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Stop Bill C6 in Canada!

The swine flu vaccine is almost ready here in Canada. Bill C6, is being fasttracked through the Senate after our uncaring/inattentive parliament rushed it through. People would never believe that we could be forced to accept vaccination with a vaccine that has had almost no testing for short or longterm effects!

Well C6 does this and much more. The powers-that-be have tried to push this bill through before under different names but now have dropped many proceedural processes and are rushing it through.

Canada will be officially handed over to the control of the U.N., World Health Organization(WHO) and the Control of the International Monetary Fund (big banks). The WHO has MANDATED VACCINATION for ALL! people in 194 countries! That includes you and your family! (China is forcing all its 1.6 billion to be vaccinated and France announced it will be suspending human rights to vaccinate their people. Think it can\'t happen here???)

If you dont think that is possible see or search the government website for Bill C6 homepage and read the bill for yourself! And if this is passed into law then the removal of your rights to \"Due Process\" (phone call, lawyer) can be transferred later to any other legislation that our corrupt govenment chooses.

See \"Interpretations\" and what \"government\" will become with Bill C6.

Under this law too, a HEALTH inspector will be allowed to enter your home without telling you why to search for ANYTHING that is SUSPECTED TO BE RELATED TO ANY PRODUCT THAT SOMEONE HAS DETERMINED A RISK TO THE COUNTRY! You might have had this product/document for decades but if it is on the banned list too bad for you.

The government has been very sneaky about this bill. It has been defeated before as C41, C51/52 yet now have been able to get it into the senate. There has never been a bill like this in Canadian history that removes so many rights or one that gives YOUR COUNTRY AWAY TO THE RICH BANKERS OF THE UNITED NATIONS.

Please use Copy/Paste to move the short letter below into an email and the addresses (as a block) into your address bar then send it to tell the asses in Ottawa that you want to remain a Canadian citizen and don\'t want to lose your rights to say NO! to questionable medical procedures before it\'s too late.

The senate is reading this treasonous bill this week!!!

Letter to send

Dear Sir/Madam,

What gives you the right to sign an unconstitutional law into effect? It will not stand a challenge because it removes Due Process of law via provisions for warrantless search and seizures, among other deplorable offenses to our Rights and Freedoms, and according to the Book of Criminal Procedure it is therefore of no force or effect. If you, in the knowledge that the provisions of Bill C-6 are unconstitutional, vote in favour of passing it, you are violating your oath to protect and defend the rights and freedoms. According to Canadian Constitutional Law such an act should be grounds for removal from your seat.

The list below contains senator and MPs. Get your MP\'s address from the government website and write him/her before you find yourself ruled by \"an international organization of states\" (bill c6 preamble).

I cannot emphasize how important it is that this bill must be defeated. Our rights as Canadians are will be lost if we do not act!

also check it out at

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Replies to This Discussion

This is the letter I sent to Lise Zarac and Denis Paradis;

Dear Sir/Madam,

What gives you the right to sign an unconstitutional law into effect? It will not stand a challenge because it removes Due Process of law via provisions for warrantless search and seizures, among other deplorable offenses to our Rights and Freedoms, and according to the Book of Criminal Procedure it is therefore of no force or effect. If you, in the knowledge that the provisions of Bill C-6 are unconstitutional, vote in favour of passing it, you are violating your oath to protect and defend the rights and freedoms. According to Canadian Constitutional Law such an act should be grounds for removal from your seat.

Further more, it as become quite obvious that the canadian government has obfuscated and covered up the origins of this lab created human-bird-swine-insect flu, and have attempted to scaremonger the public into a forced vaccination scenario using adjuvents like squaline that have not been appoved by our Health deprtment, putting the entire population at risk. Rest assured that many concerned citizens are out there exposing the truth and the Government's involvment in the cover up.

