First off, it's from the BBC. So obviously it's in part propaganda, but looking through this a few things came up. Of which I saw in another BBC article on the subject yesterday actually.

1.) Both articles labeled the Turkish military as "the guardian of a secular Turkish state"

2.) What is said here. "The AK Party has its roots in political Islam, and is accused by some nationalists of having secret plans to turn staunchly secular Turkey
into an Islamic state." Not that I have anything against Islam, just that they mentioned it in this brief news story, and that since they are displaying the accusations as not true why mention it at all?

3.) That even questioning the military a few years ago was impossible , but now the government has full sweeping powers to arrest multiple military personnel . That sure is quick.

4.) "We are trying to make Turkey's democracy first class." Since we all know there is no such thing as democracy, and what is thrown around in the media as "democracy" really is corporate freedom to do what ever they want. Best example being Iraq, which become , on paper, the most free market in the world. Leading of course to corporate shenanigans. Which leads me to wonder how much corporate backing the AK Party actually has.

5.) How they are prepping the country to join the EU. European Union being nothing more then a control grid of European countries.

This makes me wonder, obviously the AK Party isn't really looking out for the best interests of the Turkish people, but that doesn't mean their military is actually that respectable either, although it was said to be in the last BBC article.  The thing though is, a lot of news articles to be the reverse of what is actually happening, either way I believe the rest of you will find it interesting.

Below I have attached this news story, as well as the other one I read yesterday.

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