What does the title 'President' mean? Is it one person who presides over a nation, independent of
thought, and able to decide, without bias, which actions to take and which laws to uphold?
A real leader would be a non-political, non religious and non-biased person who does not take sides
with any nation or band of people, who doesn't see historical or economic facts as a reason to
shape their decisions. But with the United States of America, the President is not an independent
leader, but a puppet of those who decide which person will fit into their agenda.
A classic example of this is the historical and religious events of Israel, being the birth place of
Jesus Christ (Jesus al-Nazareth), the religious leader of two thousand years ago.
A story is just a story, and when you mix facts with fiction you can create something like the Bible-
full of mystic,magical quotations and events which are impossible by any laws of human ability,
and which tell a story of good versus evil. The Bible is a mix of values,principals and fiction, shaped
into a religious spectre that many took literally for centuries, and which today is redefined as hyper
thetical and metaphorical. In reality, Israel is no more a religious place than most other nations,
and to believe that America and other nations must protect the Israeli political and religious spectre
is just biased and wrong.
Another example of biased approach in policy making by the President is the belief that America is
the best country in the World, and so all decisions made by the President are in the best interests
of Americans and the country of America. Most people now see that invading countries to control
the resources of the country being invaded, and to shape the way their people think, and to win
'hearts and minds' of people of another country is just controlism and dictatorship. The decisions to
invade and occupy Afghanistan and Iraq was never solely to free the people from any form of evil
or oppression, but to mainly take resources, set up military bases, win construction contracts and
implement private security contractors who are not directly under the control of the U.S Government.
Mercenaries, not sparing a thought for humanity or fairness, but serving private companies like the
oil and construction companies, and to make sure that the U.S Government know as little as possible about the mercenary activities.
Another example is economics. America boasted about its wealth and power for decades, believing
that they reserve the right to control other nations to best serve America's interests, to empower U.S
business and finance companies to the point where all World trade happens through them, making
their positions as finance companies invincible to collapse. The American business objective is this.
To ensure that America always remains the big power of the World by dictating political, military and
economic decisions to the World.And the job of the President is to uphold that belief, not to decide
So these different factors meld together quite perfectly. America, a nation which is Christian-ruled,
making decisions to favour Israel (their religious leaders birthplace), to create America so rich and so
feared that no nation can politically manouevre in their own way, nor make economic decisions which create a bigger nation than America. Is this the way that the World was supposed to be?
The answer is, there never was a 'supposed-to-be' way. Each nation is free to decide what they want
for their own people, and it is up to the people of each nation to dictate to their leaders what they want for their own lives.
No religion or pursuit of economic power should be a sole reason or an influencing factor which melds the progress of humanity. So why would Israel be allowed to possess nuclear weapons, and be able to position themselves as a potential 'mini-America' ? With a crazy leader in possession of nuclear bombs, we eventually got Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the two cities destroyed by American nuclear bombs in 1945. When those nuclear devices were dropped, many saw it as the end of the war, but in reality, it was the beginning of another war- a war for possession of the most deadly and destructive force on Earth.
Israel has to have their nuclear facilities dismantled, and their nuclear arsenal removed, their political
operations restructured so that Palestinians are not held in a concentration-style camp in Gaza, and
the Israeli military forced to only defend their own major cities and force illegal settlements from being built in Palestine.
These are words being echoed throughout the World today. For decades people have been brainwashed by the Americans and Israelis to beleive that Israel is a 'holy' place, when it is a work of fiction, more a historical place as much of the Middle East is, a part of the birthplace of civilisations alongside Egypt and the Mid-East nations. No favouritism should be given to Israel, and when Israel committ inhumane acts against the Palestinians, it is now seen as a modern-day new apartheid political attack on the region and on Palestine. Palestine is much disappeared in terms of maps which have been drawn up by Western nations, but in reality the whole of Palestine still exists, and in in a nation called Israel. It is just the most advanced war-ready nations that is Israel receives favourtism from America, Britain and other pro-Christian nations, who see Judaism as the closest thing next to Christianity, and so political and military decisions made by the pro-Christian,pro Jewish nations are biased and based on religious beliefs, and those nations feel it is their duty to protect their religious beliefs in Israel.
That kind of mentality is archaic and outdated, and on its own doesn't make sense. It is only by the
positioning of military forces by the Christian nations around the Middle East, for possession of oil
and gas that we understand more about the mentality that those pro-Christian nations have.
Those nations fully believe that it is their duty by 'God' to defend their religious principals while the
economic side cashes in on the oppression, destruction and manipulation of the nations being
occupied. And the President of the United States is not an independent thinker, but a muppet,
dancing along to the tune of the American muppet show, following the same beats and chords that
previous Presidents have always done, because they are full of that mentality to control other nations
based on an archaic religious set of principals and beliefs, and to keep America strong and rich,
even if that means killing millions of innocent people, again and again ad finitum.
The Second World War was one crazy man called Hitler, who wanted to take over the whole of Europe to make Europe work in the best interests of Germany, and Hitler, for no reason but a personnel belief executed millions of Jewish people. The current American political agenda has followed on from that, but initially with a more subtle approach- slowly invading other nations to enforce political or economic change to best suit America. The numbers of people killed by America through the decades has risen steadily, to become a sea of blood in the Middle East.It was not supposed to be like this. It was not written in any Bible that violence should be used to implement religious beliefs or to create massive wealth. Those actions of violence committed while invading countries must surely go against God and any religious teachings of any religious leader. Jesus does not love the President of the United States. Jesus and all religious or spiritual leader condemns such a biased nation which oppresses other nations for economic and military power. Most religious people recognize America's Government as one at fault. Oppressive, murderous and evil.The other nations which stand in biased belief that somehow America's Government are also condemned with the same breath.
There is a saying- that the World dies screaming. Screaming for justice and for an end of oppression
and controlism. Those screams were heard from the millions of Jewish people who Hitler saw as
imperfect, and the World answered by destroying Hitler's evil dream. And so the time has come once
again, to end the pursuit of economic,political and military dominance by any one nation.
Wars should only be fought when one country invades another, not when a possibility of another nation or religion threatens another nation. It is wrong to see religion or wealth as reason to committ to war,and just as in World War 2 when Hitler waged a war for economic domination, so are we witnessing wars waged by pro-Christian nations in pursuit of economic dominance, and the World has become a darker place because of it.
The President of America should be independent and recognize the stance of oppressing Palestine as a continuation of a Nazi-programme, one that is evil and needs to be stamped out.
If Israel is allowed to oppress and enforce poverty and doom on
Palestine, and if America's Government does not recognize that as an act
of apartheid, then they are continuing Hitler's dream.
by Russell S.Wyllie