WE THE PEOPLE TAR - A true, non-partisan, grassroots political movement



WE THE PEOPLE On this July 4th, 2011, the 235th anniversary of America's Declaration of Independence from the British, announce the formation of a true, non-partisan, grassroots Cultural and Political Movement to restore the Liberties and Freedoms envisioned by the Founding Fathers for WE THE PEOPLE. WE THE PEOPLE seek to restore respect for our Constitution, the Bill of Rights and to restore the Rule of Law to these United States of America.


This Movement shall be known as WE THE PEOPLE TAR.  TAR being the Acronym for Transparency, Accountability and Reform. Welcome to the 2nd Enlightenment of mankind. http://amzn.to/93qVP4


At least 3 iterations of this initial document announcing the formation of this WE THE PEOPLE TAR Movement have been written. There are so many thoughts, ideas, philosophizes and issues that seem important that one regrets the need to omit some of them from this initial document. In the end, rather than try to fully explain the reasoning and logic behind our Top six issues and our 9 Principles, we decided to list them with simpler explanations and expound on the reasoning and logic in subsequent articles. In this way we hope to quickly share with you our proposed perspective of reality.


That having been said, let us cut to the chase with our top 6 proposed priorities for the next few elections:




Let us vow to not let the political parties, the politicians, the major media, special interest nor big money steer WE THE PEOPLE off topic from these 6 issues.  WE THE PEOPLE TAR believes these 6 issues are vital to restoring our liberties, freedoms, our constitution and our Bill of Rights as well as previous levels of economic opportunity for all of WE THE PEOPLE.


WE THE PEOPLE TAR asks you to write about these issues in political surveys, letters to the editor and letters to candidates themselves.  Challenge Candidates to reduce their positions on these issues to paper.  In Public Forums and Debates, ask all persons running for office what their positions are on these 6 issues. Do not let the political parties, nor any other powers that be, to frame our any elections in the future. WE THE PEOPLE will set the agenda and frame the main issues for all future elections.


1) Restore Transparency and Accountability in our Government and Judiciary

First Principles, People Are Equal Under Natural Law...."



I write this article with the same intentions as Thomas Paine http://ushistory.org/paine. I seek no leadership role. I seek only to help the American People find their own way using their own “Common Sense” http://amzn.to/kbRuar


Those were my thoughts.


Thank you, my fellow citizens, for taking to read and reflect upon what I have written.


In Liberty,


Don Mashak

The Cynical Patriot





 On Civil Government by John Locke

Second Treatise of Government

Critique of Practical Reason


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This is an updated source of information for you:

Despite the ongoing political debate regarding the legality of medical marijuana, clinical investigations of the therapeutic use of cannabinoids are now more prevalent than at any time in history.

For example, in February 2010 investigators at the University of California Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research publicly announced the findings of a series of randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials on the medical utility of inhaled cannabis. The studies, which utilized the so-called ‘gold standard' FDA clinical trial design, concluded that marijuana ought to be a "first line treatment" for patients with neuropathy and other serious illnesses.

As states continue to approve legislation enabling the physician-supervised use of medical marijuana, more patients with varying disease types are exploring the use of therapeutic cannabis. Many of these patients and their physicians are now discussing this issue for the first time and are seeking guidance on whether the therapeutic use of cannabis may or may not be advisable. This report seeks to provide this guidance by summarizing the most recently published scientific research (2000-2010) on the therapeutic use of cannabis and cannabinoids for 19 clinical indications:

* Alzheimer's disease
* Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
* Chronic pain
* Diabetes mellitus
* Dystonia
* Fibromyalgia
* Gastrointestinal disorders
* Gliomas/other cancers
* Hepatitis C
* Human Immunodeficiency Virus
* Hypertension
* Incontinence
* Methicillin-resistant Staphyloccus aureus (MRSA)
* Multiple sclerosis
* Osteoporosis
* Pruritus
* Rheumatoid arthritis
* Sleep apnea
* Tourette's syndrome


We just want them to admit the truth.  It is obvious that cannabis can help us in so many ways...so why do they not let this happen...what will they lose?  I speculate they will lose control. And they will just not lose this when they are soooo close.  They need to sterilize and kill us off.  It is so obvious.


  it is not money they covet it is world domination.

This is going to need my full attention. thank you for posting.  I will read it thoroughly.


"Destroying the New World Order"



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