Swine flu epidemic kills 16 in Mexico City

Fears of a pandemic rise as authorities close public buildings in an attempt to control the spread of the virus

* Jo Tuckman in Mexico City
*, Friday 24 April 2009 17.02 BST
* Article history

An epidemic of a swine flu never identified before has broken out in Mexico City killing at least 16 people so far and raising fears of a pandemic.

All schools, museums, libraries and state-run theatres in the metropolitan area were closed today in an attempt to control the spread of the virus that authorities say may be linked to a further 45 deaths.

"This is a new virus that we haven't seen before," health minister Jose Angel Córdova said in an interview with MVS radio. "We have taken these measures because this is a virus that has the potential to become a pandemic."

The authorities say they are investigating close to 1,000 suspicious cases of flu that they are concerned may prove to be caused by the new virus. Most are in the metropolitan area of 20 million people, although three other Mexican states have also been affected to a lesser degree.

There have also been seven reported cases of the same virus reported in the United States, five in Southern California and two in Texas. All those patients have recovered.

The Mexican minister said the authorities were considering extending the precautions to include shutting down workplaces as well as public buildings, but for the moment urged employers to be tolerant of absences.

He said that while the situation was "very worrying" he believed the epidemic "is controllable".

The impact of the preventative measures on city life was felt immediately as the population woke up to news of the epidemic that was announced in a late night statement. Radio and TV stations repeated official advice to stay away from crowded places "unless urgently necessary," and to seek medical help at the first sign of the very high fevers and acute respiratory symptoms associated with the illness.

At Mexico City's biggest airport, airlines began requiring passengers checking in for domestic and international flights to fill out forms to help decide who could be at risk of carrying the virus. Anybody deemed to be so was reportedly asked not to fly.

Meanwhile, the media was flooded with questions from city dwellers concerned about everything from the dangers of eating pork to travel on the metro.

Many people heading to work in the morning wore blue surgical face masks, and chemists said their supplies were running out.

The partial shutting down of the metropolis was a dramatic reversal from the government's previous position that minimised the unusual number of flu deaths picked up by the media, saying it was due to an extension of winter.

Córdova said the sudden change of tack happened when samples analysed in highly specialised laboratories in Canada and the US revealed that the virus causing the deaths was a completely different strain.

The Geneva-based WHO said it was concerned about the epidemic and had activated its Strategic Health Operations Centre. The agency added that it was in daily contact with US, Canadian and Mexican authorities.


Two in Dickinson County Test Positive for Swine Flu

April 26, 2009 06:24 AM

April 26, 2009 11:28 AM
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Raw Video: Swine Flu News Conference
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Swine Flu Has "Pandemic Potential"

By Chris Durden (TOPEKA, Kan.)

The Kansas Department of Health and Environment confirms two cases of swine flu in Kansas.

The two people are a husband and wife from Dickinson County. The KDHE says one of the patients recently traveled to Mexico, flying in and out of Wichita. Both people work in Saline County. Neither of the patients was hospitalized - one is still ill and being treated. The other is recovering.

The couple has the same strain of swine flu that's killed dozens in Mexico and sickened thousands in that country, California and Texas. The head of the World Health Organization says the outbreak has "pandemic potential," and it may be too late to contain the outbreak.

"It's not yet known whether this will become the next flu pandemic," says Dr. Jason Eberhart-Phillips, State Health Officer and Director of the KDHE Division of Health. "We are working closely with health agencies at all levels and are continuing to monitor these cases. We are taking this situation very seriously."

New York officials announced Saturday that eight students there probably have swine flu, but they're unsure of strain type.

Click here to learn more about the swine flu and get answers to some frequently asked questions.

KDHE and the Dickinson County Health Department are investigating the sources of exposure, and efforts are being coordinated with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

People who have been in contact with the patients are being interviewed and tested. Local health departments and hospitals in Kansas are receiving information about the virus.

The symptoms of swine flu in humans are similar to the symptoms of seasonal flu and include:

* Fever greater than 100 degrees
* Body aches
* Coughing
* Sore throat
* Respiratory congestion
* In some cases, diarrhea and vomiting

People who experience these symptoms should contact their physician, who will determine whether testing or treatment is needed. There is no vaccine available right now to protect against swine flu. As with any influenza virus, individuals are encouraged to take the following steps to reduce spread:

* Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer to get rid of most germs and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
* Stay home when you are sick to avoid spreading illness to co-workers and friends.
* Cough or sneeze into your elbow or a tissue and properly dispose of used tissues.
* Stay healthy by eating a balanced diet, drinking plenty of water and getting adequate rest and exercise.

