Al-Qaeda was something that the U.S could never control, and perhaps never wanted to control. 
In order to sustain the war and presence in the Mid East , America and allies need an excuse to occupy and wage wars.  So weapons and training were handed out to Taliban and resistance operatives for example, and for a short while it might have appeared that the U.S controlled those resistance fighters (Al-Qaeda) who fought against the Soviets .

But Al-Qaeda does not have a central command centre or structure, only splinter-cells which carry out their own missions in their own countries or regions. Over the past decade there has been so many civilians killed in the Mid East due to bad or deliberate targetting by the U.S and allies,  and ordinary village folk now want revenge and have joined the Taliban or an Al-Qaeda splinter-cell, and that is what also helps sustain wars.
Now the U.S and allies try to jusitfy their presence in the region by claiming they know of more Al Qaeda targets (village folk angered to become the new resistance).

A small few Mid East nations- the Saudis, Syrians and Bahrainis seem to have more of a grip on their own people, and are stamping down on their own people,with troops from Saudi Arabia assisting Bahraini troops in oppressing their own people.  Perhaps it is better to see that happen than no fly zones imposed by foreign forces, which is the pretext for occupation and invasion?
Maybe those few Mid East nations simply see the foreign forces coming over the horizon, and want to be seen as a controlling force rather than allowing the U.S and allies to jump in and take the reigns?

The U.S has created more than Al-Qaeda and war. Over the decades the U.S and allies have strategically given assistance to the Monarchial Mid-East countries, and have taken part in or allowed the oppression of the poorer Mid East nations. This has created great division between the Mid East nations , angered so many in the region and has increased Al-Qaeda/resistance operative numbers.
Libya is now teetering on civil war, yet are the allies arming the new Al-Qaeda?
Is it right that one town should be given assistance to wipe out the next town?

We will soon be hearing the U.S claiming that : ' Al Qaeda operatives are infiltrating Libya...and are mixed up between pro and anti-Gaddafi factions...'
Which means that Iraq War Part 2 (The Libya Stretch) will soon be underway- another long-scale occupation which initially started with a no-fly-zone imposed.  And that is the way a war is sustained- sit and wait for the situation to crumble on the ground in Libya, then use Al-Qaeda as an excuse to fully invade and occupy Libya.
It happened in Iraq, Afghanistan,Pakistan...and now Libya. We don't really see an end to the Iraq-Afghan occupation, and Libya is an open invitation for the war planners to capitalize upon, for globalist wealthy-types to reshape Libya in their own vision, to benefit themselves mainly, and to create another oppressive Government who are just puppetted for decades, until the oppressed civilians stand up again...and the foreign forces and globalists have another chance to refresh their strategy planning and capitalization methods.

This is more than the creation of a gang of thugs called Al-Qaeda, it is the creation of sustained war.
Al-Qaeda is just an excuse that the U.S and allies use, and excuse conveniently created for the political and financial gain of dominant Western Governments and wealthy globalists. Will people in Libya truly get the chances that they deserve?
We can only hope that Libya finds its own feet, ends its own wars, starts its own elections and Government, and keeps the foreign capitalist ideologists out of the new Libyan system that might be created. 

Or will Libya just crumble into the pile of failed 'democratic liberation battles' alongside Iraq, Afghanistan and other nations which have had the U.S and allies sitting on them for the last 10 years ????????

by Russell S.Wyllie of

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