US General pins medals on Wounded Ukraine soldiers and tells them they are in his army now!

It's looks like the NWO is to ignite wars on two fronts - Mideast Yemen & Ukraine to coincide with the total full blood moon eclipse that will occur on Saturday, April 4, 2015.

This is a rare blood moon eclipse and the symbolism speaks for itself. Without a doubt, the NWO has a timed agenda. I perceive that it anticipates a knee jerk response from Putin and this may be the real reason that Jade Helm 15 is timed to kick off on July 15!

Watch for US Army build up to create the Corridor to Moscow thru Ukraine. This is extremely threatening signal that US military is sending to the Russians. The WW3 agenda is escalating ....Saudi & Israel are allied to destroy Yemen; Syria is wide open for Israel to fly over and Iraq is being cleared as well - this way, Israel can fly it jets straight over to Iran .... With bombs away. And Russia is being blocked with US Military taking over command of the Ukraine Army... this is a very strategic positioning. I predict that by September 15 - and weeks before the next Full Blood Moon Eclipse on September 28, 2015 - WW3 will no longer be a guessing game ...on the Internet. These events are the most serious portends to war that I have ever seen.

There may not be a need for any primaries for 2016 - if US goes to War with Russia to protect Israel after it strikes Iran - POTUS will suspend elections until Russia and Iran surrender or whatever happens after the next shoe drops...

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Seriously: if you're living in fear of blood moons, just stock up on maxi-pads and STFU.

Oh, this blood moon crap is what John Hagee goes around shouting about, "Israels prophetic timeclock" mysticism baloney.

He should have pinned him and congratulated him for being a good commie Zionist lackey. The Zionist US State Department/Mossad and NATO pulled off that coup to place their lackey in office. Now they are slaughtering the Ukrainian people. They took control of the gas fields and put Bidens son on the board.

They've been containing Russia for years, NATO  expansion is encroaching further on Russian borders. They are gonna keep  poking the bear in the eye until he strikes back. And if Russia is forced to fight back, China and Iran will join the fray. They are all close allies and have had enough of Zionist America. When bombs rain down here all those brainwashed sheeple are gonna know that their hanging on every word of CNN  was a sham.

Thanks Philomena, sharing. 


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