The KDHE Office of Surveillance and Epidemiology received a report of unusual flu-like illness from Dickinson County Friday afternoon. Samples collected from both patients were sent to the KDHE.

Early Saturday morning, preliminary results were positive for influenza A viruses. KDHE notified the Dickinson County Health Department, which notified the attending physician.

KDHE used Governor Sebelius' plane to transport the samples to the CDC labs in Atlanta for further tests.

Swine flu infections in humans are rare, but are related to close proximity to infected pigs, such as in pig production barns and livestock exhibits at fairs. Neither of the current patients in Kansas reported having contact with pigs.

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some say vitamin d is good for flu

some guy said on rivero show that Cinnamon or turmeric maybe is good
Thanks James, I joined your group :)
Yes Whata... I believe there are lots of things we can actually do for ourselves to boost our immunity, I too have heard that cinnamon and turmeric are good immune boosters. I would also suggest that people go down to their local health food store and grab some Olive Leaf Extract, it tastes terrible, but if you mix it with juice, it's not so bad. :) It definitely works! But don't wait until there is a full blown epidemic of flu around because the stuff gets snapped up real quick by those "in the know" :) Get in before the rush! Also colloidal minerals in a liquid form and even good ol' Noni juice are excellent immune boosters. I recommend colloidal minerals because most of the fruit and veg we eat these days comes from soil that is mineral depleted, so you THINK you are doing a good thing for your body eating all this fruit and veg, but in actual fact, the foods have insufficient mineral content to support our bodies. Our bodies actually require lots of different minerals to function properly, and a deficiency in any one of them can cause certain diseases such as type 2 diabetes, which can be brought on by a chronic deficiency in chromium and vanadium in the body.

So be proactive folks, take your health care into your own hands :)

REPOST: What we are dealing with is a repeat of 1976, a time was now known as "the Great Swine Flu Massacre." The President of the United States, Gerald Ford, was enlisted to persuade the public to undergo a national vaccination campaign. The moving force behind the scheme was a $135 million windfall profit for the major drug manufacturers. They had a "swine flu" vaccine which suspicious pig raisers had refused to touch, fearful it might wipe out their crop (during a demonstration of the vaccine a few pigs had collapsed and died). One can imagine the anxious inferences in the headquarters of the great drug firms, until one bright young man remarked, "Well, if the swine breeders won't inject it into their animals, our only other market is to inject it into people." The manufacturers had only tried to get $80 million from the swine breeders; but after they balked in this sale, the drug firms turned to the other market, humans.

The Ford-sponsored swine flu campaign almost died an early death, when a conscientious public servant, Dr. Anthony Morris, formerly of HEW and then active as director of the Virus Bureau of the Food and Drug Administration, declared that there could be no authentic swine flu vaccine, because there had never teen any cases of swine flu on which they could test it. Dr. Morris then went public with his statement that "at no point were the swine flu vaccines effective." He was promptly fired, but the damage had been done. The damage control consisted of that great humanitarian, Walter Cronkite, and the President of the United States, combining their forces to come to the rescue of the Medical Monopoly. Walter Cronkite had President Ford appear on his news program to urge the American people to submit to the inoculation with the swine flu vaccine. CBS then or later could never find any reason to air any analysis or scientific critique of the swine flu vaccine, which was identified as containing many toxic poisons, including alien viral protein panicles, formal dehyde, thimerosal (a derivative of poisonous mer cury), polysorbate and some eighty other substances.

Some say Cronkite was paid for his support and had no idea that the vaccine might be harmful. Yeah, right! As others have pointed out good ole Walter (the 'man America trusted most') was as big a proponent of New World Order in his day as H.G. Wells was in his. These people don't just believe there are too many people on the planet, they hold a religious conviction that it is their duty to do something about that "problem" (and by any means necessary). Yeah, he knew. Just like a lot of people today know this current Swine Flu vaccine will reduce the population (by destroying people's immunize system and causes infertility).

Come join the discussion @Swine Flu Concerns.


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