If the Government was so interested in removing and regulating products that are dangerous for our health, you would have to begin with removing all FLOURIDE products from shelves and water supplies and removing the eugenic label of "Heath Product" back to the label "Toxin-Drug-Contaminant" that flouride has had for the last 200 years. You would also have to remove the Weather Modificaton Treaty between Canada and the U.S. signed by Jeanne sauvé in 1975 and stop our government and the U.S. government from spraying aluminum oxide and thorium and barium and epoxy resin over our heads daily.

It has become painfully evident that none of the Ministers on the hill are here to represent the citizens of Canada, but rather Europian bankers-the Queen-and the United Nations, and are only concerned with keeping their jobs within the "Corporation known as Canada". In case no one on the hill has read the "Charter of Rights and Freedoms", it begins with the supremacy of God and the rule of law. Rule of law is US...THE CITIZENS...not the judges politicians and police. WE ARE ALL EQUAL, and none of you have the right to make decisions for us without public consoltation. There has been no referendum on Bill C6 or Bill C51 or any other recent 'war on terror" laws passed. Just remember you will be accountable when this is over, regardless of how much life and freedoms are lost.

Brian Pearce
Restricting Our Freedoms - Shawn Buckley About Bill C-6
PART 1 -
PART 2 -
...from the DVD "Too Hard to Swallow 2" (AVAILABLE FROM WWW.MEDIAREEL.NET) constitutional lawyer, Shawn Buckley presents the truth about Bill C-6 and the loss of our fundamental freedom in Canada if the bill passes.
copyed your letter to PM, MP and vcity council.

copies the movies for preusal by relatives.

more to follow.

luggnutz said:
This is the letter I sent to Lise Zarac and Denis Paradis;

Dear Sir/Madam,

What gives you the right to sign an unconstitutional law into effect? It will not stand a challenge because it removes Due Process of law via provisions for warrantless search and seizures, among other deplorable offenses to our Rights and Freedoms, and according to the Book of Criminal Procedure it is therefore of no force or effect. If you, in the knowledge that the provisions of Bill C-6 are unconstitutional, vote in favour of passing it, you are violating your oath to protect and defend the rights and freedoms. According to Canadian Constitutional Law such an act should be grounds for removal from your seat.

Further more, it as become quite obvious that the canadian government has obfuscated and covered up the origins of this lab created human-bird-swine-insect flu, and have attempted to scaremonger the public into a forced vaccination scenario using adjuvents like squaline that have not been appoved by our Health deprtment, putting the entire population at risk. Rest assured that many concerned citizens are out there exposing the truth and the Government's involvment in the cover up.

If the Government was so interested in removing and regulating products that are dangerous for our health, you would have to begin with removing all FLOURIDE products from shelves and water supplies and removing the eugenic label of "Heath Product" back to the label "Toxin-Drug-Contaminant" that flouride has had for the last 200 years. You would also have to remove the Weather Modificaton Treaty between Canada and the U.S. signed by Jeanne sauvé in 1975 and stop our government and the U.S. government from spraying aluminum oxide and thorium and barium and epoxy resin over our heads daily.

It has become painfully evident that none of the Ministers on the hill are here to represent the citizens of Canada, but rather Europian bankers-the Queen-and the United Nations, and are only concerned with keeping their jobs within the "Corporation known as Canada". In case no one on the hill has read the "Charter of Rights and Freedoms", it begins with the supremacy of God and the rule of law. Rule of law is US...THE CITIZENS...not the judges politicians and police. WE ARE ALL EQUAL, and none of you have the right to make decisions for us without public consoltation. There has been no referendum on Bill C6 or Bill C51 or any other recent 'war on terror" laws passed. Just remember you will be accountable when this is over, regardless of how much life and freedoms are lost.

