Sponsor "VACCINE FREE 2015" Legislation due to Poisonous Ingredients; Diseases Resulting; and Intent to Harm

Petitioning U.S. House of Representatives

Sponsor "VACCINE FREE 2015" Legislation due to Poisonous Ingredients; Diseases Resulting; and Intent to Harm

AMERICA: Forced Adult Vaccinations (re: HHS proposal)


Legislation:  ”VACCINE FREE 2015” due to 1) Ingredients, 2) Diseases, 3) Intent

1) TOXIC INGREDIENTS FOUND IN VACCINES: * aluminum hydroxide * aluminum phosphate * ammonium sulfate *amphotericin B * animal tissues: pig blood, horse blood, rabbit brain * dog kidney, monkey kidney* chick embryo, chicken egg, duck egg * calf (bovine) serum * betapropiolactone * fetal bovine serum * formaldehyde * formalin *gelatin *glycerol * human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue)* hydrolized gelatin * mercury thimerosol (thimerosal, Merthiolate) *monosodium glutamate (MSG) * neomycin * neomycin sulfate *phenol red indicator* phenoxyethanol (antifreeze) * potassiumdiphosphate * potassium monophosphate* polymyxin B * polysorbate 20 *polysorbate 80 porcine (pig) pancreatichydrolysate of casein * residual MRC5 proteins * sorbitol *tri(n)butylphosphate * VERO cells, a continuous line of monkey kidney cells *washed sheep red blood (source, The Physicians Warrantee of Vaccine Safety) and the ANTHRAX Vaccine (BioEthics Commission concluded meetings regarding testing this vaccine on Children 1/15/13)

2) DISEASES FROM VACCINES:* Allergies * Asthma * Attention Deficit Disorder *Autism * Auto-immune Diseases * Blindness * Brain Cell Loss *Cancer * Central Nervous System Damage* Deafness * Developmental Damage *DEATH * Diabetes * Epilepsy * Learning Disabilities * Leukemia * Multiple Sclerosis * Neurological Disease * Organ Disease * Psoriasis * Seizures * Shaken Baby Syndrome * Synergistic Toxicity *SIDS * Total Paralysis * All Diseases in Internal Medicine

3-A) INTENT: “The Vaccine Hoax is Over” by Andrew Baker http://nsnbc.me/2013/05/10/the-vaccine-hoax-is-over-freedom-of-info...

"Freedom of Information Act in the UK filed by a doctor there has revealed 30 years of secret official documents showing that government experts have

1. Known the vaccines don’t work

2. Known they cause the diseases they are supposed to prevent

3. Known they are a hazard to children

4. Colluded to lie to the public

5. Worked to prevent safety studies

Those are the same vaccines that are mandated to children in the US.”

Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic's full paper can be downloaded here on pdf format: http://nsnbc.me/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/BSEM-2011.pdf

3-B) INTENT:  The World Health Organization: commentary by Dr. Rebecca Carley, “1972 WHO Vaccine Memos which reveal nefarious intent:


1972 WHO Bulletin 47, No 2Memorandas #1 and #2 Virus-associated immunopathology:     Animal models and implications for human disease * technically outline the ability to create BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS (AKA WEAPONIZED VIRUSES/VACCINATIONS) biological weapons in the form of vaccines that:

1) VACCINATIONS That First totally "disable the Immune System".

2) VACCINATIONS That Load every cell of the Victim’s body up with Infection.

3) VACCINATIONS That Switch the Immune System "ON" Causing the Person's body to go into a  Cytokine Storm thus killing the person who was "vaccinated."

~ One, Two, Three, Dead. This is a crucial piece of evidence of the World Health Organization aka the WHO’s long-term Genocidal Intentions that could stand in any court of law because these memorandums give the best and fullest explanation of WHO’s affiliated labs (such as the CDC’s) current activities, such as their Patenting of the most Lethal Bird Flu Viruses, sending that Virus to Baxter’s subsidiary in Austria, which "Weaponized the Virus"then sent out 72 kilos of the "Weaponized Virus" to 16 labs in four countries almost triggering a Global Pandemic.

~ For every crime, there needs to be motive, an indication that it was "DELIBERATE" and PLANNED!" The WHO memorandums provide the evidence of just that deliberate, long-term planning to kill people by weakening their immune system by 1) first creating deadly vaccines, 2.  injecting vaccinations with deadly live virus into people's bodies 3. creating a deadly "cytokine storm" in the person's body from the injected deadly vaccination containing "SQUALENE"

The cover-up of these vaccine-induced epidemics/crimes is aiding and abetting crimes against humanity.”

3-C) INTENT/COVER-UP: “At Last!  Government Documents Locked Up for 30 Years Proving this Vaccine Unsafe (measles) Finally Revealed” http://vactruth.com/2012/08/30/government-document-vaccine-unsafe

3-D) INTENT/COVER-UP: “Deadly Immunity” by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. http://www.thinktwice.com/Kennedy.pdf


~ The USA’s Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) is the highest of 34 Countries.  The USA injects children with the greatest number of vaccination doses.  The country with the lowest IMR gives the fewest vaccine doses to infants. The correlation between the number of doses of vaccines and the death rate of infants is thus apparent as mentioned by Representative Bill Posey at the Autism Hearing in November of 2012:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6zGqUfvFDI4

“Disease Rates of Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated” (vaccinated children have up to 5 times the rate of diseases and disorders as unvaccinated children) http://alignlife.com/articles/immunity/disease-rates-of-vaccinated-...

Violating The Nuremberg Codehttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuremberg_Code

Most of the evidence against Vaccination has been suppressed by the Mainstream Media.

This evidence is both voluminous and available because Parents of Vaccine Injured and Dead Children have created a multitude of educational forums such as:    http://Educate4TheInjured.org

http://VacLib.org and 




The above sites provides each vaccine by type and manufacturer, with the list of INGREDIENTS & ADVERSE REACTIONS).

Letter to
U.S. House of Representatives
Sponsor "VACCINE FREE 2015" Legislation due to 1) Poisonous Ingredients in Vaccines, 2) Diseases Resulting, 3) Intent to Harm

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