Turmeric for Triple Action Against Cancers, for Healthy Heart, Lungs, Brain, Skin, Breasts, Pain Relief plus more

The Healing Powers of Turmeric

We are all susceptible to a low immune system, which can be brought on by stress, anxiety, a hectic lifestyle, not eating the right foods or maybe just a change in weather. Turmeric is known for its important healing properties.

Turmeric's anti-inflammatory and antioxidant qualities protect the liver from toxins.

Turmeric lowers cholesterol, and treats aching and swollen joints.

Turmeric improves protein digestion.

Turmeric dissolves gallstones, increases flexibility, and soothes the nervous system. A wise spice to include in your daily meal planning!

One of the most beneficial aspects of Turmeric is to improve complexion. While supporting the healing of acne, wounds, skin cancer and more, Turmeric purifies and nourishes the blood and skin. It has the ability to cleanse, build and move blood like no other herb, making it especially valuable to support the skin, liver and the female reproductive system.

Turmeric protects your liver from toxins, pathogens and excessive cholesterol and helps to detoxify and rejuvenate it.

As an anti-oxidant, Turmeric protects the lungs from pollution and toxins.

It increases the oxygen transfer from the lungs to the blood and is a good choice for bronchitis and other pulmonary infections, especially when taken with fresh garlic. 

It serves in accidents ranging from cuts to concussions. For any trauma this rhizome accelerates healing and minimizes damage.

Turmeric stops bleeding, heals tissue, is a strong anti-inflammatory and is a broad spectrum anti-microbial capable of stopping bacterial, fungal and viral infections.

Turmeric and Cancer

Turmeric has a triple action against cancer: it helps to neutralizes those substances and conditions which can cause cancer; it has over ten powerful anti-oxidants that directly help a cell retain its integrity if threatened by carcinogens; and if a tumor does grow, it can often eradicate it.

Even if one were using allopathic medicine to treat cancer, they can still use Turmeric to increase the effectiveness and decrease some of the side effects of cancer treatments. 

Turmeric is especially recommended to treat and prevent CANCERS OF THE SKIN, BREAST, and UTERINE CANCER.


Turmeric must be cooked or mixed with raw unfiltered honey for its numerous healing properties to be released. Taking it in capsules is not very effective at all.


Turmeric is a real power house for the immune system.

Mix equal parts turmeric powder with raw, unfiltered honey.  Eat by the spoonful as needed to relieve symptoms, or to keep viruses at bay. Take 1 spoonful daily for cold and flu prevention.

Turmeric Paste for Golden Milk

In a saucepan place enough turmeric powder to cover the bottom and add about 1/3 cup water. Bring to a boil and continue to simmer until a relatively dry, thick paste forms (about 10 minutes). This paste keeps in the fridge up to 40 days.Simply add some paste to taste as you warm up a cup of milk in a saucepan, you can also add a pinch of cardamom powder for a sweeter taste. If using cow milk, bring to just to the boiling point, then remove from heat immediately. Sweeten with honey, maple syrup or agave if desired. A tablespoon of raw almond oil will greatly increase the healing benefits of this yogic beverage. This cooked turmeric paste can be added to shakes, or pretty much any dish you can think of.



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Indeed.  You probably know that mercury is in the so-called silver fillings in most people's teeth and actively give off mercury as long as they are in the mouth.  Then there are those "STUPID" curly lightbulbs filled with mercury and endorsed by the EPA!!?  I will not buy them ever.  The fish oil capsules I take are the Mega Krill Oil since most fish oil is rancid - which is why it "repeats" in the stomach and causes burping.

Organic sea salt and baking soda make a good toothpaste.  There are many numerous native trees and shrubs to America that the Indians used for food and medicine.  Aspirin from the willow bark was used by the Indians and adopted by the settlers and later manufactured by "Bayer" (unfortunately Bayer is owned by IG Farben who were the original Nazis and later infiltrated our US Gov. setting up the CIA with help of Rockefellers.)

This is one of the 100 or so nutrients I take daily. As a tip, you want to get the stuff that's 95% curcumin. I find the best deals in powdered form on ebay.

Deep Space - you are right about Curcumin.  It is the active ingredient in the Turmeric.  It can be a bit costly but worth it.  I have found a very reliable Health Food Store that stocks very good quality Curcumin and I buy mine from them.  I buy nothing from GNC - as most of their stuff is "hard bound pills" with numerous cheap binders and fillers.  Be warned about their products.  Only the gelatin capsules break down in the stomach - "not" the hardbound pills which end up in the toilet.

In my experience it's dirt cheap. Search for 95% Curcumin powder on ebay. :)

Folic acid is only in vegetables
B12 is only in meat
Both are needed for avoiding heart problems
A problem for both vegetarians and the average guy

(Horror statistics: "40 Year Vegan Dies of a Heart Attack! Why? The Omega-3 and B12" on Youtube)

I see people are wondering why the official recommendations for B12 are a joke - while B12 is harmless i excess quantities?

We should know why - being sick is good for Heart business

You will get far better results by taking Krill Oil and N-Acetyl-Cysteine both of which protect the heart and lungs. 

Look up NAC or N-Acetyl-Cysteine - it is incredible vitamin along with the Krill oil.  Heart disease is usually "flagged" by inflammation in the heart or arteries in/near the heart or chest area first.  If you notice "discomfort" in the chest area that may be an early warning sign of heart trouble.  Both the Krill Oil and NAC dissolve the inflammation and restore normalcy.  Yes - being sick is big business. 

After 100 years Big Pharma has not yet come up with any patent drug that will substitute copper (and copper deficiency). Copper by itself cannot be patended so that is nothing they will sell. While we are waiting for some copper substitute people have to manage with low fat diet + Ginseng + angioplasty as best they can  :(


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