I just finished watching the Anime series Steins; Gate.   Besides the silliness, many deep ideas about time travel were presented in a compelling storyline that lasts 25 episodes.   I don't think I have enjoyed an Anime series so much since Cowboy Beebop.    So, the main point is, what would happen to the world if information could be sent back in time, even if only a few days.  Amusingly in Steins:Gate, CERN figures out how to do this and takes over the world.   

I watched the whole series here -


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Sorry, But I do NOT have time for this type of ...Enterainment or Predictive Programing. Sony may have the funds and time to make this type of PRODUCT but I think 12160  has more inportant things to do with its resources. The Obama is about to destroy the American way of freedom and happyness we all deserve and the great 'Sony Corp'. will loose everthing just as we will when he does. IMO.

There was enough occult imagetary in the 2012 London Olympics opening and closing cermoney to talk about and analizse to keep us busy for the next few months leading up to the collapse of America in November when we have a so called election..

Analzse this if you have the time.,, and this was only from the closeing.

Or better still try this one.

Can we have just one more?

Well, it was kind of nice to see the "Spice Girls" again. I don't think that was part of the Occult Programing for the masses. Just very nice.

I have more images from the opening, but I think I have made my point.

But, was anyone able to read the text(s) written on the floors of the walkways under the dancers during that portion of the,,,show. I tried to but.....



I had better things to do with my time than to watch the Olympics much less analyze the symbolism, or lack thereof, of any of the images/ceremonies.

Does 'programming' have any effect on those who don't subject themselves to it? ;)


Thanks Quickening, I'll check it out. Is it a dub or original language + subs?

Lawrence, the second one refers to a popular BBC comedy TV show...

...although how many folks outside the UK would understand the 'Only Fools & Horses' reference is debatable.

I didn't watch the Olympics, so I can't provide a full analysis on the opening/closeing ceremonies at this time - to be honest, I have no interest in the the globalists 'panem et circenses'...the agenda is very clear.

Original language + sub's.   Much better IMHO!

Steins;Gate has no connection to Sony.   I find it quite amusing someone would refuse to watch it because of "predictive programming", and watch the Olympics instead!


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