Dejavu and Reincarnation

People are still asleep. After all, they are dumbed down, oppressed, dictated to and controlled.
What about you? Are you an educated, awake human being or just a high school educated robot?
Is your television your only friend that you trust to settle your frantic minds?

The majority of people are in the dark, with superstitious fear weakening their minds, religious beliefs controlling their thoughts and actions day by day. The fear and division that religion has created in people's minds is a method of oppression.
The fear of having less money than the wealthy eats away at the weakest of minds, and makes people think with that greedy mind and often makes people do nasty or evil things to make money.

All the distractions that have been placed in your path as a human being have been created through the centuries to become the computer-driven technological terrorist that haunt our planet Earth. The human race is enslaved to the grid, the systems of computers, information and communication, systems of making money, systems of fear that oppress the human mind.

How does it all affect you?
Do you enjoy seeing the same horrors in news reports, time and time again?
How many times have you seen a dreadful news report and thought, 'Not again...why does this keep happening?'
The truth is, it always happens because it has already happened, and what you are experiencing throughout your life is a mere reflection or a repeat of what you experienced in your last lives.

That's right, I'm not a beat-around-the-bush kind of person. I go for the top level of information which is the most secretive and amazing of all information, and which people are scared of talking about. We are all here together, once again on planet Earth and I am your friendly alien, here to remind you all about who you are, where you have been, what you will see in the future and to remember that the past is the future.

What am I talking about??? Re-incarnation. Not the fantasy story that 'some people believe in', but the actual reality that all of us, whether you like it or not are the same people as we were the last time we were all reborn into this World.
Let's start with dejavu. Everybody gets a feeling that they have been through a specific same moment in another life, and it confuses a lot of people. The truth is, dejavu is your memory working correctly. You SHOULD remember a lot of things going on in your current life as being exactly the same as in another life. Don't think that dejavu is madness or an illusion. Your brain is working just perfectly when you experience dejavu, and in fact, the more you experience dejavu, the more you are remembering from your past life. You are stupid to ignore dejavu, because I have mostly mastered the art of remembering that my constant dejavu is my brain functioning normally, and it is a healthy thing to identify my memories as being from my past life (or lives). I try not to forget that my dejavu is merely my memory working properly.

I am not a person who thinks of re-incarnation like a person who believes they were a Pope or a King in the 12th Century.
I am specifically underlining the fact that all of us on planet Earth are re-incarnations of who we are today, just as we were in other lives gone by. How is it possible for life to carry on as it has, with the same things happening to us over and over, the same wars, the same conflicts, the same dictators and the same greed and corruption that has existed forever?

Has planet Earth evolved from a natural planet to become a cloned experiment of itself?
Yes, it has. And an experiment it definately is. Planet Earth- the greatest experiment of all experiments...
Can you remember your past life. It should be easy for you. Just try to recall as much of your current life from childhood to present day and you should be able to recognize key moments that cause dejavu (moments that make you remember that you went though exactly the same moment in another life). It can be hard to stomach, and if you are not confident then you are obviously oppressed and have been dumbed down.

How many times do you see a programme on dejavu, past lives and re-incarnation being broadcast on mainstream television?
I have never seen a programme dealing with this subject on mainstream television, because people generally do not believe in what I am writing about here. People are more worried about sports stars and movies, petty squabbles in relationships, making money and just trying to have an easier life.

People are more worried about their religion, being a good religious person or praying constantly. The religion programme has been playing for centuries- it is the oldest trick in the book...Get the masses to follow one religion, to grow up either mainly Christian, Muslim, Hindu or Jewish. Each religion has its own 'bible', with stories, prophecies and revelations to occupy the human mind and to basically become distract the followers throughout their lives, to put the fear of God and the Devil into simple minds many centuries ago, to spread and teach that fear of God and Satan throughout the World. So many billions of people all following the myth of their religion, like good little robots.

Robots. That's all we have become as a collective human race. While capitalism and democracy have become the modern phase, religion is still the underlying distraction that humans are prey to. Television is the other religion that people are hooked into. Technology is another. Capitalism is yet another distraction.
When will the majority start to remember their past lives and pull themselves away from the modern distractions, away from the religion and the away from the politics that drown out their own rational, educated minds?

It is very important to try to master dejavu and reincarnation. If we want to take this World more seriously, and to stand up and call for the changes that we want to see in the World, we have to constantly be on the side of reality, not myth.
It is no good praying for a peaceful end to everything, and sitting back expecting it to happen, or expecting someone else to make it happen. People have to the deciders, and not expect a super-being or some clever humanitarian to rescue the planet from the depths of corruption that it has sunk to.

You can't pray to God and expect peace and equality and see it happen. Turn on the news report, see for yourself, people are standing up in the Middle East and fighting for their lives, for their futures- they are not praying while they are taking actions, they are taking actions because they have to be the force of change in their part of the World.
Maybe those millions of Muslims realize that the religious war that has been going on for centuries between Christianity, Islam and Judaism will never end unless they choose to end it.

Religious wars have driven a deep wedge between countries, between white Christians and Muslims, which served a purpose for the Kings and Monarchs and leaders of the past. It is easy to see how people were divided with hatred and fear of Islam for example. Even I was taught as a child that Christianity was the 'good' religion and that Islam and the Middle East was evil. Were you taught the same? But now people are different. We understand that the Christian Crusaders deliberately sought to spread Christianity by the use of oppression, violence and poverty. By keeping people of the Middle east in poverty and oppression, Christianity swept through the World like a greedy corporation wanting to set up business in all major cities...  

