Rebuilding Communities- Migration and Industry Growth

America is a massive country with a huge population. Many countries also have a large population, and many have in common this one thing- the inefficiency of production and sharing of resources and produce.
Smaller communities which are situated away from major cities and industrial or farmland require a lot of help from central Government which is costs a lot of money and resources.

Taking America for an example, there are 40 million people receiving food coupons because bills and costs are taking up the majority or all of their wages. It would make sense to encourage smaller communities to merge with bigger communities if they are struggling to survive, and that would increase the numbers of general labour workers and farmers. Bigger farms and small industry could then be built up to create more produce for trade and survival needs, and the costs of providing to smaller communities would greatly shrink. Many people in small communities would choose to relocate, and could bring a lot of materials required for housing and farming needs, to immediately start new suburbs and integrate quickly with medium-sized communities.

If you think of the needs of smaller communities there are many different costs, be it medicines, food, fuels and electricity needs, and transporting those requirements to smaller communities costs a lot of money. Many small communities just require Government benefits to live on, and that is a major cost to the rest of the taxpayers in the country as a whole. Many nations have this problem, and many Governments are oppressive or discriminate, and simply won't provide for the smaller rural communities. But the bigger countries have more of a civilized political structure, where human rights and sharing of resources is built into the country's set of laws or Constitution.

So how did America become a nation where 40 million people require food handouts, and tens of millions require other benefits in the form of cash, medical aid and social services? There will always be a need for medical services and social services, but as the country of Ameriac is so big in terms of land size and population it is difficult to stretch costs and resources to give people and equal chance to work and be part of a more prosperous community. It is sad to think that children grow up with little opportunities and that is the main issue to improve on- to give all people that chance.

By the merging of smaller communities with bigger communities, the outlook for children and families improves. Industry has greatly closed down because the cost of running industry in Asia is less, meaning more profit. That enticed industry owners to relocate awway from America, which is the key to people lsoing jobs and millions ending up on food handouts.
When the President of America talks about rebuilding industry then you have to find reason to build industry, and profits should not be the key incentive. Providing jobs for all people is the key to a successful country, to increase production and necessities so as to remove the need for imports. Smaller communities would increase the need for industry and farm jobs, and would kick start the industries and farms. Local and private food produce should be a priority and welcomed.

Cities themselves are overpopulated by unemployed and more work could be created by increasing industry growth, and by utilizing unemployed city residents to create the houses and products for medium sized communities, the smaller communtnies would be more encouraged to move into the medium sized communities, and the process of community migration and job creation would build America back up and greatly reduce the unemployed numbers, create industry and create incomes and opportunities for children of smaller communities later in life.

Again, the closure of industry and switching to importing goods has caused the high unemployment, raised the number of benefit payments and made providing for smaller communities even more of a challenge. At least with communitiy migration there would be incentive to rebuild industry, and it can only be done if the desire for huge profits is reduced and the opportunity for rebuilding is seized upon. It is like America and countries are going back to the 1930's when industry was required to build for communtities, but the difference is the incentive of people to work in industry decades ago was greater than the desire for huge profits, and today greed for huge profits has driven industry away from America and many rich nations. The time is to rebuild, and migration of those smaller communities with medium and large communities should be the priority. Let us all hope that this could happen before the situation gets so dire that millions more become unemployed and the cost to Government and the taxpayer is so great that America slips into slow chaos and perhaps forced labour to achieve bare survival is necessary.

A plan of migration of smaller communities could be achieved gradually by choice of the people living in the smaller communities, with help from Govenment to relocate those people and house them, or transport materials from smaller communities- be it timber and farm hardware to build houses and farms. More people would probably choose to move to medium sized communities, and this plan should be put into action now instead of tomorrow when the unemployment situation and costs to Government is too large to cover, which would lead to forced labour, which would cause civil uprisings and conflict. The times have changed, and the civil uprising is just around the corner, because America's economy will not fix itself without industry, jobs and integration of smaller communities. The numbers of desperate families and homeless will grow, and the situation can be rectified without conflicts or chaos, but just by careful planning and investment of an idea like this. Many other countries are in a similar situation, and it makes you wonder the level of intelligence in Government to let things slip into deep recession and high unemployment. It is because greed took over common sense.
Luxury took over necessity, leaving an empty shell of dead industry, which is now the key success of Asia.

by Russell S.Wyllie October 29, 2010

Views: 21

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