Brian Pearce
Canadian Action Party Stand on Bill C6

For Immediate Release
October 16, 2009

CAP Policy Opposes Bill C6

The Canadian Action Party recently became the only federal political party to vehemently oppose bill C6,
an act representing the safety of consumer products, by passing urgent policy to protect Canadians against this unconstitutional bill.
Bill C6 is a regurgitation of last years failed bills C51 and C52, and if passed in the next few days will be the ultimate blow to the constitutional rights of Canadians.
Canadian Action Party, Policy Committee Chair Tim McCormick states, “ Bill C6 is a sham. Canadians should wonder why the only thing the Liberals and Conservatives can agree on is to extinguish the flame of our civil rights. Bill C6 negates the law of trespass, denies due process and steps on the Constitutional rights of Canadians. All in all this Orwellian Bill is bad news for Canadians.”

The Canadian Action Party feels that along with many clearly identified problems with the bill,
such as expanding Health Canada’s powers to search private property without a warrant and
seize private property without Court supervision, that the ultimate betrayal of Canadians lies in the bills ability to deprive citizens of due process in any area arbitrarily added to the schedules by the ministers without taking it to parliament.
If C6 passes, Canadians will be subject to the whim of the government without legal recourse.

Dee Nicholson, National Communication Director of Freedom in Canadian Health Care, a member organization of Canadians for Health Freedom and frequent contributor to voiced her concerns as follows, "What people don't realize is that the clauses of bills, once enacted into law, are considered to have been voted on by Parliament, and thus may be moved by the Minister involved to be incorporated into other legislation by a simple regulatory change. That means, in terms of
Bill C6, that whatever rights are removed from those who would import "hazardous" products may also be removed from others; what is taken from one may be taken from all, and under C6, "offenders" are guilty because the ministry says so, and have no recourse to a court of law. This Bill has the potential to, and in fact does, destroy the rule of law in Canada, and it must not be passed."

Bill C-6 has been fast-tracked in the Senate by removing administrative rules that would have added
months to the time required for readings and passage of this legislation. Why would the Canadian
government rush through such a controversial bill, if it was truly in Canadians best interests, and why
suspend the right of due process?

Melissa Brade, Interim Leader of the Canadian Action Party, states, “ Bill C-6 is an egregious act by our
government against the Canadian people. Canadians must understand the ramifications of this bill which has the ability to severely limit their health options, their access to natural health products, and nutrient rich foods by moving individual clauses into other legislation. What is even more un-nerving is the timing of this bill, which will be passed just as the engineered Swine-Flu ‘Pandemic’ may be upgraded to a level 6 threat by the World Health Organization (WHO). The W.H.O. under such conditions has the ability to collapse governments, authorize mandatory vaccinations, declare martial law, and force compliance. It appears that C-6 could go hand in hand with completely absolving our constitutional rights under a orchestrated event being used to create a police-state and amassed profits for the pharmaceutical giants.”

Mrs. Brade is concerned about bill C-6's connections to the Codex Alimentarius, a for-profit World Trade Organization agreement. Codex (among other things) will put Natural health products under risk assessment, keeping doses 100x weaker than needed to be effective, thereby eliminating adequate dose nutritional supplements.
All countries must be Codex compliant by Dec, 31st, 2009, or risk losing international trade disagreements in a world court. Mrs. Brade sees C-6 as Canada’s primer for full Codex Compliance and
a crippling blow to effective and safe natural health options which compete for profits with our government's supporters in big-Parma.

The Canadian Action Party is urging Canadians to contact the Senate and their MPs adding their voices
to the multitudes opposition to this unconstitutional and extremely questionable bill.

For more info Contact-

Melissa Brade
Interim Leader, The Canadian Action Party

Dee Nicholson
National Communication Director, Freedom in Canadian Health Care,
Member organization of Canadians for Health Freedom


Wayne Prante
Canadians For Health Freedom
web 2.0 -> web 3.0 (there's a reward for that)

you BOUGHT that? hello, renters! All your dvd players belong to us! (we changed the def of property when you weren't looking.)

AND your e-book, dynamic editing versions are mine too.. (freedom of speech took a low blow and it didn't get ref'd)

PLUS presumtion of guilt, (that mp3 is a copy of a pop-tart song. So We'll just bust you for porn, child molesting, smuggling, counterfeiting ... just to be sure, eh?)

hey, you also have an alligator on that shirt pocket...



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