So where is all this going? Do you now remember this article from another life?
I remember writing this article in another life, explaining to you, the reader that this is our existance- the existance of the 20th/21st Century, full technological horrors, greed, oppression, religious domination.
In reality the Christian nations which caused the pain that the people of the Middle East now suffer is the same pain and oppression that Christianity has always brough upon those nations, and the Empires that invaded, occupied and pilaged the Middle East should have apologized a long time ago.

But instead we only see conflict. The most wealthy nations have empowered the worst dictators to keep their people oppressed, to ensure that they cannot think or act for themselves, but to mainly be obsessed with religion and to not question or rise up against their political leaders. The countries West of the Middle East are to blame for enslaving the Muslims in the historical past and for enslaving their lives to this current day.
What possibility is there for millions of people such as those in the Middle East to wake up and remember that they have always been oppressed, just as they have been in their past lives? 

The Experiment / Good Little Robots
There is another side to this article which is as equally as important. I started on the dejavu and reincarnation topic, and it is now worth mentioning the experiment. The experiment is something I was aware of 20 years ago, when I distinctly recall being in a deep dejavu moment. I was talking with a couple of friends about the World late one night, and we agreed that the World , our Planet Earth is indeed an experiment- and now I go furthur to say it in detail:-
Planet Earth is not just any ordinary experiment, it's a repetitve cycle of life and death, reincarnation.

Think about it- we are all mostly born into a 'city' environment, educated learning very similar aspects of history and religion, but all learning the same mathematics, science and biology. Most of us see the same television programmes, over and over, and witness the same news reports. We are subjected to this 'system' of information brainwashing which filled our minds from childhood. It is up to us as humans to break away from the experiment. We are all expected to just be good little robots and not question authority and elitism.

So are you going to just be a good little robot, oppressed and silenced forever until the day you die, or will you accept that you can learn from within yourself how your life has become a spaghetti junction of brainwashing, and it has always been like this, in your past lives and in this life, your current life?
You CAN make an effort to tap into your own mind, to be confident with dejavu and reincarnation.
It is actually imperitive for you to eventually know without a shred of doubt, that you are alive on Planet Earth, living the same life as you lived in past lives gone by.

The experiment is something very sinister. I believe that somehow our Planet has been hijacked by very greedy,evil people who devised a way to recreate their own power structure, to keep the same rich families and the same elite people at the top of society , by utilizing oppression as the main tool, and by controlling our minds over the ages, firstly with religion for many centuries, and now by use of technology,the media, television and computers. What the leaders probably know is what I know- that they are rich because of their ancestors being evil and oppressive which gave rise to their power, and passed that power and leadership onto their families. They do not want us ending their experiment, and I think we are all trapped in the experiment, which is to keep the majority enslaved and to keep the structures of elitism intact.

Are people scared of insulting their God by believing in something different?
Are people full of fear that if they try to think too much that somehow they are offending God?
Are people scared of rising up against their leaders because they fear retribution from God?
Or is it that people have been sidetracked by television, politics- or simply mad that the rich are getting richer ?
If you don't take time to listen to your mind, you might just be a casualty of oppression.
If you don't take time to ignore the mainstream way of life then you might be a casualty of the system.
If you only accept the 'good little robot existance' then you are trapped until the day you die, just as you were in your last life.

If I could get a headcount of the people who know that dejavu is a memory from another life then I'm sure I would not be alone. But as I mentioned before- how many times have we seen a television programme on dejavu and reincarnation?
It is not a common thing to talk about or see on television because the majority of people can't wake up enough to understand who they are, where they are and for how long they have actually been on Planet Earth.

A lot of people just believe that this is the only life they will experience, and then they believe they will die and never see planet Earth again.
To believe that you live once and then die (and never live again) is the biggest mistake a person can make.
This is why paying attention to your dejavu is so important. You HAVE to remember that you WERE on planet Earth before, that you were the SAME person, and that you should be confident enough to talk about our existance as eternal beings, created and recreated over and over again- but for a purpose.

Our purpose isn't to be good little robots, nor watch repeats of television programmes forever...
Our purpose is not to lick the boots of the King or to only worship God.
Our purpose is to grab hold of the system and to bend it into a future that we can accept as being 'acceptable'.

As I am writing this I am filled with more dejavu, knowing that so many people will never get to read this, and that so many people are just happy to enjoy their lives in wealth and elitism, ignorant of poverty, wars and oppression.
And we are expected to battle for a meagre pay-check, battle for a nice house or car, a nice entertainment system...
And then what? Are we expected to sit back on our vibrating massage chairs and laugh at the comedy repeat programmes forever, ignorant of poverty, war and oppression.
No, we cannot. This is why paying attention to your dejavu is very important- so you know without any doubt in your mind that you have seen the same bad programme play again and again in your life, and that you should NOT be so complacent with your existance. You have been educated and brought up within the system to become a slave to the system, to teach your own children to become the next good little robots...
So, now it's time to turn off your entertainment systems, turn off your repeated comedy and action television programmes, put down your holy books and for your own sake, wake up forever. Just as you should have done by now at this point in your last life.

Once you turn away from the mainstream system that we have all grown up to serve, you start to realize that are fighting the mainstream system, and you will remember that you have always been fighting the system and you are an integral part of changing the future for the better, rather than sitting back and being asborbed by the mainstream way of life until the day you die.

by Russell S.Wyllie

Views: 38

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