On Friday afternoon, the regular flight from Moscow touched down in the Crimean capital of Simferopol, in the south of Ukraine, carrying the leader of a Russian motorcycle gang known as the Night Wolves. Alexander Zoldostanov, an old friend of Russian President Vladimir Putin, was wearing his usual get-up – a flaming wolf’s head stenciled onto his black leather vest – but for once he was not the most intimidating figure on the scene. Since the morning, dozens of masked troops had been sauntering around Crimea’s main airport, armed to the teeth but refusing to identify themselves. In some ways, they seemed to have the same goal as Zoldostanov, who goes by the nickname The Surgeon. They were sending a signal to the revolutionary government in Ukraine that they were no longer in charge on this peninsula.
The massacre in Qubair
And of course as we consider intention to hide the bodies from investigators, it must be remembered that investigators were kept away from the site as well, and the signs suggest most clearly that it was unseen rebel gunmen that were shooting at investigators from the media and the UN.
Possible perpetrators 1) the Shabiha militia 2) the rebels
Reuters reported Qubeir "may have been targeted in revenge or as collective punishment," but noted "most said Mazraat al-Qubeir had never joined the revolt against four decades of Assad family rule."
No clear motive. The family slaughtered was Sunni but not against Assad
"Destroying the New World Order"
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