Path to Success

A recent Rasmussen poll indicates that “38% Favor Their State Blocking Federal Anti-Gun Laws” and a whopping “52 percent of mainstream voters think states should have the right to block any federal laws they disagree with on legal grounds.” And this week, a nullification-friendly Washington Times article from the paper’s editorial board was published stating: “nullification is a growing movement with support on both sides of the political aisle.”

The Washington Times article hints at the reason for this shift in sentiment, “…something needs to be done to check the intrusion of the federal bureaucracy into our lives.” The federal government has failed to keep itself within the confines of the Constitution and state-level nullification is the best solution. Given the obvious inability of “vote the bum’s out”, “rule it unconstitutional”, or “march on DC” to curtail federal infringements it’s really no surprise.

The problem with these approaches is that they require the federal government to police itself. This is something that will never happen and the founders warned us against such foolish thinking.

Jefferson considered the Tenth Amendment and the power held by states to be the cornerstone of the Constitution’s ability to restrain the general government. In 1791, when challenging Hamilton’s proposed expansion of federal power, Jefferson indicated:

“I consider the foundation of the Constitution as laid on this ground: That “all powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States or to the people.” [10th Amendment]. To take a single step beyond the boundaries thus specifically drawn around the powers of Congress is to take possession of a boundless field of power, no longer susceptible of any definition.”

Recently, attacks on our Constitution and Bill of Rights have become more obvious. Even fundamental American guarantees such as gun rights, due process rights, and freedom of speech rights have been challenged. Concerned citizens looking for solutions to protect themselves from the federal government’s intrusions find nullification, once discovered, quite attractive. They also find themselves in good company, as historically state resistance to the general government’s oversteps is a key component of our check on federal power.

From a practical perspective, nullification provides results that other options cannot:

  • Nullification demands rights without violence
  • Nullification fosters regional harmony through decentralization
  • Nullification is lawful, historic and Constitutional

In other words, only nullification provides a roadmap to a local, legitimate base of political power necessary to counter aggressive actions out of Washington DC.

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Or...  We could all choose to go a different path entirely, freeing all Humanity from poverty, oppression, starvation, wage/debt slavery, war profiteering (and therefore war itself).

To do this, We must eliminate the NEED for money (the prime motivator amongst the corporations that are now running Our country and the world).  And to do THAT requires free energy, and programmed machines to fill in where no One or not enough People WANT to do necessary work.

AND...  For all this to come about, We need to spread awareness of this solution to the vast majority of problems on this planet (the LOVE of money is the root of all evil; remove the soil in which the root grows...) to the tipping point.

Email, post links in comments, post to the Hotel Califacebook, speak it to friends, KEEP IT IN CONSCIOUSNESS.

The links:


Beautiful thought Amaterasu Solar.  Perchance benevolent beyond human.  Money in of it's self is perhaps not the problem, It's only a measurement of value, transferable and portable in exchange for goods and services.

I hold in high value your intent and goal.  But this solution, in my opinion would require a change in all humans nature to have any chance to work. And would it not devalue any work done by an individual?

Thus said; would not the starting point be at a local level? And would not nullification still be needed as a starting to any peaceful solution?



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