Is it not strange? That Obama and his friends, all 2000 of them (Bachmann) at a cost of 200 million dollars a day, are going on a vacation? They say for job creation, starting in India! India? Now he is going to relax export regulations on India! 2000 people? Guess he needs more people to bow to get anything done!
Or could he being taking his friends out of here because something is going to happen here and he doesn't want them here! Maybe virus leak, terrorist attack, or just a major jump in the police state! Either way he does not have the American people interest at heart, and this is not for jobs! It is him saying for the election shackling he got, he will get the last laugh at a cost of 200 million a day! People he is laughing at us, making a joke out of this Republic! The dollar is about to fall and he is out spending 200 million a day for ten days, that 2 billion to create zilch jobs! I mean, I do not hear much about this being so wrong! Heck the guy is on vacation more then he is here doing his job! And if he and the elite are not spending the Tax Payers money his wife is out doing it!
I guess we just wait and see the fall of this Republic, and then we will see the sheeple laugh with him! It is right in front of their face and they still refuse to believe it!
What do you think?
Ha! Obama is just like every other corporate owned (P)resident to occupy the Whit House. Yes, they exceedingly mislead and squander money . Bottom line, all politicians, legislators, policy-makers and lawmakers are owned by the private sector with few exceptions.
Thus, Franklin D. Roosevelt was right:
"The first truth is that the liberty of a democracy is not safe
if the people tolerate the growth of private power to a point
where it becomes stronger than their democratic State itself.
That, in its essence, is fascism - ownership of government
by an individual, by a group or by any other
controlling private power."
Billy, welcome to the 21st century! A pathetic place where political misconduct is not only everlasting but. . . rewarded. A President's paradise, compliments of the multi-national corporations that own it.