The 5 years (2008 - 2013) Mission Plan For The National Security Agency

This five-year mission plan for the National Security Agency shows how the agency’s leaders view its mission and culture.

Here the plan identifies challenges facing the N.S.A., including the disappearance of Internet nodes carrying a large percentage of traffic, encrypted communications and “anonymous” mobile communications. But the evolution of technology also offers new opportunities for intercepting information, including online commerce and electronic voting – and the use of the Internet even in “rogue states.”
In a few paragraphs, the document lays out the agency’s mission in the most basic terms.
Though the agency routinely breaks foreign laws to eavesdrop, officials claim that their work is motivated and guided by the highest moral principles.
The agency collects at the “midpoint” of communications streams, but increasingly also targets the “endpoints” – for instance, hacking into computers and collecting messages after they are received.
N.S.A. officials talk constantly about the agency’s “customers” – the White House for all kinds of intelligence, the F.B.I. and C.I.A. for terrorist threat information, the Drug Enforcement Administration for data on drug cartels, and the State Department for other countries’ diplomatic plans.

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To put it short: NSA is a tool of the Elite (no one here will disagree, but there will be no agreement about who the Elite are). NSA is spying on Americans ("Journalist Greenwald: NSA Spying Is Not About Terrorism"). The Elite is Causasian, very anti-Muslim and Home is the World. NSA is paid for by American taxmoney, but NSA is not a tool for the American government, NSA is an anti-American super-national tool.

"for over 50 years" -> since 1947 this spying was institutionalized (USA, UK, Canada, Australia).

"It's how we'll continue to modernize the way we prepare for, perform, and appraise SIGINT operations in a world in transformation"

-> "we" = the Elite (a very global, racist people)
-> "a world in transformation" = since the days of Cecil Rhodes the same people, the same world domination goals... but their means have developed
"customers" = Elite institutions, it can be any Multinational Corp. as well

In a document like this they must rename things so we/the Rulers becomes "the government"), so that these modern "Cecil Rhodeses" remains hidden and their World Domination-goals appear to be about "protecting Americans". Insiders will know what it is really about (Jim Phelbs is infomative on the common newspeak in documents)

Yep. "Full spectrum dominance" (on steroids) = we need to get our act together before it's too late.

Absolutely correct. I completely agree with you,


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