Walter Cronkite We will miss you

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just a simple he was the voice of the news since I was a kid , I do not know of his political etc beliefs there is too much today to crawl back to every persons beliefs , although history of many has shown many lights onto the future , from many years/decades ago , ingonoance is bliss , did not intend to elevate anyone to heights that they should be at , got any links for those of us who are not up to speed ???
Walter Cronkite : "I'm Glad To Sit On The Right Hand Of Satan"

In addition to the statement in the title of this video. you will see calls for global governance, what some call a New World Order, with Cronkite saying (admitting), we, the USA, will need to give up some of our sovereignty to archive peace through this global governance. Also see our current Sec. of State Hillary Clinton praise these views, Cronkite and their group.

Find more videos like this on 12.160Mhz
i wont miss him he was a globalist.

It's so good to see this kind of trash dying off but they continue to find worse. How do you pray for someone you hope will look at you through the gulf of mixtures begging for water?

My compliments to James who is always right on cue. And for all you you do.

Quit being such a wuss IllumiNOTi, tell us how you really feel.
Here is a story about the "great humanitarian" (AKA Walter Cronkite):

It was 1976, a time was now known as "the Great Swine Flu Massacre." The President of the United States, Gerald Ford, was enlisted to persuade the public to undergo a national vaccination campaign. The moving force behind the scheme was a $135 million windfall profit for the major drug manufacturers. They had a "swine flu" vaccine which suspicious pig raisers had refused to touch, fearful it might wipe out their crop (during a demonstration of the vaccine a few pigs had collapsed and died). One can imagine the anxious inferences in the headquarters of the great drug firms, until one bright young man remarked, "Well, if the swine breeders won't inject it into their animals, our only other market is to inject it into people." The manufacturers had only tried to get $80 million from the swine breeders; but after they balked in this sale, the drug firms turned to the other market, humans.

The Ford-sponsored swine flu campaign almost died an early death, when a conscientious public servant, Dr. Anthony Morris, formerly of HEW and then active as director of the Virus Bureau of the Food and Drug Administration, declared that there could be no authentic swine flu vaccine, because there had never teen any cases of swine flu on which they could test it. Dr. Morris then went public with his statement that "at no point were the swine flu vaccines effective." He was promptly fired, but the damage had been done. The damage control consisted of that great humanitarian, Walter Cronkite, and the President of the United States, combining their forces to come to the rescue of the Medical Monopoly. Walter Cronkite had President Ford appear on his news program to urge the American people to submit to the inoculation with the swine flu vaccine. CBS then or later could never find any reason to air any analysis or scientific critique of the swine flu vaccine, which was identified as containing many toxic poisons, including alien viral protein panicles, formal dehyde, thimerosal (a derivative of poisonous mer cury), polysorbate and some eighty other substances.

Some say Cronkite was paid for his support and had no idea that the vaccine might be harmful. Yeah, right! As others have pointed out good ole Walter (the 'man America trusted most') was as big a proponent of New World Order in his day as H.G. Wells was in his. These people don't just believe there are too many people on the planet, they hold a religious conviction that it is their duty to do something about that "problem" (and by any means necessary). Yeah, he knew. Just like a lot of people today know this current Swine Flu vaccine will reduce the population (by destroying people's immunize system and causes infertility). Learn more here.

And come join us Swine Flu Concerns.
Wow !!! excellent info ... real eye opener , thanks a million , you nailed him right on the head

skylla2012 said:
Operation Mockingbird: CIA Media Manipulation
Robert D said:
just a simple he was the voice of the news since I was a kid , I do not know of his political etc beliefs there is too much today to crawl back to every persons beliefs , although history of many has shown many lights onto the future , from many years/decades ago , ingonoance is bliss , did not intend to elevate anyone to heights that they should be at , got any links for those of us who are not up to speed ???


"Destroying the New World Order"



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