Ahead, submit a question or two. Let the NWO shill know what you think about him and his fellow NWO shills and 'earth day' exploiter/creator Al Gore.
With Earth Day fast approaching, we’re excited and honored to announce
our latest Digg Dialogg guest: President Bill Clinton. This will be a
special Earth Day Edition, where President Clinton will answer your
questions on the environment, Earth Day and how people can “Take
Initiative” to address climate change. But don’t delay – you only have
24 hours to ask your environmental questions; he’ll address the top
ones in this exclusive interview airing on Earth Day, April 22nd.
President Clinton has long been involved in addressing global
environmental challenges. During his administration he worked against
climate change, strengthened the Safe Drinking Water Act, adopted the
toughest standards ever on soot and smog, and accelerated the cleanup
of the nation’s worst toxic waste sites. And this month the Clinton
Foundation launched its “Take Initiative” Earth Day campaign, featuring
an online
Climate Quiz
where you can test your knowledge of climate change and have $2 donated
in your name toward 20,000 solar flashlights for displaced people in
This timely and topical Digg Dialogg is the latest effort to start an
informed discussion about climate change and the environment, so
submit and Digg your Earth Day questions now!