I doubt many are ready for this. Regardless, a messenger can not concern himself with such things. Brace and prepare yourselves . You wanted to know why ? Are you able to fully grasp and accept why ? Here's why !
luggnutz - witness

Views: 176

Replies to This Discussion

Pretty decent
At Luggnutz

Re : 'This is our sick Reality' ,, at 8 minutes 0 seconds Part 3 of 3 of your fine timely posting of "Supernatural Deception"

The Sick Reality is we have let them get away with it, and even worse we let them blame it on 12 Muslim men who may not heve even been there that day, 911..

Thank you for finding and uploading these three videos.

Is there any way you can possibly email the links for all three to Gary Bell, the radio show host who broadcasts under the name, the "Spaceman", on radio station FCMJ 640AM in Toronto, Ontario Canada. ever Saturday at 8PM to midnight.

His email address is space@640Toronto.com

I can not because I believe the his bosses at his radio station have blocked my e-mails to him.

Gary has be talking about the same things pointed to/at in the 3 videos for years and I am sure he would appreciate these three great videos which have a lot of information he might have missed.

Larry from Toronto
Google Apollyon Rising 2012. This is a wild book. I think he also gives a lecture on it somewhere.
The Pet Goat---- Scapegoat
Star of
Marvel Comics #189 Jan 1984
Fibonacci Sequencing
9/11 is all to RIFE with conjunctionality
to arrive at any other x plan nation

W0W....So it was satan who lost 2.1 trillion???...lol

9/11 was a multi purpose tool used by the Bush administration to not only cover shit up, but to now be able to go over and get Sadaam Hussein....errrrr.....Been Dead Laden I mean. It helped erase evidence of mis spent fiscal funds, Erroneous Enron snafu's, WorldCom wackiness, Military Budget Bloat, disappearing gold, Bank Put option calls, CIA, FBI, & NYC financial accounts. It helped the ones in the know to get rich, it killed the ones in the dark. It was to allow for an attempt to quickly get that 1 world government policy implemented. It conveniently and smoothly helped Heir Moron to pass the Nazi bill (Un-Patriot Act), all in the name of making the US an Orwellian Police State....errrr...I mean "more safe" ;). I believe if there WAS a satan or devil guy (& i don't), he would have made sure that 93 would have made it to building 7, after all, Arch deity's and God's are perfect right? That whole day was so botched by those ass clowns that the human error factor was @ like warp factor 12 that day. They missed targets, they didn't hide the Pentacon missile too well, the timelines were all wrong. The thermite evidence didn't go away fast enough, Barry Williams didn't die fast enough, & Building 7 was demolished the wrong way.

The Statue of Liberty was just an innocent witness to an event designed, planned, and executed by mere mortals with illusions of grandeur or as I like to moniker... "The Legion of Doom" (Cheney, Wolfy, Rummy, Bushy, Bernanke, etc)...No magical mystery forces here, just a plain greed motivated power play to achieve a higher hierarchy, because after all, Power breeds desire for what else??...more power. These faks want to rule the world!!

9/11 wasn't an evil job....it was an INSIDE job !!


"Destroying the New World Order"



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