Given the probability of its occurrence and, more importantly, because of its potential effects, the influenza pandemic to which scientists are constantly referring poses a considerable risk. Like many other countries around the world, Quebec has decided to respond to the threat by being a step ahead of the game. The Quebec Government Pandemic Influenza Communications Plan is one of the key components of a series of measures that have been put in place. Along with preventive and therapeutic measures and, ultimately, immunization through vaccination, communication is the only available means of limiting or managing the impact of an eventual pandemic.
The GPICP is based on suggested guidelines from the World Health Organization in the event of outbreaks of disease. It is supported by public tendencies and inclinations regarding the risk of a pandemic and associated government action. It draws on the experience of past crises, and is part of a proven framework of action, namely the Quebec National Civil Protection Plan (NCPP). The plan draws on these various components to identify communications issues associated with a possible influenza pandemic, define a communications approach characterized by sensitivity and reason, establish appropriate communications goals, specify the broad target groups of government communications and identify three main periods of relevant action.
As concerns communications activities, the government plan does not offer quick-fix solutions or simple strategies. True, a pandemic raises numerous challenges, not the least of which is the need for extensive coordination among departments and agencies, their regional directorates, and health agencies and government partners, especially municipalities. It is for this reason that the action plan, set forth in the second part of this document, places considerable emphasis on co-operation and on the coordination of communications activities, with a view to establishing a reference framework that will provide a basis for the communications plans of departments, agencies and the members of their networks.