This is a recent British documentary that sheds light on the current obesity problems around the world by tracing it back to the damage caused by the USA food industry way back in the 1970's.
Go to 7.30 on the link and you'll see what I mean.
We have been sold the idea of a low fat diet but guess what they replace the fat with? Lots and lots of sugar!
On a personal level I have looked at everything I eat recently and it's surprising just how much sugar is in everything and I mean EVERYTHING. I've managed to lose 35 pounds in only a few months without upping my exercise. Although exercise can help a bit I have found it cannot stem the tide of the sugary food we put in our mouths on a daily basis.
What helped me was knowing that 5 grams of sugar equates to around a tea-spoon of sugar. So you may get 40 grams of sugar in a small bottle of Cola, meaning of course you are eating 8 tea-spoons of sugar (or nearly 3 table spoons) in that one small drink.
Check every label for sugar. I've stuck to protein (meat based) meals and eaten veg and salad rather than fruit with them (even fruit is high in natural sugar). Try not to mix carbs with protein especially bread (high in sugar), rice and potatoes. You can have bacon and egg though, just without the bread.
Try not to snack inbetween meals (I have a low sugar cracker/wafer sometimes though if I am feeling empty)
Cut down on milk too for a week or so and watch the weight fly away!