12160 will be closing soon - Unless!
Hello guys and gals, for reason to numerous to name atm, I must end my connection with this site.
If you folks want the site to continue we will need some one to take over, this includes paying the bills with a paypal account . Current cost around 500 a year, with expected cost to nearly double the following year.
To make sure you whom ever takes over is serious about this I would require to see the first year paid for in advance.
Seems a tad of a commitment eh? Well it is, and now it falls on one of you 5000 plus members to either take this on solely or as a group.
I will make last payment in May, after that only fate will tell.
I guess despite what I see as horrible over priced hosting service, the question I submit is it worth it to everyone here to keep going on and how will this be done?
if nobody can take over...
move to a yahoo group?
How many hours per month does maintenance require?
There is no maintenance, this is a social network platform hosted on ning.com
Folks there is an unless here :) Don't bail just yet: I mean thanks for the best wishes and all, but as a community there is no stopping what can be achieved including saving this place. It is quite simply up you all now.
Sorry to hear this. Although I have not been on much and that is because I'm very sick, I'd still like for someone to take it over:(
Sorry to hear the bad news. You should try to start a secret group on Facebook, believe me I have started secret groups, groups people on Facebook will never know exist. But since DARPA owns that, that would not be possible. You might need to start a Yahoo! Group. Just keep on doing your research, you will find something for us to be interested in.
Hello, I would like to speak with you concerning solutions to maintain this site. James I think you know me as bcultral but I would like to support your proposed solutions and will assist in support admin....
We have a group dedicated to non ownership but shared ownership based on Citizen Journalism and Media. http://globalrevolution.tv/ we also have a network for distribution globally. There is a backend and collective tech capability for IT Solutions. This is purely lateral support for The People...
James we are working on a move for Fighting for LIberty... hopefully This site can move with us... To early to say much right now... Stay in touch...
Margaret, I need to speak with you but by email or yahoo. I've lost all my email address'es so I do not have your anymore. You probably still have mine so email me if you do. I never use the Yahoo one.
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