquake on Tuesday at 12:15 a.m, in addition to a subsequent swarm of small earthquakes. The earthquake was not initially detected by the USGS and was only discovered after reports of mysterious booms in Clintonville had attracted national media coverage.

“Clintonville City Administrator Lisa Kuss told the community Thursday “the mystery is solved.” She says the rumbling can be explained by the micro earthquake that struck earlier this week,” reports Fox 11.

However, residents first heard the strange booms on Sunday night, over 24 hours before the first 1.5 earthquake struck.

In addition, the fact that the booms were also experienced 80 miles away by residents of Montello is inconsistent with the mini-quake explanation. Even people relatively close to the epicenter of such a minor earthquake would not feel it in most places, never mind anyone located over 120 kilometers away.

The fact that residents of Clintonville felt the booms whereas people in California experience similar quakes on a routine basis without feeling them at all was addressed by USGS physicist Paul Caruso, who said that “the rock in Wisconsin is very old and well consolidated.”

However, Caruso also stated that “the 1.5 magnitude quake would have likely only been felt within a few blocks around its epicenter,” which fails to explain why people 80 miles away in Montello also reported hearing the booms.

Caruso added that it was the smallest earthquake the USGS had ever recorded which anyone actually felt.

Some residents remain unconvinced by the mini-quake explanation and suspect a cover-up. City officials have said that seismic technology which would have helped locate the epicenter and cause of the booms will now likely not be used.

“This doesn’t happen here, something’s wrong and something’s amiss,” said Cheryl Binger, one of the several residents who isn’t buying the mini-quake theory, according to Fox 11.

Indeed, the Wisconsin Rapids Tribune reports that residents have been feeling the booms for months, noting that, “Several residents questioned the solution. After all, earlier that week they were told earthquakes had been ruled out as a potential cause of the sounds that shook them awake for several nights.”

The report also quotes University of Wisconsin-Madison geophysics professor Clifford Thurber, who casts doubt on the USGS’ explanation.

“If it turns out it’s coming from a mile or two deep, yeah, it’s small earthquakes,” Thurber said. But if the cause is determined to be only about 100 feet deep, then something else is happening, he said,” adding that more research needs to be conducted.


Paul Joseph Watson is the editor and writer for Prison He is the author of Order Out Of Chaos. Watson is also a regular fill-in host for The Alex Jones Show and Infowars Nightly News.

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Are they kidding? A 1.5 would never be noticed and that doesn't account for the sounds.

Notice the sounds are always heard at night...

What does that mean?

"For the subsequent four nights the booms continued to be reported, albeit to a lesser extent, prompting a town hall meeting and a promise by local officials to find the cause of the strange noises."

The sounds occur in the evening hours beginning Sunday night.

"The saga which has captured national attention began on Sunday night, when police received a deluge of reports about strange booming noises that were described as sounding like underground fireworks, thunder, or someone slamming a heavy door."

Earthquake swarms would be continuous not just at night. If there is any seismic activity it's probably due to fracking and that doesn't explain the noises. But what would cause noises only at night?

Exactly what I have been thinking. The boogieman maybe? Lol this feels like a psyop to me. It really does. The official explanation is just stupid, and the idea that it is something that goes bump in the night doesn't sit right with me. People have a primal fear of the night, and the fact that we have had all of these reports world wide, some substantiated, of strange sounds since around the New Year feels like a foreshadowing. Granted, many of the videos of the alleged strange sounds worldwide are home brew creations but some clearly are not.

My thought is this -- it's one of two things. 1) people started making these bogus strange sound vids around the new year, it went viral and the PTB have capitalized on the hype by creating something beyond youtube vids with sound effects. 2) All of this from the very beginning has been an op meant to terrorize people because of the 2012 hype. They want to create a mindset that if people think the world is ending, then what is the point to living and people accept their fate -- whatever that fate may be. Why fight tyranny if the world is ending? Why vote?

Like I said when Vince first posted this story, I think there is something to this, and I don't think it's going to end here.

One other thought is that fracking makes a lot of noise. In some cases they pay homeowners to stay in a motel for a week or so while they work in the area.  I live one mile from the freeway but cannot hear it during the day. Yet late at night when there's much less traffic I can hear it quite well.

Read somewhere that fracking had been ruled out. There was another town in the videos that Vince posted where a similar thing was happening. Glad we can explore all options with an open mind but I just don't know what is going on.

Do they only frack at night? I'm not really familiar with the term nor am I with the procedure...

Another thing, if it was possibly fracking don't you think they would have figured that out early on?

I just have a gut feeling about these weird sounds. I don't think we've seen the end of it...

With Halliburton in charge, anything is possible. It's long been known that injecting liquids into rock can cause earthquakes, so what else can result from this process?


In addition to releasing toxins into the ground, air, and water, fracking is a highly “percussive”project that pounds the ground with intense pressure.

From a physics point of view, there are more particles in the air at night. Since there are more particles in the air, the air is more dense and carries the sound waves faster and farther.

There is also the factor of less sensory input, I.e. Your eyes. Visual senses take up massive amounts of "brain usage." Case in point: How far can you see during the day vs at night? Your brain is processing data received by touch, taste, smelling, hearing and seeing. Remove ONE of these senses and the others will increase slightly. Try this: Go outside during the day an close your eyes. You've fooled your brain into thinking it's night time (no visual sense). You'll be amazed what you hear. Now, eat an apple. BOOM! Your hearing seems to decrease because your brain has something else to work on. While eating the apple with your eyes closed, smell some flowers or pet a soft animal. Boom! Your brain has even MORE input to worry about! In reality, you are hearing all the background noises, you're just sending more data to your brain.

The air is more dense when it is cold too; therefore sound travels better and is easier to hear. Good points Maria. You think a lot like I do :)


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