That is truth and in agreement with the Bible and other holy books.
See if this is how we can be the Rainbow Warriors.
God has our escape; but we seem intent on being enslaved throughout our lives with the employment lifestyle. The loudest rejection of President Obama comes from those who want jobs, jobs, jobs.
There is only one God. Jehovah-Yahweh's goal for all mankind, written in all holy books, is a garden paradise lifestyle. It would solve the personal, national and world problems we created with the employment lifestyle including pollution of our air, land, water and food making young and old diseased.
The Middle East rebellions show signs that they are Soviet Style Socialism using unions. What is it they promise? Jobs, and why not, that pays government employees and union bosses and enslaves the whole world.... no matter to them that it leads to early extinction. This is the devil's work.... and God's work.... to show us we are only free under the garden paradise lifestyle. The financial aspects have been worked out by God. Once the heart is changed, all turn toward helpfulness, voluntarily.
WHEN we choose God's garden paradise lifestyle, we will find God's candidate to bring it in. NONE other is promising anything but more jobs..... part of that is our fault. We must now be vocal for the garden paradise lifestyle. Our alternative is lifelong bondage to employment.
“Even more significant is that the Hezb'allah representatives demonstrating on the first day of the Cairo uprising were carrying flags displaying the hammer and sickle."
Here is the complete "Bel Air Fire" episode of the TV series "When Havoc Struck" from 1978. Includes intense footage and dramatic interviews from survivors o...