Sniper Attack On Power Station ""the most significant incident of domestic terrorism involving the grid that has ever occurred"

Was an attack last April on an electric power station near San Jose, Calif., the work of vandals or something far more dangerous — domestic terrorism or a trial run by an individual or organization bent on damaging the nation's electric grid?

The Wall Street Journal, picking up from an earlier report by , explores that question Wednesday about what happened at PG&E Corp.'s Metcalf transmission substation — an event that has received relatively little attention until now.

The top of the Journal's story grabs your attention:

"The attack began just before 1 a.m. on April 16 last year, when someone slipped into an underground vault not far from a busy freeway and cut telephone cables.

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"Within half an hour, snipers opened fire on a nearby electrical substation. Shooting for 19 minutes, they surgically knocked out 17 giant transformers that funnel power to Silicon Valley. A minute before a police car arrived, the shooters disappeared into the night. npr(blog)


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Threat to the grid? Details emerge of sniper attack on power station

Fox News-2 hours ago
Wellinghoff, a now-retired George W. Bush appointee, called it “the most significant incident of domestic terrorism involving the U.S. power grid ...


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~via @Peta_de_Aztlan

Sniper Attack On Power Station ""the most significant incident of domestic terrorism involving the grid..." - 12160

the SAD thing is that it is JUST NOW coming out that an attack was made, successful or not.

Exactly - why didn' we hear "anything" on this so-called Sniper Attack on Power Station?  Remember that this past summer we had the "big" Grid X Drill!!"

  Now the TSA will really have an excuse to molest law abiding straight citizens. This has to be the work of the Bush criminal cabal, who specified tortures to be done to INNOCENT prisoners at Abu Garaib to be video recorded for Bush, Rumsfeld, and Cheney review and approval. Sick is sick and the American people continue to impress the world on the concept that they are too low life, lazy, and sick in the head to rule themselves, whereas the rest of the world may be looking to Russia for spiritual guidance and alliance unless the sheeple overthrow the pigs.

@HonestLee - Yup - I agree with you - that was a false flag "set-up" getting us ready for the "big one".  I think it will look like this:  Attack on the Grid - which will take down all Banks, Internet/all radio communications and martial law takes over.  No gas at gas stations since electricity is down and no money since banks/ATMs are shut down - with all stores -  especially Food stores - also shut down.


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