for those of you who give a poop about things other than yourselfs ; hey thats why we are here !!!! YEA ,,, there are programs that you can run on your computer ( for free ) no spam no adware no viruses or tracking of any kind ( thats the govermentes job ) hee he hee . the projects are under the BOINC heading , I prefer the Rosetta@home( one meg and higher ram) it is for cancer and related diseases. If you have 512 ram(or more) I like POEM@home its lower ram useage and a simular project . the project runs while your computer is idle , as soon as you start pecking away it pack up untill nothing happens for about 10 minutes, then it starts and you help humanity ... while your system is sitting there doing nothing , and you are sleeping, working or something really important like emptying beer cans , also the is another project but it needs long run times and a fast system
there is one thing; you must blow the huge amount of dust bunnies collecting in your system ( once a year ), either use an air compressor or go by a tire dealer and ask to ues there high power air hose ... note : put an object in the fans blades a powerfull air blast will send it into speeds it was not designed to spin possibly causing it to fail earily [ note: this should be done every year anywhy ] want to check out my team of 'one' highland outreach user Robby1959
Here is the complete "Bel Air Fire" episode of the TV series "When Havoc Struck" from 1978. Includes intense footage and dramatic interviews from survivors o...